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单词 demonstration
释义 Word family  noun demonstration demonstrator adjective demonstrable demonstrative verb demonstrate adverb demonstrably demonstratively  dem·on·stra·tion /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃən/ ●●○ W3 AWL noun [countable]  1  PROTESTan event at which a large group of people meet to protest or to support something in public 示威,游行 → protest Supporters staged a demonstration outside the US embassy. 支持者在美国大使馆外举行了示威游行。 Police opened fire on a peaceful demonstration. 警察朝和平示威的人群开了枪。demonstration against a demonstration against the government’s educational policies 反对政府教育政策的游行示威 →4  See picture of 见图 demonstration2  EXPLAINan act of explaining and showing how to do something or how something works 示范,演示demonstration of He gave a practical demonstration of the boat’s military potential. 他对这种小艇的军事潜能作了实际操作演示。 a cookery demonstration 烹饪示范3  formalSHOW A FEELING OR ATTITUDE an action that proves that someone or something has a particular ability, quality, or feeling 〔能力、品质或感情的〕表示,表露demonstration of The high level of calls is a clear demonstration of the need for this service. 大量的来电明确地表示了对这种服务的需求。 a physical demonstration of affection 爱的肢体表达 COLLOCATIONSverbshold/stage a demonstration (=organize and take part in one) 举行示威In April, students began holding demonstrations to demand more freedom. 四月,学生开始举行示威,要求更多自由。organize a demonstration 组织示威A large demonstration was organized by the opposition. 反对派组织了一场大规模的示威游行。take part in a demonstration (also participate in a demonstration formal) 参加示威As many as 400,000 people took part in the demonstration. 多达40万人参加了示威游行。go on a demonstration British English (=take part in a demonstration) 参加示威I've never been on a demonstration before. 我以前从没参加过示威游行。join a demonstration 参加示威They were prevented by police from joining the demonstration. 他们受到警察阻拦,不能参加示威游行。break up a demonstration (=prevent it from continuing) 驱散示威Police moved in to break up the demonstration. 警方出动驱散了示威人群。provoke/spark a demonstration (=cause it) 激起/引发示威The incident sparked a demonstration of 2,000 people. 该事件引发了2,000 人的示威游行。a demonstration takes place 示威发生Violent street demonstrations took place in the capital. 首都发生了暴力的街头示威。ADJECTIVES/NOUN + demonstrationa big/large demonstration 大型示威Opponents of the new law are planning a big demonstration next week. 新法的反对者正计划下周举行大型示威游行。a huge/massive demonstration (=very big) 大规模示威a series of massive demonstrations against the war 一系列大规模反战示威a mass demonstration (=involving a very large number of people) 大规模群众示威There have been mass demonstrations in some American cities. 美国的一些城市发生了大规模群众示威。a peaceful demonstration 和平示威Everyone has the right to take part in peaceful demonstrations. 人人都有参加和平示威的权利。a violent demonstration 暴力示威Nine people have been killed during violent demonstrations. 九人在暴力示威中身亡。a street demonstration (=in the streets of a city) 街头示威A street demonstration completely blocked the centre of the city. 一场街头示威将市中心堵得严严实实。a student demonstration (=by students) 学生示威In France, student demonstrations were disrupting university teaching. 在法国,学生示威打乱了大学的教学秩序。a public demonstration (=by members of the public) 民众示威A series of public demonstrations have been held in cities across the country. 全国各地的城市举行了一连串的民众示威。a protest demonstration (=in which people protest against something) 抗议示威The price increases were met by a series of strikes and protest demonstrations. 价格上涨引来一系列罢工和抗议示威。a political demonstration (=to protest about the government or a political policy) 政治示威She was arrested twice for her part in political demonstrations. 她两次因参加政治示威而被捕。an anti-government/pro-democracy etc demonstration 反政府/争取民主等的示威There have been further violent anti-government demonstrations this week. 本周又发生了更多的暴力反政府示威。phrasesa demonstration in support of something/somebody 支持某事物/某人的示威public demonstrations in support of the rebels 支持反叛者的民众示威游行a demonstration in protest at something 反对某事物的示威There were demonstrations in protest at the food shortages. 发生了抗议食品短缺的示威活动。Examples from the Corpusdemonstration• Over 3,000 people took part in a demonstration against the dumping of nuclear waste at sea.• Our polluted air is a clear demonstration of the need for tougher environmental laws.• The anti-affirmative action law sparked mass demonstrations.• The police had to break up yesterday's animal rights demonstration.• In the demonstration, we began with an ice cube made from plain water.• In this demonstration, each eye saw something different.• The outcome of this demonstration is unclear because little information was passed on and most foreigners were busy with their Christmas celebrations.demonstration against• a demonstration against racismgave ... demonstration• Sainsbury's sponsored the grape-treading stage and Faith gave a bare-footed demonstration before the Prince.• He gave a demonstration to his colleagues on how to triumph.• He gave a perfect demonstration of how egg on the face leads a pompous body still further into the mire.clear demonstration of• The whole exercise was a clear demonstration of the unequalled capabilities of the Mystère 20 as an airline pilot trainer.From Longman Business Dictionarydemonstrationdem‧on‧stra‧tion /ˌdemənˈstreɪʃən/ noun [countable, uncountable] an act of explaining and showing how a product works or how something is doneHe gave a demonstration of how the program works.a sales demonstration (=one done in order to sell something) of vacuum cleanersdem·on·stra·tion noun →COLLOCATIONS1ChineseSyllable  event at of Business Corpus large group people an a which




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