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单词 porter
释义  Related topics: Occupations, Transport, Nurses, doctors, etc, Drinkpor·ter /ˈpɔːtə $ ˈpɔːrtər/ noun  1. [countable]BOTT someone whose job is to carry people’s bags at railway stations, airports etc 〔火车站、机场等的〕行李员,搬运工,脚夫2. [countable] British EnglishMN someone in charge of the entrance to a hotel, hospital etc 〔酒店、医院等的〕门房,守门人3. [countable] British EnglishBOCARRY someone whose job is to carry heavy goods at markets 〔市场的〕搬运工4. [countable] American EnglishTTRBO someone whose job is to look after the part of a train where people sleep 〔火车卧铺车厢的〕服务员5. [countable] American English someone whose job is to look after a building by cleaning it, repairing things etc 〔大楼的〕杂务工6. [uncountable] old-fashionedDFD a dark brown bitter beer 黑啤酒Examples from the Corpusporter• I went to pick up luggage too, but a porter came and took it from me.• Far down the platform a porter rolled milk-churns out of the sun into the shade.• The guards and porters walked about, the bell was rung, the signal was given ad the train started off.• Also patron of bachelors, bus drivers, porters, travelers, and truck drivers; he is invoked against nightmares.• The hall porter will direct you.• He worked his way up from kitchen porter, assistant cook, employment at a casino and by painting and decorating.• Lobsang Junior, one of our porters, was taking a volleyball home to Pishu while another porter carried the net.• The porter was expecting them and let Maxim park in an awkward position on the forecourt pavement.From Longman Business Dictionaryporterpor‧ter /ˈpɔːtəˈpɔːrtər/ noun [countable]JOBTRAVEL1someone whose job is to carry people’s bags, for example at railway stations, airports etc2British English someone whose job is to help guests arriving at a hotelOrigin porter (1300-1400) French porteur, from Late Latin portator, from Latin portare; → PORTABLE1por·ter nounChineseSyllable  whose Business job someone Corpus is carry to




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