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单词 Touching
1. Yesterday once more,memory,raining,snowing smiling are touching my heart.
2. Touching something soft, I sprang quickly back.
3. The piper's performance is touching.
4. The two wires were touching.
5. It was a touching movie.
6. The thought of him touching her filled her with deep loathing.
7. She is most powerful and touching when she writes about the student movement in the old days.
8. When touching something hot,he whipped his hand away at once.
9. The reporter raised a question touching the truthfulness of his statements.
10. We are rather inhibited about touching each other.
11. Hey, leave off! I hate people touching my hair.
12. One of the branches was just touching thewater.
13. He gave a touching valediction at graduation.
14. I find his devotion to her rather touching.
15. Touching the wires means instant death.
16. "You're burning up!" she said, touching his forehead.
17. We sat there with our shoulders touching.
18. He felt a hand touching his shoulder.
19. The speedometer was touching 90.
20. Switch off the electric current before touching that machine.
21. His devotion to his wife and family is touching.
22. Their faces were almost touching.
23. It was a touching sight.
24. He addressed the students touching future plans.
25. The virus is not passed on through touching or shaking hands.
26. My fingers are beginning to prick after touching that paste.
27. I hate touching raw meat. I just get skeeved out .
28. There was a touching air of innocence about the boy.
29. The way she looked after her little sister was really touching.
30. She pushed the two bookcases together until they touched/were touching.
1. Touching something soft, I sprang quickly back.
2. The piper's performance is touching.
3. It was a touching movie.
4. The thought of him touching her filled her with deep loathing.
5. She is most powerful and touching when she writes about the student movement in the old days.
6. When touching something hot,he whipped his hand away at once.
7. The reporter raised a question touching the truthfulness of his statements.
8. He gave a touching valediction at graduation.
9. It was a touching sight.
10. There was a touching air of innocence about the boy.
11. The wires must be insulated from touching each other, with a rubber covering.
31. Be particularly fastidious about washing your hands before touching food.
32. The fruits should be well spaced out so that they are not touching each other.
33. At the time, the unemployment rate was touching 10 percent and rising.
34. The sun was just touching the tops of the mountains.
35. His finger was within a hair's breadth of touching the alarm.
36. The wires must be insulated from touching each other, with a rubber covering.
37. Her dress was so long that it was touching the ground.
38. She showed a touching faith in my ability to resolve any and every difficulty.
39. His coat was so long it was almost touching the floor.
40. He was accused of touching up one of his students.
41. It was a touching story that moved many of us to tears.
42. She was busy touching up her make-up in the mirror.
43. Her story is the touching tale of a wife who stood by the husband she loved.
44. We took another shower and fell asleep, barely touching.
45. He remembered the shoulders, narrow(), somehow touching.
46. He put his hand out, touching his father's cheek.
47. Touching the Queen was a breach of royal protocol.
48. "What are you thinking?" she asked, touching his arm.
49. His excitement and dedication were transparent and touching.
50. Sonia shared a very touching story with the group.
51. Their knees were touching .
52. He bestowed a precious gift, Touching Mankind's soul world-wide.
53. Feingold will give evidence touching on the current case.
54. The acceptability of touching fellow humans also varies.
55. They are lying side by side, their legs touching.
55. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
56. The speedometer was touching 120 mph.
57. Wash your hands thoroughly after touching raw meat.
58. Fox gave a touching tribute to his late father.
59. They stood together, barely touching.
60. Soap opera had come to life within touching distance.
61. Yet the figure was still beyond touching distance.
62. His beastly gloating hands touching me.
63. Anyone touching him is severely burned.
64. What it must be like! How touching.
65. She went to the ballot box touching her hat.
66. She has to be funny, touching and innately elegant.
67. Sentimental, yes, but ultimately very touching.
68. He drew me closer until our bodies were touching.
69. I closed the book, touching it gently.
70. Childhood memory is however typically family-centred, touching only haphazardly on the unattached.
71. He lay head towards the door and at an angle of forty-five degrees from the bed, his shoes touching the end.
72. Thinking about hands, Pete's hands on bare skin, his lips touching bare skin.
73. It premiered in 1986, and is as taut now, as touching, witty, and provocative as it seemed then.
74. Alma made them string clothesline around so she could stretch blanketing over him and down to the floor without its touching him.
75. I could stretch both arms toward the sides of the chamber without touching them.
76. Give a different student the saucepan and the spoon and ask her to stand close to the bowl without touching it.
77. I find it very disturbing and unwelcome to have you go touching me as you do.
78. He found her solicitude touching but Modigliani dismissed her, calling her a milksop.
79. Avoid transferring allergens to your eyes by touching them with your fingers or gloves.
80. In a touching ode to the team concept, last month Warrior guard Mookie Blaylock skipped a team practice to play golf.
81. Particular characters are high-lighted by a touching arrow whereas important regions are indicated by an arrow slightly removed.
82. E-e started kissing her crotch, very gently, his lips barely touching the fabric.
83. I came home from school as I had arrived: fast, my feet barely touching the pavement.
84. This mode of touching, unlike the previous ones, had the unmistakable air of a personal communication.
85. His hair was all tousled, a scarf round his neck,(http:///touching.html) touching his braces.
86. He pulled back her chair and Evelyn sat down, her shoulder touching his arm for a second.
87. She made touching things for the children called mock devil's-food-cakes, concocted out of cocoa, golden syrup, carrots and soya flour.
88. That didn't stop my old man pocketing the money, touching his cap and then heading off towards the Black Bull.
89. I frankly became rather absorbed in the film, which I found very touching.
90. And heaped up in one corner, almost touching the ceiling, was a huge pile of junk.
91. He can not restrain himself from touching my hair, my body, my face, no matter how public the place.
92. Ryker vaulted the barrier and ran after them, slipping one hand into his jacket, touching the hilt of the knife.
93. It's like an Electric Ballroom gig: rowdy, bawdy, hands outstretched, fingers touching, bodies crushing.
94. She makes her evolution, from neutral to fully committed, a credible, touching experience.
95. How touching it was that Maman should embody such artistry and so simple a heart!
96. I can't get near him, you know, not within touching distance.
97. Isobel ran from one to another, touching the gleaming coachwork, the glittering chrome.
98. He closed the crocodile's eyes by touching them with a stick, then cut the snarled rope away with his knife.
99. Put the cards face down on the table so that the edges are touching.
100. They are protected from too much human contact because of studies showing that touching increased their levels of stress.
101. I was standing with my back to the aviary, my jacket almost touching the wire mesh, still puzzled.
102. Explanation Put the hammer down on the table with the wooden handle touching the edge.
103. Last week, I received a touching postcard from a recently divorced friend in Bonn thanking me for a letter.
104. The boy gazed back sweetly, forbearing from touching anything, and daring anyone to challenge his intentions.
105. When he motioned for her to take the wooden spoon from him she did so, avoiding touching him at all costs.
106. He gets a thrill out of touching and feeling good cloth, especially silk.
107. Farrell reached inside his jacket, his fingers touching the butt of the.45 in his shoulder holster.
108. She recalled how hard it was to keep from touching the woman on the bus.
109. Now reverse the position by rotating the hands but keeping them touching.
110. His swollen, inflamed face had become unbearable now; he could neither touch it, nor refrain from touching it.
111. Melanie felt a lump in her throat; it was a touching and whole-hearted welcome.
112. Right away he felt the strands of a certain kind of nauseated pity touching him.
113. There was something very touching, Ena, thought, about a kiddy with gaps.
114. Men in the North still drink the most with East Anglian males hardly touching a drop.
115. The fingers touching the back of her neck were stronger now-the strokes bolder as though Baby Suggs were gathering strength.
116. Since those legs happen to be touching the ground,() the body moves forward.
117. Even barely touching him, she could feel the taut power of the muscles beneath her hand.
118. Her driving instructor was a disgusting lecherous old devil -- always touching her knee.
119. But in its depiction of brotherly love it achieves much that is touching and unexpected.
120. He did it nimbly, his feet scarcely touching the narrow steel treads.
121. Watching him, Riven felt the return of bonhomie and contemplated touching Madra's hair next time she came round.
122. The care with which Christians had treasured their Bibles, prayer books and hymn books was very touching.
123. Simply put, it is a means of generating internal power so enormous one can fell an opponent without actually touching him.
124. Squat thrusts Start from a crouched position with your hands touching the floor at either side of your feet.
125. I lay my head beside him, touching one cheek to him and the other to Clarisa.
126. Even in the darkness she caught the sweep of his eyes touching her naked shoulders.
127. In fact, the mere touching of an affected ear can be so painful as to interfere with sleep.
128. He fielded in the shortest of positions, sometimes almost touching the batsman, and without helmet, visor or shin guards.
129. That Banbridge put themselves within touching distance of their first title since 1988 owes much to their battling qualities.
130. Chances are, a Boeing jetliner is touching down at New York right now.
131. Stephen moved back to his side of the bed without speaking, and lay still, without touching her.
132. The goal was to jump over the rubber string one hundred times without touching it.
133. But now, with unemployment touching 10 percent and rising, undeclared work and workers have become a political scapegoat.
134. He was sprawled on the floor, watching the innocent little girl on the test card with a touching devotion.
135. Touching ground at Tempelhof, the big plane taxied to a long line of C-54s waiting for unloading.
136. Sultan Abdul-Malik sacked Powlus as time ran out, touching off a wild celebration.
137. Giant Hercules transport aircraft were touching down at Aldergrove Airport every few minutes.
138. He took a final step and crouched down only inches from touching her.
139. Authority radiated from him, touching and enfolding all, intimidating and protecting all.
140. His hands swept restlessly over her body, touching, stroking, his fingers igniting fires wherever they roamed.
141. Note over-large handle A plastic shroud protects the user from accidentally touching the hot metal nozzle.
142. The towers of Manhattan seemed almost to be touching the cold grey sky.
143. And if not, yet I will not spare of what I have sworn touching Parfois.
144. In 1940, for a brief moment, the democracy stopped touching its hat.
145. The aircraft swooped in to land,(http:///touching.html) almost touching the little buildings of Kowloon.
146. He was sleeping with one arm encircling his head, small podge of fingers just touching his cheek.
147. This is clearly illustrated by the example of a person touching a hot stove.
148. Quickly she drew back, for it was like touching a candle, burning her.
149. And the timing of the touching scene at the Richard Nixon Library played out before cameras was no accident.
150. And if the herd is threatened, they will gallop off together or maybe huddle together, touching each other for reassurance.
151. Every time it moved it froze, one paw outstretched, not quite touching the ground.
152. For years, I fended off these touching but unnecessary acts of charity.
153. Strong fibres were weakened by touching while weak fibres were improved in strength if the surface were removed chemically.
154. Trim the pads if necessary with a scalpel to prevent them touching any neighbouring pads or tracks.
155. This he would find touching beyond anything: Sien brought to rest, at peace in a thrilling silence.
156. In this day of the lawsuit, touching a student is often actively discouraged by school administrators.
157. Audrey had arrived late, and her twittering, terrified, inept chatter was the most touching touch of all.
158. From the mountains, from the plains, from far-off villages, they came to be sanctified by seeing or touching him.
159. Now try to make a line through the maze without touching the boundaries of the maze.
160. Such graves, despite their isolation and neglect, are very touching.
161. It is both logical and touching, and relieves the movie of the awkwardness apparent in the earlier efforts.
162. Ships steamed, highways snaked, houses clustered, all, from this height, orderly, and in their smallness touching.
163. Edward's attempts to manipulate seemed both touching and, eventually, fruitless.
164. Charles rocked with the motion of the coach, falling gently against Sarah, their shoulders and legs continually touching.
165. I notice George lightly touching the temporal lobe, exploring for scar tissue once more.
166. The 113-year-old international date line was drawn arbitrarily and designed to avoid touching land.
167. They also presented us with a park bench from South Point Elementary, which included a plaque with a very touching message.
168. Tell them that the competition is to see who can go through the obstacles blindfold without touching them.
169. The silk of his robe touching her bare skin sent a terrible heat washing through her.
170. Suddenly the humour, the absurd, tender, touching poetry of the whole thing, made me smile.
171. The thought of him touching me just makes my skin crawl.
172. We are touching here on the sensitive area of competitive tendering and of privatisation.
173. In the easier version for younger children, they are freed by touching their outstretched arms.
174. Which is sweet and touching, as you can imagine, but not really much practical help.
175. A bit of a bombshell, Vi distracts Betty's hard-won suitor Hugh, touching off a set of sibling sparring.
176. There have also been cases where children have experienced food poisoning after touching farm animals.
177. But then, at other moments they would display the utmost delicacy in kissing a palm or touching a face.
178. The sun was huge: a glaring red ball which was almost touching the tops of the distant range of mountains.
179. Always work on a earthed surface and touch the ground plane before touching any components.
180. She had a head of flowing auburn hair and carried herself in a self-possessed manner touching on the arrogant.
181. At home, she wanders around, perpetually touching and picking up things.
182. Signs of the disorder include picking at the skin, frequently touching the perceived problem area, excessive dieting or exercise.
183. There is lots of touching, and I think touching, in our society, is a real no-no.
184. This, with his stupid loyalty and his awkward maleness, she found touching.
185. A testimony may be fascinating but at the same time quite irrelevant to the basic questions touching on faith and doubt.
186. Touching the statue by the door for luck, as thousands had done before her, Leonie strolled into the salon.
187. The couple - Mr. and Mrs. Reeves - were both of very short stature, hardly touching five feet in height.
188. There are some hilarious and touching stories along the way.
189. In identifying and responding to real needs he did not shrink from touching the painful spots.
190. In my judgment, however, this is not of any importance as touching the liability of the defendant under his covenants.
191. It had lasted longer, but then she had still been touching him.
192. Smile has the magic of touching, softening and stealing the heart. Dr T.P.Chia 
193. There is a funny, touching reconciliation scene, and then Michael drops his bombshell.
194. Loveless is at her most touching, expressing a sense of loss while maintaining an optimism about the future.
195. She lies back across the bed, her feet touching the floor.
196. We will be touching down in about an hour's time.
197. It was touching to see them together. They were obviously still in love after thirty years of marriage.
198. She circled Tallis twice, staring down at her, not touching, not acknowledging her beyond the hard, contemptuous stare.
199. The scene at the graveyard was more than usually touching.
200. Although communicating by touch is the most primitive mode, there are culturally determined touching patterns for adults.
201. I tried to convey my sympathy by touching her hand.
202. I stared for a long time, without touching anything, wondering why any of it warranted a protective strand of hair.
203. Touching the welt, Howard tried to blink back tears before going inside.
204. She is swept away, four people touching her hair and costume.
205. Deborah and I washed the dishes, then sat beside each other at the kitchen table,(http:///touching.html) our legs almost touching.
206. Even her hands were touching something pleasant - silky, soft; she moved her fingers luxuriously, then slowly consciousness returned.
207. In this way the uterus is removed without touching any surfaces.
208. He found the lieutenant colonel, although only touching fifty, almost impossibly grand.
209. Here, the guards have a habit of touching the women.
210. We were to imagine a beautiful, white cloud gently touching our faces.
211. Then he bowed low, touching his forehead almost to the board.
212. She looked up, and was glad to see the sunlight touching the chimneys.
213. She began to thrust at him with her body; their mingled breaths merged, their open mouths met, tongues touching.
214. Any insect touching it becomes inextricably stuck and very often buried within it as more resin flows around it.
215. The apple trees covered the whole orchard and were very close together, most of their branches touching each other.
216. Miss Sumida stands near, almost touching me, for most of the conversation.
217. This guy sitting behind me started playing with my hair and touching me up.
218. The soft touching and smooching stirred him back to life.
219. Luke stopped trying before she did, barely touching her and becoming increasingly uncommunicative.
220. She examined the body as best she could without touching it, its contorted features being a suitable disincentive to touch it.
221. He neutralized the obscenity by touching the tip of one finger.
222. In all of this Boy was trying very hard, so very hard that it was touching to watch.
223. It was a touching scene when old Mr Adams received his leaving present.
224. The purpose of this relief is to permit the bobbin case hook to pass the needle without touching it.
225. The boy had turned on to his side, the fingers of one hand lightly touching his neck.
226. He saw them as quaint, or innocent, or touching.
227. David's undying love for his wife is very touching.
228. The setting sun was touching the hilltop.
229. She was touching the dressing gingerly with both hands.
230. Rohlee is touching a dinosaur poop!
231. I'm touching your little toe. - No!
232. Illuminated in the soft lights of the deserted entresol, the two pyramids pointed at one another, their bodies perfectly aligned, their tips almost touching.
233. Students had hands on learning experience of the local ecology by touching tide pool animals, turning over rock reviling California Newt and a beach scavenger hunt.
234. To present shortcoming of TP801-A single board computer, the author pointed out a kind of simple reform project without touching on any hardware circuit.
235. Finally,(http://) a commonly - held superstition is that of touching wood for luck.
236. This was a very touching ceremony and a big restitution for us.
237. Grab your tissues and find out in this touching weeper.
238. The story of Jimmy Mitchell, a man whose selfless act proved heroic, grows even more touching with the response of the citizens of Wabash to his disability.
239. We stand in awe before Michelangelo's touching sculpture, La Pieta , which depicts Mary holding the dead Christ in her arms.
240. Because it is such a sensitive area, touching the neck is both a sign of affection and a turn-on for most people.
241. Towards the end of the first trimester, your fetus is so large that filled the entire uterus, if you gently touching the upper edge of your pubic bone, you will touch the uterus.
242. By September 3, 1929, it had risen more than sixfold, touching 381.2.
243. Customers sometimes foolishly test his handiwork by touching the sharpened edge.
244. Yes, Churchill's words are very eloquent, very touching, very spiritual.
245. After thirty - seven hours in the air, he was touching down in Salt Lake City.
246. Everybody is touching truncal lash mark, mixed feelings of grief and joy, shed excited tear.
247. This big-bang finish — which includes a topsy-turvy image that poignantly suggests the world has been turned on its axis for good — is sloppy, at times visually incoherent, yet touching.
248. Matrix : [ holds Sully upside - down over a cliff by his leg ] Listen, loyalty is very touching.
249. Touching a single live conductor has no effect if the body is isolated.
250. Beneficial Designing and Beneficial Game are two systematic cornerstones that touching on the pattern of beneficial equability of harmonious society .
251. As for Stager's problem of employees touching her belly, lots of women have the same problem.
252. Avoid touching chickens or their faeces when buying live chickens . Do not blow their vent.
253. It is important to recognize that (the)... prohibition against sexual harassment does not extend to legitimate nonsexual touching or other nonsexual conduct.
254. Rinse water of 30 ℃, then put proper amount of softener to make the sweater soft - touching.
255. Aouda confirmed the Parsee guide's narrative of her touching history.
256. This self-spread or autoinoculation can be prevented by washing your hands and not touching the cold sore.
257. This paper introduces application of Touching screen of Hitech and PLC of Matsushita FP1 in the Comber, gives the configuration of hardware and software design of the system.
258. Cover with foil, tenting in center to prevent cheese from touching foil.
259. The host is industry computer with touching screen. The center of inferior system is programming logic controller.
260. Parental love is so touching and at bottom so childish.
261. The paper introduces not touching single supersonic probe level measurement theory of operation, describes sort of factors that influences on measurement and install claim.
262. However, the man-machine conversation is still rest on manual acting, such as key-press, touching screen and so on, the man-machine conversation has not been realized actually.
263. His correspondences and meeting with Albert Speer, a high-ranking Nazi official, was very touching.
264. She writes about women's idealisation of men, touching briefly on the topic of women's fantasy life.
265. OBJECTIVE To explore the effect of growth andand jaundice and sleep by neonate and touching.
265. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
266. This young man's manner was very inconsiderate, touching on rudeness.
267. The two cars just managed to scrape by without touching.
268. They discovered that when the nanotubes were just touching the glue, they sucked it up by capillary action, the same physical mechanism by which plants draw water from the soil.
269. The machine friendly contact surface, all operations complete on the touching type tablet.
270. The software design of touching key controller is composed of detecting program of touch sense key, key code transmitting program and monitoring program of battery voltage.
271. Lower - class character are included either as comic butts or faithful forelock - touching adjuncts of the main characters.
272. The tactile sensation of digging into matter with one's fingers, discovering its substance beneath form and color gives one the illusion of touching the very essence of matter.
273. His own toast was discursive and overlong, though rather touching.
274. "I don't know how long it's going to take to heal, " said Zeng Defang, 46, touching a leg wrapped in a bloodstained bandage and swollen to three times its normal size.
275. With a rainbow touching the sky over Westminster, the Conservative leader David Cameron set off to kiss hands with the Queen and that arrived as prime minister in Downing Street.
276. And touching clavier method, touching clavier parts and touching clavier self-assurance to sound all has the important influence.
277. Touching screen and man-machine interaction are installed to auto display production breakdown and parameter.
278. Aim: To study the effects of swimming and touching on jaundice of the newborn.
279. Ever in my life have I sought thee with my songs. It was they who led me from door to door, and with them have I felt about me, searching and touching my world.
280. Jessica obeyed, incidentally touching at her lovely hair and looking at a little jewel - faced watch.
281. Women can experience sexual pleasure and/or orgasm without knowing anything about their anatomy, or indeed, without touching any part of it.
282. If plastic is dragging on the clamp frame, slow down the BFI rate or the closing speed of the respective platens. If touching the side heater make sure the heaters are not bent.
283. Features: certain width coil paper automatic insertion to armature open slot, automatic graduation, automatic cutting off, PLC and touching screen operation.
284. grows even more touching with the response of the citizens of Wabash to his disability.




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