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单词 plaster cast
释义  Related topics: Hospital, Sculpture, Illness & disabilityˈplaster cast noun [countable]  1. MHa cover made from plaster of Paris, put around an arm, leg etc to keep a broken bone in place while it mends 〔固定骨折部位的〕石膏绷带,石膏夹 SYN cast2. AVSa copy of something that is made of plaster of Paris 石膏模型Examples from the Corpusplaster cast• One medium even claimed to have made a plaster cast of a pair of ectoplasmic hands before they dissolved.• Non-playing colleagues rushed him to the local casualty department, where a large plaster cast was fixed on to the injured area.ˈplaster cast nounChineseSyllable  Paris, put plaster cover Corpus an a around arm, made of from




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