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单词 Dilemma
1) I'm in a dilemma about this job offer.
2) The dilemma presented quite a poser.
3) He was in a dilemma,(http:///dilemma.html) and could see no way out.
4) I am in a dilemma whether to do maths or English.
5) The fundamental dilemma remains: in a tolerant society, should we tolerate intolerance?
6) The President is clearly in a dilemma about/over how to tackle the crisis.
7) The minister is now in an impossible dilemma.
8) This poses a difficult dilemma for teachers.
9) We are faced with an agonizing choice/decision/dilemma.
10) This placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma .
11) I couldn't see any way out of the dilemma.
12) All things conspired towards the present dilemma.
13) He was thrown into a dilemma.
14) It is hard not to sympathize with her dilemma.
15) They were caught in a real dilemma.
16) The dilemma facing the country's allies was even more serious.
17) The dilemma over human cloning lies at the heart of the ethical choices facing society.
18) She faced a dilemma about whether to accept the offer or not.
19) He was faced with the dilemma of whether or not to return to his country.
20) She was in a dilemma whether to stay at school or get a job.
21) I am on the horns of a dilemma about the matter.
22) Many women are faced with the dilemma of choosing between work and family commitments.
23) She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.
24) The bird is caught on the horns of a dilemma. Should it attack the predator, even though it then risks its own life? Or should it get out while the going is good?
25) If we accept that certain babies should be allowed to die, we place doctors in a moral dilemma .
26) The ideas of how to help their company get out of dilemma occupied the proscenium of his mind.
27) The medical profession's eagerness for scientific advance had impaled it on the horns of a dilemma, forcing an unnatural choice between science and morality.
28) Public policy on the family presents liberals with a dilemma.
29) The committee's report went to the heart of the government's dilemma.
30) Mercifully some one arrived upon the scene to extricate him from the dilemma and assume the responsibility.
1) I'm in a dilemma about this job offer.
2) The dilemma presented quite a poser.
3) He was in a dilemma, and could see no way out.
4) I am in a dilemma whether to do maths or English.
5) The fundamental dilemma remains: in a tolerant society, should we tolerate intolerance?
6) The President is clearly in a dilemma about/over how to tackle the crisis.
7) He was thrown into a dilemma.
8) She was in a dilemma whether to stay at school or get a job.
9) I am on the horns of a dilemma about the matter.
10) Mercifully some one arrived upon the scene to extricate him from the dilemma and assume the responsibility.
31) We must get out of the present dilemma by some means or other.
32) I could see no way of resolving this moral dilemma.
33) She describes her own moral dilemma in making the film.
34) The doctor was in a dilemma as to whether to tell the patient the truth about his condition or not.
35) This real clinical problem presents a therapeutic dilemma.
36) Thus a political dilemma has re-emerged.
37) The boy presented me with a moral dilemma.
38) But now I face another dilemma.
39) This also placed Robert Kennedy in a dilemma.
40) While Paul's dilemma came out of nowhere.
41) Blues-lovers such as myself face a dilemma.
42) This would pose historians and conservationists with a dilemma.
43) I explained the dilemma to a friend.
44) Now Whitney found him-self in a dilemma.
45) Ferrari's decision places Mansell in a dilemma.
46) The cruise ship dilemma is a classic example.
47) Federal disinvestment posed a serious dilemma for distressed cities.
48) Such bodies present us with a dilemma.
49) This posed a real dilemma for administrators.
50) Yet these brighter prospects pose their own dilemma.
51) I was now faced with a real dilemma.
52) But here we are faced with a dilemma.
53) This posed a dilemma for him.
54) This poses a dilemma for the Fed.
55) She endlessly debates the central dilemma in her life.
56) Her brief from the state there was to resolve the dilemma.
57) But this is only a tongue-tip taste of the political dilemma Harrison faces.
58) He had just got most of their luggage on board and now was in a dilemma.
59) This dilemma has been present since the beginnings of institutionalized literary study.
60) Programme S.TDY 6:30 27/10/93 Episcopalians in a moral dilemma over the appointment of woman priests.
61) In the decades to come, presidents would face the dilemma of what to do about gifts.
62) Platocaptured this dilemma in a dialogue between Socrates and Meno about virtue.
63) In this sense athletics offer a metaphor of the entire dilemma of liberation.
63) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
64) It is a common dilemma: Should you stay where you have friends and family, or take that good job in a far-away city?
65) Falun Gong's decision to stage demonstrations here has created a vexing dilemma for Hong Kong officials and business leaders.
66) We're in a dilemma about whether to move or not.
67) This deliberate emphasis on the young people's unreliable and hurtful past relationships poses a dilemma for residential workers.
68) I have never completely resolved my own dilemma, for I do not think it has a simple resolution.
69) But last week's global stock market slump underscores the cartel's dilemma.
70) Even the fashion of interdisciplinary studies can not really deal with the dilemma.
71) She looked almost demure, she thought disparagingly, glaring at her reflection as if her dilemma were all the mirror's fault.
72) But the issue also epitomized the emerging dilemma for Laura, caught between the dictates of commerce and social responsibility.
73) The Tokyo government is caught in a dilemma, according to Hazelwood.
74) Brown and Warne had an unenviable dilemma on their hands, even if they brought it on themselves.
75) The first dilemma has been discussed: the managers gradually learned that their subordinates varied extensively in skill and motivation.
76) Peace campaigners in the 1980s, and animal-rights and environmental groups in the 1990s, faced this dilemma.
77) When Joe was asked to join the First Family each year for Christmas dinner, it posed a dilemma.
78) At our bakery, when we set up the loaves for baking the next day a similar dilemma confronts us.
79) It is the dilemma of city dwellers, of all those refugees from the past in search of the future.
80) When a crisis or dilemma arises, such an organization will resort under duress to its customary self-defeating practices.
81) In a true dilemma there probably is not much point in agonizing over which route to take.
82) Both these factors interrelate with a third major political dilemma: the succession to political leadership.
83) This happens when the employee learns to escape the personal dilemma temporarily by devoting more effort to his or her job.
84) Yet realistically this dilemma is likely to be brief as long as employers hold the key to one's livelihood rather than the professional association.
85) The cleft stick plight which is his current political position is displayed most vividly over Mr Heseltine's coal mine dilemma.
86) Think, for example, of the dilemma that Dave faced when he replaced George at the low-performing brokerage.
87) In another surprise, the assignment dilemma troubling the Client Service Center largely disappeared.
88) When the time comes for him to write his next report, Blue is forced to confront this dilemma.
89) The only real dilemma, besides parking, is choosing which acts to see.
90) For over a decade I lived with this new knowledge and with the ethical dilemma surrounding my own pursuit of insider research.
91) When they hand out grades, and give or with-hold promotion, teachers are inescapably confronted with this dilemma.
92) This is no longer the case: scientists today are facing a similar dilemma!
93) One way out of the dilemma would be to change the composition of the second chamber by having it elected in some form.
94) So the dilemma for these Congress members is this: Which slavery would they want to apologize for?
95) A clear understanding of this dilemma does not demoralize the masses.
96) The prospect of censure intensified what, for Galileo,(http:///dilemma.html) was fast becoming a dilemma.
97) This could be a dilemma for both the clinical director and other consultants within the directorate.
98) They had dealt with the normative dilemma: should they stay at home or not after the child was born?
99) Many executives I observed deal with this dilemma by acting in a way that they believe will lead to productive consequences.
100) And the protagonists sounded fairly confident in their attempts to resolve the dilemma.
101) The last thing Letterman wants from me is an alternative, goy, version of the human dilemma.
102) The head has a clear dilemma: it is possible to lead staff in developing a curriculum in quite different directions.
103) Many single parents struggle with the dilemma of dividing time between work and children.
104) When a clinical situation poses a genuine moral dilemma, by definition no right answer exists.
105) The observational data show that Easton's neighbourhood police have two recipes for resolving this dilemma and its associated conundrum.
106) It is an even bigger dilemma at the ideology-setting level, which relates more to strategic movement.
107) With a child on each opposing team, Dad was faced with a dilemma: which supporters should he sit with?
108) And that is going to confront the world with a painful moral dilemma.
109) I want to indicate that the decision to get involved in a dilemma is the real decision.
110) A prime dilemma for all working women is that of overload, and how to deal with it.
111) Dante wrote that the hottest room in hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral dilemma.
112) Once we are entrapped in a dilemma then action of one sort or another is predetermined.
113) Yet, once the doctrine of consideration has been abandoned, the central dilemma of choice theories becomes even more obvious.
114) But the true nature of his dilemma constantly threatened to extinguish it.
115) Another unforeseen dilemma which now surfaced was how to satisfy the demands of the new customers for winter-weight, or seasonal clothes.
116) Writers are debating the ethical dilemma raised by the parents who did not want their Siamese twins separated.
117) Instead, they take a hard look at a difficult moral and political dilemma and find no easy answers.
118) Governments, which are purchasers, are faced with the dilemma of safeguarding the benefits while containing the price of drugs.
119) The dilemma for local public officials is that once the game of economic development begins, it is difficult to avoid playing.
120) As the fighting began, women found themselves in a dilemma.
121) An argument with a colleague clarified and resolved the dilemma.
122) With respect to the dilemma over short-term and long-term information needs, the problem is one that underlies every aspect of user education.
123) When 1 first came to work for the network(Sentencedict), I was confronted with a nasty dilemma.
124) Snipes gives a brilliant performance as a man caught in a moral dilemma.
125) The central dilemma of the war was embodied in these considerations.
126) The central dilemma the Committee faced was how to achieve a balance in company boards between strong direction and accountability.
127) The dilemma facing the parents of a seriously ill child was especially acute.
128) To me, that campaign epitomized the political dilemma facing feminists.
129) The task force chair, Robert Spitzer, was then faced with a dilemma.
130) Joe found himself on the horns of a dilemma.
131) This is current fund, " Prisoner's Dilemma. "
132) I am on the horns of a dilemma.
133) Your key planet Saturn is compromised by a quincunx from Neptune now putting you in an unsolvable existential dilemma.
134) Function and price, it is the choice of be in a dilemma all the time.
135) Friends and even casual acquaintances will hold the keys to a dilemma you are trying to unknot .
136) The dilemma of urbanization and farmland conservation in China was firstly analyzed and then the necessity and limitations of incremental construction land quota were specified in this paper.
137) A lengthy illness would pose a leadership dilemma for North Korea, which has never acknowledged an incapacitating health crisis involving Mr.
138) The Mount Vernon Ladies' Association - the nation's first preservationist organization that once saved Washington's estate from ruin after the U. S. Civil War - struggled mightily with this dilemma.
139) Get some ethicist besides me to give you an answer because I recognize the dilemma and the last thing I'd do is condemn you for taking that kind of action.
140) I was on the horns of a dilemma when I was offered another job.
141) Though badly married, Steffens hated divorce, and to she found herself on the horns of a dilemma.
142) The grave issues involved in the current environmental dilemma include high population density, environmental pollution, an overabundant of silt in rivers and lakes, and the frequency of disasters.
143) Ding Lu holds that Chinese new poetry, which has experienced a lopsided development of free verse, is caught between two horns of dilemma.
144) The standstill of Middle East peace process and the growing rampancy of terrorism have put the military aid relationship between the United States and Israel in a dilemma.
145) The same punctuated equilibrium pattern has been seen in other evolutionary computer models as well, such as Kristian Lindgren's coevolutionary Prisoner's Dilemma world.
146) However, since modern society, the rules of reason and exaggerated, leading to loss of virtue ethics and marginalization has led to a modern crisis of sexual morality and ethical dilemma.
147) In such employment dilemma, College Students created anxiety irritability, low self-esteem and other psychological world-weary and cynical, seriously affected the physical and mental health.
148) I HAsn't yet be capable to ideate a solution to my current dilemma.
149) I on the horns of a dilemma when I was offered another job.
150) These practices shape different rules or different types of anarchical culture that bring about two kinds of relationships among states: one is security dilemma and the other is security community.
151) One interesting issue in China's financial reform and development is the dilemma of financial arrangement at the county-level economy.
152) This paper reviewed the trend of two new research direction of patent pools, namely innovation effect and coalition dilemma.
153) "Homomorphic encryption gives you a way out of the dilemma,(http:///dilemma.html)" Gentry says.
154) The practical implication of the EIMG model was discussed, as well as its applications in the problems of multi-trade investment and n-person prisoner's dilemma.
155) In Iris Murdoch s novels there is often a "trapped" pattern, in which the typologized characters vividly show the moral dilemma.
156) In order to get out of the dilemma, it is a key problem to establish a reasonable legal sentence for the crime .
157) But to feel guilty and full of self-reproach is a waste of time, for, if you feel that way for very long, you are likely to repeat the excess eating, as your own neurotic way out of your dilemma.
158) The film, due to be released in the summer, reveals the dilemma heroine Bella Swan, played by his co-star Kristen Stewart, will face with Edward.
159) Based on the dilemma in judicatory practice, the refutable criminal presumption can be applied to the demarcation of the constitutive conditions of dangerous driving criminal behavior.
160) Neoliberalism holds that even under the state of anarchy, nation-states can still alleviate and even eliminate "security dilemma" through international institutions.
161) Reining in debt while trying to kick-start the economy is the central economic dilemma for the Japanese government, and I'll have more to say about a possible solution in a piece on Monday.
162) This creates a fundamental dilemma about the ability of central banks to manage international liquidity.
163) This places the enemy on the horns of a dilemma.
164) When they were confronted with alliance dilemma in negotiation with Soviet which tested the credibility of the alliance, the concessions that US could give would decided by FRG.
165) And in the mists of a Roman night, the dilemma also remains. On the one hand, Bellarmine , bureaucrat, defender of the Church, believed the Bible was the literal word of God.
166) It seemed that Susan had been facing the same dilemma that Ellie had been that first night of Chanukah.
167) A British historian, Herbert Butterfield, called this the “absolute predicament and irreducible dilemma”.
168) At present, with the trend of enlargement of admission, mergence of colleges and building comprehensive university, engineering education is facing a dilemma, like many other traditional disciplines.
169) They managed to find a way out of their dilemma.
170) A Solomonic dilemma indeed! Which may be why green investors are neatly divided over the ethics of this question.
171) From the perspective of international politics, the dilemma in global climate governance roots in the unsuitability of the subject and object of the governance.
172) His apparent reluctance to consider it may be related to the dilemma a central bank faces in an age of stagflationary energy prices and tightening fiscal policy.
173) In the context of contemporary consumptive society, "literary classics" as a special class of consumer's goods face varieties of dilemma.
174) "The Omnivore's Dilemma" also points out the ways in which America's food system should be reformed.
175) Before leaving on his journey, Henderson is also caught in the familiar existential dilemma of Bellow's heroes: yearning for order and meaning in his life, he finds only chaos and meaninglessness.
176) All contributors were faced with a dilemma of challenging the Channel on its poor practice, while having the opportunity to showcase sexology.
177) For instance, here's another use of look-ahead that readily solves a common dilemma.
178) This is not only the solution to the legal dilemma caused by the separation of documents and goods under B/L or other documents of title, but also meets the realistic need of right-securitization.
179) For many entreprenuers who are in the dilemma of great divide between commerce and the public, such manner, mind and strategy is a great enlightenment.
180) However, in practice often difficult to grasp the relationship between the "degree", which fall into either-or dilemma.
181) In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress.
182) This robot also has the solution to this laundry dilemma by using a short pole to turn socks right-side-out again.
183) Equally the constituents face the dilemma that the ruler at some point may renege on his promises and confiscate the accumulated wealth of his constituents.
184) At present, with the open price of coal market, the sharp increase of coal price make the firepower generation factories in dilemma.
185) But, to the dilemma that the company faces, a lot of employee are tongueless not language.
186) "China faces a dilemma in its holding of the US T-bonds," said Dong Yuping, an economist with the Institute of Finance and Banking at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).
187) I haven't yet been able to ideate a solution to my current dilemma.
188) To understand horns of this dilemma, we must examine the nature of medical knowledge.
189) The three unbaptized publishers were now in a dilemma. If they joined in the revolt, they would be violating Jehovah's counsel found at Romans 13:1.
190) Whether the evenhanded value or the value of account book is adopted is a dilemma in the new accountancy standards of our country in the establishment.
191) The existence dilemma of women was analyzed, calling women's self-communion under the male-centered culture( ), so as to critique the culture effectively.
192) In political sphere, people can overcome the dilemma of collective action because of some special mechanisms.
193) With his role shift he produced some self-contradictory ideas, which mirrored Maodun's dilemma between political pursuit and the laws in literature, as well as his intrapsychic conflicts.
194) The disagreement on the creation of Chinese School in fact is Eurocentric, which results in the dilemma of disciplinary "aphasia".
195) Reach division to arrive, around door wanders be in a dilemma.




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