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单词 patience
释义 Word family  noun patience ≠ impatience patient adjective patient ≠ impatient adverb patiently ≠ impatiently  Related topics: Cardspa·tience /ˈpeɪʃəns/ ●●○ S3 noun [uncountable]  1  WAITthe ability to continue waiting or doing something for a long time without becoming angry or anxious 耐心 OPP impatience I wouldn’t have the patience to sit sewing all day. 我可没有耐心整天坐着缝缝补补。infinite/unlimited/endless patience a good listener who has infinite patience 一个极具耐心、善于倾听的人。2  ACCEPTthe ability to accept trouble and other people’s annoying behaviour without complaining or becoming angry 忍耐(力),忍受力,克制力 You’ll need patience and understanding if you’re going to be a teacher. 如果你要当老师,就得具备耐心并能体谅他人。have little/no patience with somebody She has no patience with time-wasters. 她受不了浪费时间的人。lose/run out of patience (with somebody) (=stop being patient and get angry) (对某人)失去耐心 I’m beginning to lose patience with you people. 我开始对你们这些人失去耐心了。 It will take time and patience to get these changes accepted. 要让这些变革为人接受,需要时间和耐心。 Celia’s patience suddenly snapped and she told them to shut up. 西莉亚突然忍不住了,叫他们住口。the patience of Job/the patience of a saint (=very great patience when someone is annoying you) 约伯/圣人的耐心〔指极大的耐心〕 Henry’s negative attitude is beginning to try my patience (=make me lose my patience). 亨利消极的态度开始让我失去耐心了。3  (have) patience used to tell someone to wait calmly 耐心点〔用于劝告他人〕 Patience, my dear. Some things take time. 耐心点,亲爱的,有些事情是要花时间的。4. British EnglishDGC a card game for one player 单人纸牌戏 SYN American English solitairen COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbshave the patience to do somethingHe didn't have the patience to listen to another point of view.have little/no patience with somebodyI'm afraid I have little patience with bureaucrats and their official rules.lose patience (with somebody)Eventually his family lost patience with him and his irresponsible out of patience (with somebody)She was wonderful with the children, and never ran out of patience.try/test/tax somebody's patience (=make it difficult for someone to continue to be patient)The guy at the desk was beginning to try my patience.exhaust somebody's patience (=make someone lose patience)He turned away from me, as if I had exhausted his patience.somebody's patience is wearing thin (=they are becoming angry)People's patience is wearing thin as the queues for visas get longer.somebody's patience snaps (=they suddenly show their anger)Celia's patience snapped when he dropped a second glass of wine on the carpet. somebody's patience is rewarded (=they get what they were hoping and waiting to get)After two hours, their patience was rewarded and they saw the bird.adjectivesgreat patiencePainting by this method requires great patience.infinite/endless/unlimited patienceShe was lucky to have a maths teacher with infinite patience.phrasesthe patience of Job/a saint (=very great patience)Those children would try the patience of a saint.Examples from the Corpuspatience• The shepherd's skills and patience are still needed today, although barely a thousand shepherds work the summer Alpine pastures.• This type of medical research requires enormous patience.• Solomon, in Proverbs, highlighted patience, where he said that a prince is made mellow by patience.• Keith Jackson was starting to lose patience.• But it required total commitment, a huge investment and much patience.• More interesting was the momentary lapse of patience by Coach Dave Wannstedt in defending the moves.• We just ran out of patience with him.• The slow, fuzzy video and choppy sound were enough to try the patience of even the most patient.have ... patience• Would each have the patience to continue the play, the will to make it work for them?• I could have competed on an international level but I didn't have the patience coping with injuries and stuff.have little/no patience with somebody• I have little patience with routine tasks such as washing up, filling in forms, etc. 2.• I, I just have no patience with him much·tience noun →n COLLOCATIONS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  waiting continue doing Corpus something or for the ability to




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