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单词 Mechanisation
1. We are speeding up the mechanisation of our agriculture.
2. Mechanisation itself has, apart from the habitat changes it has induced, had little direct effect on birds in Sussex.
3. Such mechanisation produces very consistent results throughout the year, but the cheeses often lack the authentic flavour of handmade varieties.
4. The mechanisation of agriculture and industry is cutting work opportunities, so in many cases living standards are declining.
5. This mechanisation helped the skilled workers to increase production rapidly and to produce the cloth more cheaply.
6. Greater agricultural mechanisation has led to considerable modification of this landscape and larger arable fields now occur in the area.
7. Over the years, mechanisation has replaced hand labour for the larger acreage crops.
8. The other extreme is minimal pruning and maximum mechanisation, which is only appropriate in regions with suitably large, flat vineyards.
9. Vocational education was bron because of the mechanisation in the morden time.
10. While officers emphasised the shift from "mechanisation" to "informatisation"[/mechanisation.html], the displays yesterday were distinctly old-school .
11. There appears to be little mechanisation in this rural area.
12. But that is based on today's agriculture. Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed.
13. With the increasing of military mechanisation and informatization, the military software has become indispensable component of weapon system and been widely used in the military affairs.
14. The industrial Revolution refers to the mechanisation of industry and the consequent changes in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
15. Mechanisation and the consolidation of land plots will boost productivity, meaning that fewer farmers will be needed.
16. Could the slave-plantation economy bear the double cost of investing heavily in both mechanisation and slave workers?
17. Now, industrialised countries are almost self-sufficient in basic foodstuffs due to the use of fertilisers, mechanisation and larger farm units.
18. At present domestic labour is organisationally inefficient because it is not socialised like the industrial sphere, which counterbalances increased productivity through mechanisation.
19. There are only 2 now, though they do have the advantage of mechanisation.
20. This rotative engine soon became greatly in demand and had a big effect on the mechanisation of factories.
21. Thanks to tractors, combine harvesters, crop-picking machines and other forms of mechanisation, agriculture now accounts for little more than 2% of the working population.
22. Australia has maintained its export competitiveness by adopting innovative practices, particularly mechanisation, and more recently through new farming practices and diversification.
23. The phenomenon is set against a background of increased rice productivity, achieved through improvements in technology such as better seeds, use of fertiliser and mechanisation.
24. Combining water- steady construction experience in the river, put great emphasis to states the mechanisation construction's method to steady gravel with water.
25. Object: To observe and investigate the curative effect of Zhi Yuan Ti-Granule (ZYTG) treating infantile Mycoplasma Pneumonia infection and its mechanisation through theory, clinic and experiments.
26. Construction work on the new Air Mail Centre building at Chek Lap Kok was completed in August and the installation of a comprehensive Postal Mechanisation System was completed in December.
27. The action of tin element in minute alloy cast iron were studied and its mechanisation of affect residual stress were announced in this paper.
28. Hongkong Post continued to review existing postal operations to identify and explore further areas for mechanisation and automation.
29. It achieves this miracle of abundance by a combination of mechanisation and careful management.
30. The conventional planting model of small-sized plantations cannot match modernised mechanisation management.
1. We are speeding up the mechanisation of our agriculture.
31. In addition, in order to increase the profitability for their owners, the mines required efficiency improvements, to be achieved by means of increased mechanisation and thus job cuts.




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