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单词 Piracy
1. They were mere apprentices to piracy.
2. The government has already adopted effective measures against piracy.
3. Piracy is alive and flourishing on the world's commercial sea-lanes.
4. They also cited the piracy issue.
5. Dark Elf raiders have committed innumerable acts of piracy.
6. So the two sides talked about smuggling, piracy and other sorts of crime.
7. Too costly software? Software piracy is wrong, but more flexible policies for selling it would help combat the crime.
8. Those opposed say existing law already outlaws electronic piracy, and that law-abiding users would suffer.
9. With the expansion of the Internet, piracy has grown more widespread.
10. Like slavery and piracy, terrorism has no place in the modern world. George W. Bush 
11. Instead she takes part in his piracy and gains meaning for life, before she helps him escape.
12. He was on the commission for piracy in 1577, and for musters in 1583.
13. It wasn't like insurance fraud or software piracy, where I knew who knew exactly what I needed to know.
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. The only way to end piracy is to set up a system of coordinated action by naval police.
15. Piracy of films and music, in particular, is rampant.
16. They made the place a notorious centre of piracy.
17. Of course, piracy was not confined to the Caribbean.
18. Seven of the fishermen have been formally charged with piracy.
19. Microsoft Corp. has filed suit against a Houston computer manufacturer as part of a nationwide crackdown on software piracy.
20. Mike Wilding, is a software analyst at Atari with special responsibility for combating piracy.
21. The six-point joint statement also agreed on co-operation in shipping, communications, scientific surveys, and combating piracy and drug trafficking.
22. Both groups say their focus is education when it comes to piracy among individuals.
23. They argue that lifting the ban would make policing piracy harder, and that consumers would not see much benefit anyway.
24. You mustn't get me wrong, I think the world would be much better without software piracy.
25. Battles over access to shipping lanes and trade routes are commonplace, and piracy returns in modern trappings.
26. We had a momentary chill when they climbed aboard ... piracy?
27. Last April, Kantor identified 38 countries who either denied protection of intellectual property or supported copyright and patent piracy.
28. But with the coming of the home computer, software piracy also appeared.
29. The Etruscans soon engaged in active commerce, which they boosted through piracy and warfare.
30. If Madreidetic's anything like as unpleasant as their language, why should I let them get away with piracy?
1. They were mere apprentices to piracy.
2. The government has already adopted effective measures against piracy.
31. "Off net terms" you really can suppress piracy?
32. But would they if it contributed to software piracy?
33. America takes a hard line on computer piracy.
34. Captain Kidd, as infamous as his bloodthirsty contemporary Blackbeard, was hanged for piracy and the murder of a crew member at "Execution Dock" on the Thames in 1701.
35. For example, Navarro believes that piracy and counterfeiting are tacitly supported by the Chinese government.
36. Perhaps the most unlucky captain in the history of piracy, William "Captain" Kidd set to be a privateer, but ended up becoming a pirate.
37. Piracy has become an international enemy that poses severe threat to international navigation, maritime trade and security.
38. The phenomenon of software piracy is investigated from the perspective of game theory.
39. After introducing the iTunes store in 2003, he persuaded entertainment companies to sell digital versions of their products when they were largely bivouacked, hiding in fear of piracy.
40. Piracy is not just easy money - it has many risks and difficulties.
41. The simplest answer is because DRMs haven't worked, and may never work, to halt music piracy.
42. Applicants in cases involving a charge of murder, treason or piracy with violence may apply to a judge for a grant of legal aid, with exemption from the means test and payment of contribution.
43. The industry hailed the verdict as a milestone in the fight against software piracy in China.
44. Unauthorized copying — a form of theft — of programs for personal gain is called software piracy.
45. Piracy of copyrighted materials is not a victimless crime and its global repercussions must be addressed.
46. The Somalia piracy is part and parcel of the larger crisis resulting from the failed Somali state and the negligent and hands-off attitude of the world community.
47. Peter Lehr is a piracy and terrorism specialist at Britain's University of St Andrews.
48. Under Secretary of State Josette Shiner said that enforcement of IPR is the key to addressing counterfeiting and piracy issues effectively.
49. Similarly, with books, he said, "I would be scared to death about a culture of piracy taking hold. I wouldn't mess around with price increases."
50. Because there are many galleys to convoy and patrol in the gulf of Aden, piracy has changed way to hijack merchantman.
51. Piracy off the coast of Somalia has become increasingly rampant and is now an international menace posing a grave threat to international shipping, maritime trade and security at sea.
52. It allowed the police, on the request of a piracy victim, to seize illicit sheet music without first getting a warrant.
53. J. Peter Pham, a James Madison University professor who writes about piracy, told that attacks are proliferating "because piracy is a crime of opportunity."
54. What is software piracy?
55. Rejoicing with getting the Intellectual Property Rights, Plagiarist made Piracy.
56. Upon the conclusion of the campaign, the top ten online piracy cases will be chosen from the cases they handle during the three-month campaign, according to the NCA.
57. IN THE latest move against piracy BAE Systems, a British firm, has developed a laser that can be deployed on commercial shipping and will act as a deterrent to pirates trying to board a vessel.
58. Known as corsairs, perhaps the most infamous Barbary Coast pirate was Barbarossa, who united Algeria and Tunisia as military states under the Ottoman sultanate and maintained his revenues by piracy.
59. In 2004, the International Chamber of Commerce launched BASCAP, Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy, to stem the surge in intellectual property theft.
60. As the impetuous development of computer software industry and Internet, the software piracy and cracking which is aiming at software are running rampantly.
61. The National Association of Manufacturers urged the administration to focus especially on China, which it has called "ground zero" for piracy and counterfeiting.
62. Now a lot of piracy are also at the original capital out of the box, but inside it is not a thick manual.
63. Sony declined to specify reasons for the withdrawal, but some in the industry blame overwhelming piracy while others say it was due to a Chinese government about-face.
64. British "Guardian" quoted Meng Gula piracy expert as saying, do not rule out the hostage is shot to death in the melee. "The U.
65. It's estimated that China has an 82 % software piracy rate.
66. The arrests, according to industry executives, represented the most significant crackdown on software piracy.
67. I only want one more chance in piracy to increase my cash assets, then I will get married and give up.
68. Piracy is more controlled than before; although pirated DVDs of first-run films are available, the products largely come out after films have had their first runs in theaters.
69. Another form of piracy is when species of caught fish and unreported or underreported.
70. HASP SRM features automatic tools and stronger security to protect against piracy and illegal use.
71. Microsoft said improvements in fighting piracy accounted for about $164 million of the $822 million revenue gain at the Windows client unit in the quarter ended September.
72. The skirmish is thought to be the first exchange of fire between a passenger vessel and attackers since the start of the current wave of piracy off the Horn of Africa.
73. The invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in 1436 greatly simplified the manufacturing -- and piracy -- of books.
73. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
74. Homebrew is the goal, and homebrew is not the same as piracy.
75. IMO is implementing an anti - piracy project, a - term project which began in 1998.
76. For manufacturers in the mainland area of persistent piracy, we can all be convinced of it.
77. Following the enactment of the Prevention of Copyright Piracy Ordinance in May 1998, optical disc manufacturers are required to take out a licence from the Commissioner of Customs and Excise.
78. A unique identifier embedded in a file to deter piracy and prove file ownership and quality.
79. Limiting privateers to the activities laid down in their commissions was difficult, and the line Between privateering and piracy was often Blurred.
80. Since last year, widening the scope of Somali piracy, attacks extend to the waters near the Mozambique Channel, and has penetrated the eastern Indian Ocean waters.
81. The area currently experiencing the most sustained incidences of piratical activity is the Horn of Africa, where piracy originates predominantly from Somalia.
82. As one pseudonymous commenter quoted on wrote: "China's demolition crews must go sue Old Cameron, sue him for piracy/copyright infringement."
83. Indian shipping firms say they are losing $450, 000 a month on cost overruns and delays due to piracy.
84. Somali Piracy Exposes Weakness in UN Law of the Sea.
85. Microsoft launched a new anti piracy campaign this year. Which aimed at urging its users to purchase authentic copies of its softwares by technological means which recognize piratic copy users.
86. The BBC correspondent says anti - piracy mission is controversial in Japan because of its pacifist post - War constitution.
87. The two Somalis had pled guilty to piracy[], which carries a mandatory life sentence.
88. But naval analyst Raymond Pritchett tweets that piracy has been allowed to fester because “$12 billion is chump change to the shipping industry.”
89. Since Kidd was a privateer for the British, this attack was considered an act of piracy.
90. Media companies argue that the market has become increasingly competitive and uncertain for many reasons, including internet piracy and tumbling box-office receipts.
91. S. games. (South Korea's SBS TV, which has refused to share its feed with the North as it did in 2006, called the latest broadcasts an 'act of piracy.
92. Of particular importance is the master of TV movies piracy are basically Cyclops , which are called type.
93. The more to down load digital music vea the Internet may be opposed by the music industry, which fears piracy of their label.
94. Three vessels have just completed an anti - piracy tour in the Gulf of Aden.
95. Offering the Somali people an alternative to piracy and criminality is, in the long run, the best sustainable strategy for combating piracy,” Rice said.
96. Though piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is not new, and does not approach the scale of pirate operations in waters near Somalia, analysts say it is becoming increasingly well-organized and systematic.
97. The US trade representative accused Baidu of providing a "notorious market" sustaining piracy in the world's largest internet market.
98. They combated the piracy on Dsi, which they don't believe is cracked yet - but they know they've been hurt across the world and they believe the 3DS has got technology that can stop that.
99. Smaller ships, closer in(/piracy.html), let's prevent the piracy problem from leaving Somali territorial waters.
100. Piracy in the software market has gone rampant for a long time. how much does it to do with the backward counter measures in your eyes?
101. Some firms have developed specific insurance products to address piracy - related ransom costs.
102. Ransoms paid to Somali pirates totaled $238 million in 2010 — the worst year for piracy on record, according to the International Chamber of Commerce.
103. Since 2005, many international organizations, including the International Maritime Organization and the World Food Programme, have expressed concern over the rise in acts of piracy.
104. New measures put in place in Bangkok go some way to countering digital piracy.
105. The Hispaniola still lay where she had anchored; but, sure enough, there was the Jolly Roger - the black flag of piracy - flying from her peak.
106. They normally cover legal costs, however, turning lawsuits into a self - funding method to battle piracy.
107. Piracy is plainly spreading more widely across the Indian Ocean.
108. The profits of piracy had gone but the piratical instinct remained.
109. From there, he was whisked by Ilyushin Il-76 military plane to Moscow, chucked in jail and charged with kidnapping and piracy.
110. The runaway piracy problem harms ticket sales and eventually to job losses of the movie industry.
111. The XYZ company used international lawyers to prosecute a crime ring involving software piracy in Taiwan.




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