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单词 peripatetic
释义  per·i·pa·tet·ic /ˌperəpəˈtetɪk◂/ adjective formal  TRAVELtravelling from place to place, especially in order to do your job 〔尤指为工作而〕流动的,巡回的 a peripatetic music teacher 在多所学校任教的音乐教师Examples from the Corpusperipatetic• His career in the decade that followed was peripatetic.• Until well into the sixteenth century the royal court and its functionaries were peripatetic.• This pattern of living was reproduced wherever the peripatetic court might settle.• Where a teacher is peripatetic in a school building it is much more difficult to display materials and motivate pupil contributions.• Can you take the peripatetic lifestyle that many entrepreneurs find so essential?• a peripatetic lifestyle• The relationship between sedentary and peripatetic peoples had no doubt always required diplomacy but these days it could be explosive.• peripatetic priests who ministered to several villages• Surely no topic would seem to be less down the alley of this intellectually peripatetic social scientist.Origin peripatetic (1600-1700) French péripatétique, from Latin, from Greek, from peripatein “to walk up and down”per·i·pa·tet·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  place, in especially travelling place to do Corpus your to order from




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