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单词 physically
释义 Word family  adjective physical adverb physically  phys·i·cally /ˈfɪzɪkli/ ●●○ S3 AWL adverb  1  BODYin relation to your body rather than your mind or emotions 身体上,体格上 → mentally, emotionally She is young and physically fit. 她年轻而且身体健康。 Do you find him physically attractive? 你觉得他长得帅吗? I felt physically sick at the thought. 一想到那个我就觉得身体不舒服。 children who have been physically abused 身体受到虐待的儿童2  physically possible/impossible IMPOSSIBLEpossible or not possible according to the laws of nature 〔根据自然法则〕可能的/不可能的 It would be physically impossible to carry everything at once. 根本不可能一次把所有东西都带上。n COLLOCATIONSadjectivesphysically fitIt is important to keep yourself physically fit.physically activeHe remained physically active far into old age.physically disabledThe attack left her physically disabled.physically ill/sickThe thought made her feel physically ill.physically exhaustedWe were mentally and physically exhausted.physically attractiveShe found him physically attractive.physically capable of doing somethingAny one of them would have been physically capable of committing the crime.verbsphysically abuse somebodyHer father had physically abused her.physically attack somebodyIt was the first time he had ever physically attacked anybody.Examples from the Corpusphysically• As a child, she had been physically and emotionally abused.• He abused her both physically and emotionally until his death.• Discover how and when and why you tire physically and mentally.• Get enough exercise during the day to be physically as well as mentally tired.• People say I'm like my mother, but physically I look more like my father.• The demonstrators offered no resistance and none were physically removed from the site.• Police physically removed Ms. Sanders from City Hall.• It is relevant to note here the author's inclusion of scenes of a physically titillating dimension.• Fighting either of them would have been a cultural impossibility, physically unthinkable.phys·i·cally adverb →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  your relation or your in mind Corpus body than rather to




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