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单词 Ravaging
1. A tiger had been ravaging the countryside and killing the villagers' livestock.
2. Not content with ravaging postmen, our canine friends, it seems, now rate runners' legs high on the menu.
3. The ravaging giant of Eirena's territory finds counterparts in other figures depicted as monstrous, cruel, degenerate, and corrupt.
4. Westering, the shadow, ravaging, the dragons.
5. It is ravaging the ecosystem because it consumes large quantities of oxygen, suffocating other marine life.
6. That newcomer, brown streak, is now ravaging cassava crops in a great swath around Lake Victoria, threatening millions of East Africans who grow the tuber as their staple food.
7. The dam was originally built to contain the ravaging annual floods of the Yangtze and to provide China's growing economy with a cleaner source of electricity.
8. And yet the country faces an AIDS epidemic every bit as catastrophic as the one that is ravaging its neighbours.
9. The garden was his domain; he had his rabbits to feed and the birds to admonish for ravaging his cherry trees.
10. In spite of a change in political outlook, the ravaging of national book treasures did not stop in the post-war era.
11. A year ago John Holman was near death, an opportunistic infection ravaging his intestines.
12. The Athenians did not wait; they went straight after the Chalkidians. who had been ravaging north-eastern Attica unopposed.
13. I was able to capture the lion that was ravaging through town.
14. The bank's widely respected head of research in China, Stephen Green, says a "hot-money vortex" is forming that could be capable of ravaging China's economy.
15. This louse devastated European vineyards between 1860 and 1880 and its descendants are now ravaging Californian grape vines.
16. The resulting anthology contains stories which cover everything from state-sponsored brutality and murder in Colombia to the systematic ravaging of Congo's natural resources.
17. Hurricane Ike was moving west-northwest near 10 mph after ravaging homes in Cuba and killing dozens of people in the Caribbean.
18. People are paying attention to the crime of prevention and treatment of infectious disease as the SARS is ravaging on the earth.
19. People wore their hair long as a statement for naturalness and against the military mindset that had been ravaging Vietnam.
20. Spring: You're cruel and unfeeling (), leaving really nothing behind. Are you still unsatisfied that you haven't done enough ravaging and destroying?
21. Two years ago, the New York Times reported that China was "choking on growth," with rapid economic development ravaging its environment.
22. Early one morning the sub-inspector at a police station the other end of the town rang me up on the phone and said that an elephant was ravaging the bazaar.
23. Method: Make an analysis of the first aid treatment on the spot where a 6.4-degree ravaging earthquake occurred on June 3,2007 in Ning er County, Pu er City, Yunnan Province.
24. This burrowing plant louse devastated European vineyards between 1860 and 1880 and its descendants are now ravaging Californian grape vines.
25. Your mission: Capture and eliminate the Jackal, a dangerous weapons dealer helping to arm a terrible civil war ravaging Africa.
26. In particular, after the Opium War in 1840, China endured many trials and tribulations because of the decadent and declining rule of feudalism and the ravaging aggression of imperialist powers.
27. In practical terms, because its financial system is far less exposed to the debt problems now ravaging the West, China simply will suffer less real economic damage.
28. It is believed that in fatigue there is a repeated process of ravaging the material.
28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
29. Here, democracy is on life-support, while paid-for politicians give mouth to mouth to imperialism, rampant globalization and the ravaging of the poor.
30. The crash had spilled a noxious defoliant into the planet's ecology, ravaging the native flora.
31. But, it naturally or half unconsciously, with years of steel, tattle and prate, ravaging, eroding the parents with traumata heart, their perfect world all dig.
32. By agreeing to eventually step down, Mr. Berlusconi is likely to become the highest-profile political victim of the euro-zone crisis that has been ravaging the Continent for the past two years.
33. Qat, or catha edulis, has become the national pastime in this poor Arab country of 19 million, but one many experts say is ravaging Yemen's frail economy and sucking up precious water.




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