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单词 Isotropic
1. The world comes to appear homogeneous, isotropic, decentered.
2. In isotropic materials only 2 elastic constants are required.
3. For an isotropic material G and K are the two independent elastic constants.
4. The isotropic bile samples were subsequently used to measure the nucleation time and the relative distribution of vesicular cholesterol.
5. The situation is very different in a homogeneous, isotropic, curved space with K negative.
6. The earth is considered as isotropic to wave propagation.
7. Here we give the equations for the isotropic solids.
8. The ground state entanglement in an isotropic three-qubit transverse XY model with energy current is analyzed.
9. A homogeneous isotropic thin plate, on which the surface force acts and there are many actuators of discrete distribution, is considered.
10. Shakedown theorem under isotropic hardening is presented and proved in this paper. Namely, shakedown state is always achievable for structure of isotropic hardening materials under cycling loads.
11. Another expression of the radial matrix elements for isotropic harmonic oscillator is obtained by using progressional expression of the generalized Laguerre polynomial and the partial integration.
12. An uniform distribution, isotropic thin plate, on which both surface there are discrete distribution piezoelectric actuators, is considered.
13. Our factory produces both isotropic and anisotropic flexible and plastic magnets.
14. It was realized very early on that interactions involving isotropic stellar winds had serious inherent problems involving energy.
15. First consider displacements in a flat three-dimensional space, which is one sort of isotropic homogeneous space.
16. Analogues of these elastic relations apply for viscoelastic materials as for the case of isotropic elasticity considered before.
17. The interaction between the shield and segments and transverse isotropic characteristics of the segment structure are taken into consideration in the model.
18. The effects of baking temperature, baking time and prestrain on the bake hardenability and dent resistance of isotropic sheet steel and BH sheet steel produced by batch annealing were studied.
19. Thus, in the framework of generalized standard materials, the damage evolution equation for isotropic elastic damaged materials has been derived./isotropic.html
20. A two-dimensional (2D) physical model of reactive ion etching (RIE) which includes isotropic and anisotropic components is presented. The physical model is analyzed.
21. In the present analysis torsional oscillation of a rigid disk in an infinite transversely isotropic elastic cylinder has been considered.
22. In the analysis, anchor age circumscription is to be treated as orthogonal anisotropic medium and the wall rock exceeding the anchorage cirrs umscription as isotropic medium.
23. The results show that relative temperature differences between the linearly anisotropic scattering and isotropic scattering media are approximately proportional to the scattering asymmetry parameter.
24. The various anisotropic spin interactions which can be represented by the rank two tensors are decomposed into isotropic, symmetric, and antisymmetric constituents.
25. In half - space the investigation of dynamic characteristic of axisymmetric transversely isotropic circular and annular plate finished.
26. The expressions derived here are valid for any statistically isotropic log hydraulic conductivity correlation function.
27. Measurements of the impedance of a cylindrical antenna in an isotropic plasma and a comparison with theory have been made. The length of the antenna is comparable to the free space length.
28. A new kind of materials applied to the artificial heart valve, rutile-TiO2 thin film on low temperature isotropic pyrolysis carbon (LTI-carbon) was deposited through the enhanced ion beam approach.
29. For the laminated rock body it can be determined as horizontally isotropic continuous media in FEA.
30. MISO option uses the von Mises yield criteria coupled with an isotropic work hardening assumption.
31. For the seismic data with large incidence angles, there are large differences between the computation results from AVA isotropic approximation formula and that from AVA anisotropic precise formula.
32. A material with plastic prestrain shows the property of strain hardening such as isotropic hardening, kinematic hardening or mixed hardening.
33. However, coal is usually assumed to be an isotropic medium in the traditional coal seismic exploration, and the impacts of fractures on seam are not taken into account.
34. For the sake of simplicity only a material with isotropic properties will be considered.
35. This paper provides with a general solution for a hollow cylinder made of a transversely isotropic and functionally graded piezoelectric material, polarized in the radial direction.
36. With the matrices recurrence method the analytical formulas to study the displacement and stresses of transversely isotropic layers, subjected to surface loading are derived.
37. It leads to one simple equation , which, in the isotropic case, is the bipotential equation.
38. As certain intermediate results of the calculation for eddy currents in isotropic medium are the same for each iteration, not much extra computation time is required.
39. It is indicated that the ordered do mains grow continuously during aging. The antiphase boundaries are isotropic.
40. Microemulsion is an optically isotropic, transparent, and thermodynamically stable system formed spontaneously from surfactants, cosurfactants, oil and water or aqueous solution.
41. Are gamma-ray Bursts due to Isotropic Fireballs or Cylindrical Jets?
42. Referring the isotropic dissipation function presented by Collins, an isotropic constitutive model is established.
43. It can be applied to multiband design under vertical or oblique incidence to lossless isotropic media of a number of dielectric and for metallic layers.
44. Dark lines and a narrow spontaneous line may be produced in isotropic PBG.
45. Some strata caused by folds and uprush may tilt, TI media will turn to so-called tilted transversely isotropic media (TTI media), for the symmetry axis of TI media is no longer horizontal or vertical.
46. A mathematical relationship between the strength and porosity of highly porous isotropic three- dimensional reticulated metal foams under equal- speed biaxial tension was derived.
47. A transversely isotropic medium model is established for the rocks.
48. A transfer matrix differential equation is derived from the three-dimensional equilibrium equations and constitutive equations of a homogeneous, isotropic linear elastic body.
49. Two fluid transport laws corresponding to isotropic and anisotropic permeability are available. The fluid-flow null model is also provided to specify impermeable materials in the flow domain.
50. In the case of isotropic consolidation,(http:///isotropic.html) the effect of ambient pressure on the increment of the cumulated axial strain was determined by the vibration frequency of wave load.
51. The size of photo - isotropic unit in macerals of coke depends on the rank of coal.
52. The uniqueness theorem in the linear isotropic nonuniform medium is proved.
53. By relying on dispersion equation, optimal conditions for negative refraction in the interface between isotropic medium and anisotropic crystal are investigated.
54. The invention relates to a universal safe lock cylinder, which comprises a lock body (1), a lock cylinder (3), isotropic magnet steel (9) and anisotropic magnet steel (13).
55. Combining perimeter constraints and the solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) law, the optimal distributions of multiphase materials are obtained by elimination of checkerboards.
56. Solid spherical harmonic method was used to solve the creep of a rat polymorphonuclear neutrophil modeled as a isotropic and homogeneous spherical solid under small deformation.
57. Using the fluid model and making the plasma as isotropic medium, the microwave field in a cylindrical cavity is obtained.
58. It has such characteristics that reserve scale is big, produces much, buried deeply and non - isotropic strongly.
59. The statics intensity criterion of forming scrimber network blank pressed with uniform load is explored under the isotropic hypothesis form horizonal view initially.
60. We offer the simulation algorithm, and analyse the characters of elastic wave fields in anisotropic medium and isotropic medium respectively.
61. In this paper, we deduced the 2D transverse isotropic porous medium wave propagation equations, and used the finite difference method to calculate.
62. This equivalence is implemented through the introduction of a mixed constant containing the Poisson ratios of the transversely isotropic medium.
63. Isotropic bi - materials with high comprehensive properties are widely used in engineering fields.
64. Compared with isotropic materials, the composite material has evident advantages.
65. Finally, the shakedown problems of rotating disks of such materials under isotropic and kinematic hardening conditions are discussed.
66. Taking advantage of tensor, succinct writing and artistic form, it discusses generalized Hook's Law from the anisotropic linear elastomer to the isotropic linear elastomer.
67. By use of coordinate transformation, the multilayered anisotropic medium is changed into a homogeneous isotropic medium and a theoretical T-D equation of seismic reflection wave is derived.
68. The general equation of crack opening displacement in transversely isotropic body is easy to be obtained by means of the method in this paper.
69. Two kinds of magnetic field distribution are discussed and the result show magnetizing current on interface can be replaced with discrete mirror image current for uniform, linear and isotropic medium.
70. Uniform etching allows for an efficient method of reducing a critical dimension of an electrically active structure by simple isotropic etch.
71. Isotropic component of noise are presented in the horizontal direction of sea surface.
72. The transmission condition of complex geometrical boundaries in transversely isotropic media is presented based on character.
73. On the basis of a hypothesis that the turbulent flow in a tangentially fired boiler furnace assumes an isotropic character obtained is the eigenfrequency of various points within the furnace.
74. Are Gamma - ray Bursts due to Isotropic Fireballs or Cylindrical Jets?
75. The single crystal brittle optics materials are the an isotropic material. In the shear process, the shear angle change with the changes of machining orientation.
76. A hemispherical structure of the inner core is well-documented: an isotropic eastern hemisphere with fast seismic velocities contrasts with a slower, anisotropic western hemisphere2–4.
77. P wave radiation patterns in transversely isotropic media are analyzed by using analytical and numerical methods.
78. The magnetic force of Isotropic Rubber Magnets is lower than Anisotropic Rubber Magnets.
79. The ideal transformers in a network equate mode match condition of the interface between the isotropic and biaxial medium.
79. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
80. A mechanical analytical model is put forward for the three-dimensional isotropic reticulated porous metals under biaxial tension according to a simplified structural model in this study.
81. The method can be used to both crystal crystal and isotropic medium crystal interfaces.
82. Single - shot multiwave - multicomponent records are acquired on physical models of homogeneous isotropic stratified and oblique media with both in -line and out-of-line methods.
83. AVA inversion methods for lithology parameters mostly are based on the approximation formula of the isotropic theory, and only P-P wave data is used.
84. With operator method, we factorize the wave equation of transversely isotropic media in F-K domain, aPPly the residual theorem to get the analytical solution of the Green's Function.
85. Even in isotropic media, reflection events of these waves can still be obtained in records of various components when using out-of-line method on plane model.
86. As well as the light diffusing out in an isotropic fashion, notice the specular highlight created on the grape stem from the light scattering inside the grape.
87. The maximum deflection is calculated in case of isotropic, uniformly loaded circular plate and equidistant bearing points.
88. The recurrence formula for radial martrix elements of two-dimensional isotropic harmonic oscillator are derived.
89. The results show that the sensor is decoupled and isotropic.
90. Anisotropic formation is modeled as a transversely isotropic two phase medium with the symmetric principal axis perpendicular to the borehole axis.
91. Collision statistics in an isotropic particle - laden turbulent suspension.
92. Isotropy generators satisfying some special conditions are first proposed and then used to develop isotropic manipulators.
93. A state transfer matrix differential equation was derived from the three-dimensional equilibrium equations and constitutive equations of a homogeneous, isotropic linear elastic body.
94. They point out that the WMAP data clearly show that there are far more hot and cold spots at smaller angular scales, and that it is therefore wrong to assume that the microwave sky is isotropic.
95. The main structures in floating products are carbon nano-onions and irregular polygon particles, and they grew from isotropic carbon particles near gas bubble wall.
96. The present paper offers two proofs of the representation theorem for linear, isotropic tensor functions of a skew argument. The first proof is new.
97. Process and result of deriving are illuminated that the isotropic medium has birefringence with external magnetic field.
98. In this paper, the embedded crack in transversely isotropic body is studied by means of the singular integral equation method.




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