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单词 pamphleteer
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingpam·phle·teer /ˌpæmfləˈtɪə $ -ˈtɪr/ noun [countable]  BOTCNsomeone who writes pamphlets giving political opinions 〔表达政治见解的〕小册子作者Examples from the Corpuspamphleteer• The best solution is for a pamphleteer to show people how much fun it is to do good.• The agriculturists, on the other hand, had been poor and numerous, supported only by pamphleteers.• His granddaughter was Dorothea Scott, a friend of several of the regicides and a Quaker pamphleteer and preacher during the 1650s.• They were defending the right of the pamphleteer to publish ideas that were unpopular in society or inconvenient for the state.• In the days when pamphleteers demanded democracy, they were fighting a ruling class whose power and position was obvious to all.pam·phle·teer nounChineseSyllable  who writes someone pamphlets opinions political Corpus giving




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