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单词 plagiarism
释义  pla·gia·ris·m /ˈpleɪdʒərɪzəm/ ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]COPY when someone uses another person’s words, ideas, or work and pretends they are their own 剽窃,抄袭 The journal accused the professor of plagiarism. 那份刊物指控该教授剽窃。2  [countable]COPY an idea, phrase, or story that has been copied from another person’s work, without stating where it came from 剽窃物 claims that there are plagiarisms in the new software 声称新软件有剽窃之处 —plagiarist noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusplagiarism• Does the student follow the old adage that to read and paraphrase one book is plagiarism but to use two is research?• His dissertation contained many plagiarisms.• Claims of plagiarism are common in the movie business.• She cobbled together a rough draft and then rewrote it, trying to remove the more ostentatious signs of plagiarism.• The Head of Department in consultation with the Dean is responsible for recommending appropriate action in cases of suspected cheating or plagiarism by students.• The system was designed to prevent plagiarism, and to establish copyright over the thesis contents.• There are all sorts of coincidences which are in no way plagiarism.Origin plagiarism (1600-1700) plagiary “plagiarism” ((17-19 centuries)), from Latin plagiarius “thief”, from plagium “hunting net”pla·gia·ris·m nounChineseSyllable  or ideas, Corpus person’s when words, work another someone uses and




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