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单词 pedal
释义  Related topics: Bicycles, carts, horses, Motor vehicles, Musicped·al1 /ˈpedl/ ●●○ noun [countable]  1. (also bicycle pedal)TTB one of the two parts of a bicycle that you push round with your feet to make the bicycle go forward 〔自行车的〕踏板,脚蹬 →4  See picture of 见图 BICYCLE 1 →5 see picture at 见图 bicycle12  TTCTIa part in a car or on a machine that you press with your foot to control it 〔汽车或机器的〕踏板 She put her foot down on the accelerator pedal. 她踩下了油门踏板。3. APMa part on a piano or organ that you press with your foot to change the quality of the sound 〔钢琴或风琴的〕踏板 →4  See picture of 见图 PIANO 1 →5 see picture at 见图 piano14  put/press/push the pedal to the metal American English a) to drive a car, truck etc very fast 踩尽油门 b) to work harder or faster, especially so that you can win a game 拼命干;加快速度〔尤指为了在比赛、游戏中获胜〕Examples from the Corpuspedal• I mean, look at what Hendrix had for pedals - just a Fuzz Face and a great big stack of Marshalls.• the gas pedal• Gas pedal to the floor, we backed up with the engine whining and the chassis shaking.• I don't use any effects, no pedals, nothing.• It is compulsory to insure motorbikes but not pedal cycles, although insurance is available.• I glanced over at Kip again and saw him wince when he weighed down on the pedal with his hurt foot.• They moved in sequence like the keys on an antique pianola when the pedals are operated.• But when I first drilled that hand-made aluminium throttle pedal down to its bump stop, I was absolutely stunned.Related topics: Bicycles, carts, horsespedal2 verb (pedalled, pedalling British English, pedaled, pedaling American English) [intransitive, transitive]  1  [always + adverb/preposition]TTB to ride a bicycle 骑(自行车) → cycle, ridepedal up/along/down etc Andrew pedalled up the road towards the town centre. 安德鲁骑着自行车沿这条路去市中心。2  TTBTIto turn or push the pedals on a bicycle or other machine with your feet 踩动〔自行车或机器的〕踏板 She was pedalling furiously (=very fast). 她飞快地踩着踏板。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpuspedal• Tim got on his bike and pedaled around town.• The postman was pedalling back towards them down the road.• Father Luke pedalled backwards in the direction of Whitechapel's parish church and fell over the barrow.• He soothes and steadies while she, protected by his arms, pedals clumsily at first, then confidently.• The physical sessions included warming-up, periods pedalling on an exercise cycle, free-standing exercises, stretching and relaxation.• Replacing the bowls, they pedalled on down the steep hill and up the next.• She pedals quickly down the walkway.• During the class the women pedal the equivalent of 12-22 miles.pedal up/along/down etc• As is traditional, the teams pedalled up and down the Champs after the presentations.• It's easy to look at your child harmlessly pedalling along on his trike without noticing he's heading towards moving swings.• He pedalled along the canal bank quite slowly, keeping his eyes skinned for signs of defunct animal life.• Miss Danziger turned off and pedalled along the line of the cliff top.• One of the birds shat on Gravel as I pedalled up the path to town on the Tuesday morning.• The morning was grey and drizzly and Henry skidded a couple of times as he pedalled along the towpath.• So I pedalled up the Via San Pietro.• But when I first drilled that hand-made aluminium throttle pedal down to its bump stop, I was absolutely stunned.pedalling furiously• He was last seen pedalling furiously away from the Midland Bank in Chiswick, west London.• All the way home, pedalling furiously, she had been nerving herself for this confrontation.Origin pedal1 (1600-1700) French pedale, from Italian, from Latin pedalis “of the foot”ped·al1 nounpedal2 verbChineseSyllable  bicycle Corpus two a the that parts of one you of




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