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单词 penny
释义  Related topics: Currenciespen·ny /ˈpeni/ ●●● S1 noun [countable]  1  a) (plural pence) (abbreviation p) a small unit of money in Britain. There are 100 pence in one pound 便士〔英国货币单位,100便士合1英镑〕 The bus fare is 80 pence. 公共汽车费是80便士。 a 50p piece (=coin) 一枚50便士的硬币 A loaf of bread costs 70p. 一条面包70便士。 b) (plural pennies) a coin worth one penny 一便士硬币 I’ve only got a few pennies left. 我只剩几个一便士硬币了。2. (plural pennies)PEC a coin that is worth one cent in the US or Canada. One hundred pennies are equal to $1. 〔美国或加拿大的〕一分钱硬币3  (plural pennies or pence)PEC (written abbreviation d) a British unit of money or coin used until 1971. There were 12 pennies in one shilling 便士〔英国1971年前使用的货币单位或硬币,12便士合1先令〕twopence/threepence etc a book costing only sixpence 只卖6便士的书fourpenny/sixpenny etc a fourpenny cigar 卖4便士的雪茄 a threepenny bit (=coin) 一枚3便士硬币4  not a penny MONEYused to emphasize that someone has no money or that something did not cost any money 一个便士也没有,一文不名;〔某物〕不花一分钱 I haven’t got a penny on me. 我身上一分钱也没有。 It didn’t cost me a penny. 那东西没花我一分钱。 He died without a penny to his name. 他死时一文不名。5  every penny MONEYall of an amount of money 〔一笔钱的〕每分钱,所有的钱 The hotel was expensive but it was worth every penny. 那家酒店很贵,但每分钱都花得很值。every penny of He was determined to go to Australia even if it took every penny of his savings. 他下定决心,即使花掉所有积蓄也要去澳大利亚。6  every penny counts used to say that money is needed and even a small amount is important 每一分钱都有用 Every penny counts in the battle to save the rain forests. 在拯救热带雨林的战斗中,每一分钱都很重要。7  the/your last penny MONEYthe only money that is left 仅剩的钱 She’s down to her last penny. 她的钱已经所剩无几。8. a penny for your thoughts/a penny for them spokenASK A QUESTION used to ask someone who is silent what they are thinking about 你在想什么〔用于询问沉默不语的人〕9  in for a penny, in for a poundin for a pound in for a penny spokenFINISH DOING something used to say that because you are already involved in something, you will complete it whatever time, money, or effort is needed 一不做,二不休;有始有终 Oh well, it’s done now. In for a penny, in for a pound. 哎呀,现在干完了,有始有终嘛。10. the penny (has) dropped British English informalUNDERSTAND used to say that someone has finally understood something that they had not understood before 终于明白了11  be two/ten a penny British EnglishCHEAP to be very common and easy to get, or cheap – used to show disapproval 廉价而易得;不值钱〔含贬义〕 Rings like these are ten a penny. 这样的戒指根本不值钱。12. turn up like a bad penny British EnglishWANT if someone you dislike turns up like a bad penny, they appear when they are not wanted 〔不喜欢的人〕又来了 → halfpenny, → spend a penny at spend1(5), → cost a pretty penny at pretty2(6)Examples from the Corpuspenny• I placed the parcels on the table and Mrs Lewis gave me a piece of cake and a penny.• Beechams Pills could be bought one at a time in a spill for a penny.• The Strood delegate suggested that this would put a penny on the rates, but the Rochester delegate rejected the resolution.• Oh yes, she had plenty of money of her own, but he wouldn't touch a penny of that.• Who will bear responsibility for paying every penny of savings gained by top people?• His mere re-election can be relied on to revive the market and solve those problems - without costing the public purse one penny.• Have them drop water on the penny until the water spills off.twopence/threepence etc• It was a wine that they paid about a penny or twopence a glass for.From Longman Business Dictionarypennypen‧ny /ˈpeni/ noun [countable]1 abbreviation p (plural pence) a unit of money used in Britain since 1971. There are 100 pence in one poundIt only costs a few pence.a 20 pence piece (=coin worth 20 pence)2 (plural pennies) a small coin, used in Britain since 1971, worth one hundredth of a pounda bag of pennies3 (plural pennies) in the US and Canada, a small coin worth one CENT (one hundredth of a dollar)Origin penny Old English penning, penigpen·ny nounChineseSyllable   Corpus are in money a small Business Britain. There unit of




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