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单词 prayer
释义  Related topics: Religionprayer /preə $ prer/ ●●● S3 W3 noun  1  [countable]RRPRAY words that you say when praying to God or gods 祈祷文,祷辞 Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time. 在这艰难时期我们时刻思念你,为你祈祷。 The children said their prayers and got into bed. 孩子们做完祷告后上床睡觉了。 God has answered your prayer. 上帝应许了你的祷告。prayer for a prayer for the dead 为死者的祈祷 → Lord's Prayer2  [uncountable]RRPRAY when someone prays, or the regular habit of praying 祈祷(的习惯) the power of prayer 祈祷的力量 a prayer meeting 祈祷会in prayer The congregation knelt in prayer. 会众跪下祈祷。3  [countable]WANTHOPE a wish or hope that something will happen 愿望,希望 Her prayer was that she would pass her exams. 她的愿望是自己能通过考试。4  prayers [plural]PRAY a regular religious meeting in a church, school etc, at which people pray together 〔教堂、学校等的〕祷告会,祈祷式 Prayers are at eight o'clock. 祈祷式8点钟举行。5  not have a prayer (of doing something) informalCHANCE/OPPORTUNITY to have no chance of succeeding (做某事)没有成功的可能 He tried hard, but he didn’t have a prayer. 他拼命努力了 不过不可能成功。 They don’t have a prayer of winning. 他们不可能赢。6  an/the answer to somebody’s prayers informal something that someone wants or needs very much 某人渴求的东西 The job was an answer to my prayers. 这份工作是我梦寐以求的。 → on a wing and a prayer at wing1(10)n COLLOCATIONSverbssay a prayerSay a prayer for me.utter a prayer formal (=say a prayer)When she recovered, she uttered a prayer of thanks.offer a prayer (=say a prayer in a formal way, often in a group)Special prayers were offered for the boys during a service yesterday.hear somebody's prayerGod must have heard my prayers.answer somebody's prayer (=respond to a prayer, especially by giving you what you ask for)One day my prayers were in somebody's prayers (=be prayed for)You are always in my prayers.adjectivesa silent prayerHe said a silent prayer as he walked.prayer + NOUNa prayer book (=book containing prayers)a prayer mat/rug (=small cloth on which Muslims kneel to pray)a prayer meeting (=meeting at which people pray together)a prayer service (=church service at which people pray)Examples from the Corpusprayer• She knelt to say a prayer of profound thankfulness.• a prayer meeting• Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hinson family.• This is a besieged, privileged and panicked minority at prayer.• His constant prayer was for an end to the war.• In this paper we have stayed close to the pattern presented in the tradition and in official contemporary prayers.• The synagogue is used for prayer and study.• Their heads were bowed in prayer.• From within the house came the mutterings of prayers, accompanied by the tinkling of gamelan instruments.• The monks here believe strongly in the power of prayer and meditation.• We always used to say our prayers before going to bed.• Our prayers for peace have been answered.• Some of the prayers are sobs and groans.• This prayer has no special introduction or conclusion.• There is an old saying: Be careful what you pray for, lest your prayers be answered.prayer for• a prayer for the poorin prayer• The congregation knelt in prayer.Origin prayer (1200-1300) Old French preiere, from Latin precaria, from prex; → PRAY1prayer noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChinese   Corpus say praying words God when you to that




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