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单词 pin
释义  Related topics: Household, Jewellery, Electrical, Other sportspin1 /pɪn/ ●●● S3 noun [countable]  1  for joining/fastening 用于连接/固定DH a) a short thin piece of metal with a sharp point at one end, used especially for fastening together pieces of cloth while making clothes 〔尤在做衣服时固定布料用的〕别针,大头针 b) a thin piece of metal used to fasten things together, especially broken bones 〔尤指接骨用的〕钉,楔,销,栓 →4  See picture of 见图 SEWING2. jewellery 首饰DCJ American English a piece of metal, sometimes containing jewels, that you fasten to your clothes to wear as a decoration 胸针,饰针 SYN British English brooch3  electrical 电的TEE British English one of the pieces of metal that sticks out of an electric plug 〔电器插头的〕插脚 a three-pin plug 三脚插头 →5 see picture at 见图 plug14. bowling 保龄球DSO one of the bottle-shaped objects that you try to knock down in a game of bowling 〔保龄球运动中的〕球瓶5. you could hear a pin drop spokenQUIET used to say that it is very quiet and no one is speaking 静得可以听到针掉下来的声音〔用于表示非常安静〕6. part of bomb 炸弹的一部分 a short piece of metal which you pull out of a hand grenade to make it explode a short time later 〔手榴弹上的〕保险栓,保险针7. golf 高尔夫 a metal stick with a flag at the top which marks the holes on a golf course 〔标示球洞的〕旗杆8  for two pins I’d ... British English old-fashionedWANT used to say that you would like to do something to someone because they have annoyed you 恨不得,巴不得〔用于表示你想要对惹恼你的人做某事〕 For two pins, I’d just send them all home. 我恨不得把他们都送回家。9. pins [plural] British English informalHBH legs 腿 → drawing pin, pin money, pins and needles(1), rolling pin, safety pinExamples from the Corpuspin• After a skiing accident, Dan had a pin inserted in his wrist.• Then it was belts, circle pins.• The output enable pin of IC5 is controlled by the chip select line of the computer.• Holding a rolling pin and determined to have the last laugh.• Drape half of the dough over the rolling pin, then transfer to the pie pan.• Included in the pack are 20 specially tempered steel pins, 20 plastic caps, and a driving device.• Loose chips will snap into place and you will hear a cracking sound as the pins are pushed deeper into the socket.• But I busted the ball right in the middle of the green, maybe twenty feet past the pin.• Edward Cody, a World Civilization teacher, kept a map of the world with pins marking his students' birthplaces.pin2 ●●○ verb (pinned, pinning) [transitive always + adverb/preposition]  1  ATTACHto fasten something somewhere, or to join two things together, using a pin 把…别住,把…钉住;固定住pin something to/on something Can you pin this to the notice board? 你能把这个钉在布告板上吗? He pinned the name tag on his jacket. 他把姓名牌别在自己的短外套上。pin something up She had photos of her kids pinned up next to her desk. 她把孩子们的照片钉在了她的书桌旁。 →5 see picture at 见图 fasten2  NOT MOVINGto make someone unable to move by putting a lot of pressure or weight on them 按住,压住;使不能动pin somebody/something to something He pinned her arms to her sides. 他把她的胳膊摁在身体两侧。pin somebody against something Albert got him pinned against the wall. 艾伯特把他按在墙上不能动弹。pin somebody down They managed to pin him down until the police arrived. 他们按住他,直到警察赶来。be pinned under/beneath something Her body was pinned under the weight of the car. 她的身体被压在汽车下面。3 pin somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb a) FIND OUTto make someone give clear details or make a definite decision about something 让〔某人〕详细说明,让〔某人〕明确表态 to Did you manage to pin him down to a definite date? 你有没有设法让他定个具体日期? He’s impossible to pin down. 让他明确表态是不可能的。b) UNDERSTANDto understand something clearly or be able to describe it exactly 清楚地知道,确切地描述,确定hard/difficult to pin down The flavour was hard to pin down. 那味道很难确切描述。c) if soldiers etc involved in fighting are pinned down, they cannot move from their position because someone is shooting at them 〔在战斗中〕火力压制 The rebels have been pinned down in a camp to the south of the river. 叛乱分子已被火力压制在河南岸的营区。4 pin something on somebody/something phrasal verb a) BLAMEto blame someone for something, often unfairly 归咎,怪罪 Don’t try to pin the blame on me! 别想把责任往我身上推! They’re trying to pin the murder on the boyfriend. 他们企图把谋杀的罪名推在那个男朋友身上。b) pin your hopes/faith on something/somebodyHOPE to hope that something will happen or someone will help you, because all your plans depend on this 寄希望于某物/某人 Chris is pinning his hopes on getting into Yale. 克里斯寄希望于考进耶鲁大学。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspin• He had pinned a red rose to his jacket.• The idea of a crossroads is a difficult concept to pin down because we have to distinguish between different types of changes.• Halcrows say they are stabilising the soil by pinning down the hillsides.• Although we will clarify it in the course of this study, multimedia is hard to pin down to a rigid definition.• She sobbed and fought and screamed but Martin pinned her down with his new strength.• One of the straps was pinned in place with two safety pins.• This year it is pinning its hopes on an 8% uplift in passenger growth to around the 82m mark.• A note was pinned on the door of his office.• Geller is pinning primary hopes on getting the Supreme Court to dismiss the appeal on a procedural point.• You need a lot of time to yourself in order to explore your dreams, rather than being pinned to the work place.• Each delegate wore a name tag pinned to their pinned under/beneath something• He held my wrists in one hand as easily as a bunch of flowers and I was pinned beneath his bulk.• It seems to ensure citizens are pinned under its powerful thumb.• It hit the digger and the man who died was pinned under the front wheels.• Despite my life jacket, I was pinned under water by the down-surging river hydraulic.Related topics: BankingPIN /pɪn/ (also PIN number) noun [countable]  1.BFB (personal identification number) a number that you use when you get money from a machine using a plastic card 个人身份识别号码,私人密码〔用银行卡在自动取款机上取款时的密码〕Examples from the CorpusPIN• As a value for money sire he has a PIN index ranking of £54 and a semen cost of £15 a straw.• The chamber doors are available motorised and PIN security protection is provided.• A gang of up to five youths held her prisoner forcing her to reveal her PIN number.• You must destroy the notification of PIN sent to you by us.• One victim is a city housewife who revealed the PIN number of her husband's account.• The PIN for this lock is then given to the person who is authorised to collect the key.• And not only would that help the battle against fraud ... it would end for ever the embarassment of forgetting your PIN number.• Your PIN can be changed as often as you like.From Longman Business DictionaryPINPIN /pɪn/ noun [countable]BANKING personal identification number; a secret number given to you by your bank that you use when getting money from a cash machine with a cardSYN PIN numberWe will notify you of your PIN shortly after the account is opened.Never tell anyone your PIN number.Origin pin1 Old English pinnpin1 nounpin2 verbPIN nounChinese  piece metal point Corpus sharp Business a a at short thin with of




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