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单词 slicker
释义  Related topics: Clothesslick·er /ˈslɪkə $ -ər/ noun [countable] American English  DCCa coat made of smooth shiny material that keeps out the rain 油布雨衣,防水衣Examples from the Corpusslicker• Ballet definitely didn't jell with the image of super-macho, cool-as-ice City slicker.• Roadshows get slicker - at the fun ones shareholders enter quizzes and win safaris.• My plastic slicker had snagged and torn.• Another kneaded the balled-up rain slicker in his hands.• This lovely pin stripe looks a lot sexier on our slinky slicker than stretched across some tycoon's big tum.• This is another annoying trend among some of the slicker glossies: leaving page numbers out whenever they feel like it.• We were the slickers finding loopholes in the law to turn criminals back on the streets.slick·er nounChineseSyllable   Corpus of a coat smooth made that keeps shiny material




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