单词 | Creeping |
例句 | 1. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird. 2. The mountain is so unlike creeping in people's feet. 3. I could hear someone creeping around downstairs. 4. You gave me such a fright creeping up on me like that! 5. Fatigue was creeping up on her. 6. It is hard to prevent concrete from creeping. 7. Someone was creeping around outside my window. 8. The disease results in creeping paralysis. 9. Fog was creeping into the valley. 10. The traffic was creeping along at a snail's pace. 11. I heard someone creeping around the house. 12. She felt a creeping guilt about her family. 13. Slowly and stealthily, someone was creeping up the stairs. 14. We are totally against any form of creeping Socialism. 15. House prices are creeping up again. 16. Funny how religion is creeping into the environmental debate. 17. That idea has been creeping into our consciousness for some time. 18. You did give me a scare(), creeping up on me like that! 19. You gave me quite a turn, creeping up on me like that! 20. More and more foreign words are creeping into the language. 21. She felt a dull flush of anger creeping into her face. 22. The inflation rate has been creeping up to 9.5 per cent.Sentence dictionary 23. I heard my landlady creeping stealthily up to my door. 24. We saw two more wild cats creeping towards us in the darkness. 25. I felt a terrible anxiety creeping over me. 26. I could feel soldiers creeping towards us. 27. Creeping in from both sides was a freezing fog. 28. Had they been creeping south with the harsher winters? 29. The damp was creeping into the living room. 30. The average number of students in each class is creeping up from three to four. 1. The cat is creeping silently towards the bird. 2. I could hear someone creeping around downstairs. 3. You gave me such a fright creeping up on me like that! 4. I heard my landlady creeping stealthily up to my door. 31. So I begin creeping down the chute. 32. They must have been creeping up on us. 33. Alice felt a blush creeping over her body. 34. Through the curtains a soft grey light is creeping. 35. The frustration of unrewarded effort reinforces other creeping changes. 36. In a flash, Creed was out of the jeep and creeping past foliage and tree-trunks towards the beginning of the picket fence. 37. Those who have made the trip say that nothing compares to the intimate experience of creeping along the bottom in a submersible. 38. It seemed to be slowly creeping into her groin and up ... up into her stomach. 39. Less so is a creeping and curious menace of players being verbally abused. 40. They fought through the night to stop the brown water creeping across their back yard. 41. Norman Pinder was creeping through the last few yards of shrubbery before he would reach the window of the small seminar room. 42. Just as he felt a certain warmth in his spirit, he felt the creeping cold in his feet. 43. They are tough, tensile; part of the structure of the poem rather than decorative vines creeping around it. 44. What Eleanor and Mary took for granted in their lives Anna was just creeping towards, as a novice. 45. Creeping thistle, haunt of the charming meadow brown butterfly, can become a real pest if it gets a foothold. 46. Already he could feel depression and worry creeping over him like a periodic fever. 47. The emersed form of var. rubra develops creeping stems that are branching just above the ground. 48. At five o'clock, with daylight creeping round the curtains, she had got up and dressed. 49. In the interests of discretion, he waited until nearly twelve-thirty before creeping round to the ladies' corridor. 50. Printed in the shrill neons of commercial art, these leering posters document the slick, creeping hucksterism of contemporary life. 51. The incident has cast light on the creeping privatisation of the drug war. 52. For seven minutes I explore these objects, creeping and tiptoeing upon them[/creeping.html], gradually gaining confidence as the music swells. 53. This is an especially useful process in plants with long creeping rootstocks such as Anubias, Lagenandra, and Acorus. 54. Its creeping stock branches very quickly and rapidly make a thick green carpet completely covering the bottom of the tank. 55. I envisaged a deadly tarantula creeping slowly into my bed, spreading its legs over me, about to bite! 56. It was a warm day when I saw a thick white fog gradually creeping up the sides of the hills. 57. All those boarded-up shops and only old people about, dreaming on doorsteps or creeping along in the sun. 58. In schools the increasing number of para.professionals creeping in under the resources umbrella have understandably aroused suspicions in teachers' union branches. 59. Actresses are also creeping on to the catwalk, offering their services in exchange for a couple of outfits. 60. What can be done to stop the spread of this silent architectural disease creeping through the veins and arteries of our cities? 61. The school building program -.. is creeping along at a painfully slow clip. 62. Surely women know by now not to go creeping into scary houses by themselves after dark. 63. Hesitantly she followed, her heart in her mouth, creeping nervously through the dark, dank walkway. 64. The sun that shines. Banana plantations creeping up the hill. 65. This creeping classical conundrum could have untold beneficial effects on the population as a whole. 66. Two million years ago it was buried under a creeping blanket of ice. 67. It had been creeping up on me during the last couple of days. 68. It is a minute, very decorative herb with a thin and creeping rooting system. 69. Its price has been creeping over $ 10, but it remains a great value. 70. Check your ammunition, see your guns are right, Wait until a convoy comes creeping through the night. 71. Sticky tendrils of rain slithered down the semi-steamed windows of the idling Rolls, encouraging a creeping melancholia. 72. The insidious cold was once more creeping over George and he sank to the ground benumbed and unwilling to make an effort. 73. It contained enough witty lines to keep the creeping whimsy, indicated in the title, at bay. 74. More worrying, the long-finned gene seems to be creeping into broods where it's not wanted. 75. But the capital gains differential began creeping back in with tax changes promoted by both George Bush and Bill Clinton. 76. It has a long creeping rhizome from which leaves similar to a four-leaf clover develop in two rows. 77. Smith, in spite of himself(), could feel a glow of pride creeping over his face. 78. The stems are creeping or floating, rooting mostly at the nodes. 79. At the same time, she felt a creeping guilt about Matthew. 80. The state's original funding level was $ 3 million, creeping up to $ 5 million and then $ 6 million. 81. One of them was Moon-Watcher; once again he felt inquisitive tendrils creeping down the unused byways of his brain. 82. I felt that serpents and other slimy creatures 53 were creeping around me. 83. Jon and I did not cheer,[http:///creeping.html] for a cold realisation was creeping over us. 84. And all the while he had been creeping up on them, unseen. 85. So any docks, dandelions and creeping buttercup go straight to the tip and good riddance to them too. 86. George, creeping on in the darkness, was by now near the wrought-iron gate into the crypt. 87. A huge chasm had appeared with flames creeping through and billowing smoke filling the air. 88. He walked on, a coldness creeping through his body, his steps noiseless and cautious. 89. But it wasn't duty that took her from her bed creeping down the stairs. 90. But if you keep looking beyond the reflections you eventually notice the glow creeping into the sky. 91. She entered her own No. 3 to find her son reading a copy of Playgoer and Jessie creeping about hanging up costumes. 92. Furious with myself for these creeping insidious thoughts I focussed on lengthening my stride and levitating the rucksack. 93. A series of gale warnings added an edge of tension to the creeping advance of fatigue. 94. He could not resist a faint smile creeping over his face. 95. Archeologists have discovered a creeping village. For some unknown reason it has moved eleven times. 96. He moved in and felt a fresh - no, a dank - coldness creeping under his skin. 97. At 47, Diane Wasenius is not taking chances with her blood-sugar levels, which began creeping up over the past year. 98. The first copper light of morning was creeping up Great Head bluff and spilling over the harbor. 99. It was very easy to imagine eyes peering from the gloom, or strange beings creeping along the path behind them. 100. The concept of purpose is creeping back into scientific explanations. 101. Does he agree that that will lead to preferential treatment for private patients and creeping privatisation? 102. He'd returned at dawn, creeping into the apartment so as not to wake her. 103. The muscles of his arms and chest were rippling as he moved and she felt a hot flush creeping over her body. 104. There's probably nuclear fall-out creeping all over us at this very moment. 105. Probyn recognises that whenever there is money about, then the potential for bad blood creeping in is always there. 106. In the thick, musty air of the dungeon I felt a creeping graveyard chill. 107. She'd come creeping back again, complaining about Dad's crumpled collars and his scuffed shoes, sprucing him up. 108. Second home owners often provide the easiest of targets for those who deplore the creeping urbanization of the countryside. 109. Critics say the policy puts mentally disabled people on to the streets and is part of the creeping privatisation of the health service. 110. Whatever was creeping towards them through the half-open door would have them completely at its mercy. 111. The creeping rhizome produces young plants which can be divided and transplanted. 112. The shadow of the earth is now creeping across the face. 112. try its best to gather and build good sentences. 113. Now the sun was creeping back into their lives through the sash windows. 114. I didn't know him very well and I despised him for being well behaved and creeping around telling stories about me. 115. And yet despite all this the pounds were creeping up on us and we seemed to be fighting a losing battle. 116. The cat was creeping stealthily through a patch of long grass towards the foot of the largest tree. 117. In the right season there would be roses creeping up around the door. 118. What are you doing creeping up on me like that? You frightened the life out of me! 119. Hannah nodded her head again, a faint smile creeping across her face. 120. There was no service at his funeral: no pallbearers, no priests, no official mourners, no creeping cortege. 121. The self-doubt that kept creeping into his brain, despite all the evidence that suggested there was no need for that. 122. The jungle was creeping back to its old strongholds. 123. An unappetizing prospect is one of creeping nationalization, in which only the public sector creates employment. 124. Therefore the robot can execute three motion patterns- snake-like creeping, caterpillar-like rolling and four-legged walking. 125. Simulation results show that the presented controller can eliminate "creeping" and "flat-top" phenomena, decrease chattering phenomenon effectively, and improve the dynamic quality. 126. He could spend hours in surveying its creeping progress, in moralizing over its mechanism. 127. Work-related issues are the number one topic featuring in dreams, with colleagues creeping into shut-eye time more than celebrities. 128. And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 129. The frequency with Baidu actually creeping spider should compare an imagination medium fast, the occurrence time of the article can compare roughly judgement to get commonly. 130. These negativities creeping into your system can have an adverse impact on the performance levels at work or anywhere, where you might be. 131. The half-and-half mental state of sleep paralysis is often associated with a sense of creeping anxiety as well as strong visual, auditory, and even olfactory hallucinations. 132. At issue is what regards as the west's creeping encroachment into Russia's backyard. 133. With warmer temperatures creeping poleward, many cold-living species could be subjected to warmer environments than those they're adapted to. 134. Their organisation has been subjected to creeping privatisation since 1981. 135. Creeping to the window, he peeped cautiously between casing and blanket. 136. As breeder of T-1 creeping bentgrass, I developed the following guidelines to serve as a starting point in the management of this remarkable cultivar. 137. We abhor the creeping delegitimisation and demonisation of Israel. But we also believe that the Palestinians deserve a state of their own. These two beliefs are entirely compatible. 138. You can see signs of ( a creeping ) malaise in our office. 139. J. horizontalis is a popular U. S. ornamental creeping juniper, and wood of the Mediterranean Phoenician juniper (J. phoenicea) is burned as incense. 140. Zoysia Willd. is a kind of warm-season perennial grass of Poaceae family. It is low, creeping and sward-forming. 141. Creeping wave is a type of compressional wave, which propagates below the surface and is sensitive to surface and near-surface defects. 142. Amid the ranting, the rot from debts is creeping up banks'capital structures, imperiling any recovery. 142. Wish you will love and make progress everyday! 143. How many a poor immortal soul have I met well-nigh crushed and smothered under its load, creeping down the road of life. 144. It would be a lonely life for a woman, ma'am, and a scarey life, too, with animals creeping under the wagon all night. 145. Centuries later, torch-lit parades of right-wing German students burnt pillaged books in protest against what they saw as the creeping stain of Jewish intellectualism on national culture. 146. The creeping forward began to work into the movement of Lonnie's body. 147. The creeping emptiness I had felt most of my life became a full-blown Nietzschean void. 148. The paper develops a newly typed microminiature creeping robot and analyses the driving principle the dynamic characteristic of the robot. 149. Redskin Joe sprang to his feet, his eyes flaming with fury, snatched up Potter's knife, and went creeping, cat-like, about the struggling men, seeking for an opportunity. 150. An epiphytic , creeping American fern (Polypodium polypodioides) of warm regions, having fronds that curl up and appear dead in prolonged dry weather and expand under moist conditions. 151. A slow sly smile was creeping around the corners of his mouth. 152. Before the ceremony, the groomsman wraps the groom in the bride's cloak t( keep evil spirits from creeping in and dividing their two hearts. 153. The feasibility of examining electrical porcelain insulator(EPI) with creeping wave probe was stu-(died, ) and a special test block was made for the experiment. 154. Mist, creeping over the lake , cast a veil over everything. 155. Any of several creeping grasses of the genus Zoysia, native to southeast Asia and New Zealand and widely cultivated for lawns. 156. When you please you boss, you are arse - creeping. 157. To discuss the self-excitation vibration theory of the NC machine creeping phenomenon for the feed system's parts rotation velocity is a little slower. 158. Superior trunk of brachial plexus nerve was performed stress relaxation test and creeping test, and data and curve of stress relaxation test and creeping test were obtained. 159. Introduced to the U. S. a century ago, it is creeping into the upper Midwest, wiping out prairie dogs and threatening the black-footed ferret, one of North America's rarest species. 160. Especially to some malignant weed like Desmodium triflorum, creeping wood sorrel and Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides. 161. We abhor the creeping delegitimisation and demonisation of Israel. But we also believe that the Palestinians deserve a state of their own. 162. Mobile has been 'happening' for a long time - there is a certain staleness creeping into the discussion on opportunities around the mobile. 163. I felt my breathing gradually creeping toward hyperventilation as I approached the door. 164. Different modes, such as Overwatch, creeping barrage, and counter battery fire. 165. What horrors will come creeping out of the flask on the laboratory bench? 166. This intensive daily program included oxygen enrichment, crawling, creeping, running, brachiation, a gravity free environment, laterality activities, an intellectual program, and excellent nutrition. 167. I had a queer sensation as if a worm was creeping down my spine. 168. But the suit is yet another sign that mad, conspicuous consumption is creeping back. 169. But creeping bentgrass is subjected to the threat of insect easily, especially scarabs. It usually leads to dying away of turfgrass and makes appreciate value and use value discounted greatly. 170. The population of Russia, however, is in steep decline, and Russians are deeply wary of what some fear could be a creeping Chinese annexation of scantly populated regions in the Russian east. 171. He was blond, too, more of a rusty blond, and he had the makings of a reddish beard creeping up into his sideburns. 172. When you please your boss, you are arse - creeping.http:// 173. " Poor baby, " whispered Melanie, her hand creeping feebly toward the child and falling short. 174. Based on the creep test of soft layer , a mechanical model of creeping was proposed. 175. Now his other major works are creeping back into concert programmes. 176. He has been creeping about with her all the spring. 177. Royal Canadaian Artillery: Heavy Artillirty based with the M7 Priest. Different modes, such as Overwatch, creeping barrage, and counter battery fire. 178. But this is also Indian territory, wherein lies the rub, for the region is now victim to a creeping China acquisitiveness, with Pakistan acquiescing as a willing accomplice. 179. The rich life of Svalbard, Norway's Arctic archipelago, faces a creeping thaw. 180. This paper applies the theory of limited deformation analysis to the non-linear problem of the geometrician and creeping material for the frozen-wall. 181. She turned drowsily on her side, a slow creeping blackness enveloping her mind. 182. He felt creeping of fate, the circling of wolves, the hover of vultures. 183. But this guy is now rocking a natty black 'tache that looks like a fat vampire slug creeping around his mouth. |
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