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单词 Pekinese
释义  Related topics: Animals, PetsPe·kin·ese, Pekingese /ˌpiːkəˈniːz◂/ noun (plural Pekinese, Pekingese) [countable]  HBADHPa very small dog with a short flat nose and long silky hair 北京狗,狮子狗,哈巴狗Examples from the CorpusPekinese• She also has a bow in her hair like a Pekinese.• A Pekinese had hold of his ankle.• Breakfast and the Pekinese awaited her in the dining-room.• Other variations - Pekinese and Szechwan among them - offer other options like a greater variety of baked and highly-spiced dishes.Pe·kin·ese nounChineseSyllable  and very long short flat dog with a nose Corpus small a




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