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单词 Foyer
1 He got up and went out into the foyer.
2 I'll meet you in the foyer at 7 o'clock.
3 Late arrivals must wait in the foyer.
4 Access to the restrooms is through the foyer.
5 I'll meet you in the foyer.
6 Stay in the foyer if you wish, but bear in mind the performance begins in two minutes.
7 We arranged to meet up in the foyer of the Hyatt hotel.
8 I'll see you downstairs in the foyer in half an hour.
9 A gaggle of journalists sit in a hotel foyer waiting impatiently.
10 She waited for Mandy in the main foyer.
11 She passes into the foyer of the Arts Block.
12 Non-alcoholic beverages will be on sale in the foyer.
13 He led her out into the huge marble-floored foyer.
14 We were standing in a foyer outside the faculty lounge.
15 Other facilities include air conditioned foyer, a licensed bar, shop and fast food servery.
16 About 200 tourists were gathered in the main foyer of the White House.
17 Auguste had lingered hopefully in the foyer hoping Araminta might appear.
18 They can sit in a foyer until they are needed for extra seating.
19 When the doors opened he charged across the foyer, scattering people, and disappeared into Fleet Street.
20 Sergeants Camb and Martin were gossiping in the foyer when he emerged from the lift.
21 Luce turned her head and across the foyer met Michele Lorenzo's furious silvery-green eyes.
22 The entrance foyer was packed when Georg sidled in that evening,[] hoping that no-one would see him and recognize him.
23 Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer.
24 Drinks, ices and popcorn are all on sale in the foyer.
25 He reached for Freddy, and with what seemed no more than a flick of his wrist pitched him across the foyer.
26 Some one was coming along the corridor from the foyer.
27 The doors flew open, and Pascoe charged across the foyer, scattering people in all directions.
28 A wheelchair access lift is installed at the front of the theatre from street level to foyer stalls level.
29 In no time at all the whole place was dark except for the overhead light in the foyer.
30 He had asked the driver to wait two minutes whilst he saw whether or not I was through customs and in the foyer.
1 I'll meet you in the foyer.
31 I stood in the foyer, waiting to be shown to my apartment.
32 After a peg-legged walk from the parking spot, I arrived to an empty foyer.
33 Al Jourgensen is seen wandering around the hotel foyer hugging a wooden duck, used to frighten off local wildlife.
34 A thick green carpet ran up the steps leading from the foyer into the heart of the theatre.
35 Of course he wouldn't kiss her here in a crowded hotel foyer.
36 The two co-exist as memories of their cultures, with a healthy clash where the two collide in the entrance foyer.
37 On impulse, she turned into the foyer and bought a ticket.
38 Normally, any ordinary citizen subject to dropped charges would receive a stony-faced apology and the opportunity to leave via the public foyer.
39 The space age escalator and exposed metal piping of the foyer segued into a spiraling wooden staircase and crinkly old master prints.
40 I passed quickly through the foyer, angled left through the large cathedral-ceilinged living room, entered the dining room.
41 The free performances will take place on one of two new stages in the Grand Foyer of the performing arts complex.
42 He turned smartly on his heel and trotted into the foyer, greeting the stewards with indiscriminate effusion.
43 There was a depressingly thin crowd hovering in the foyer and bar.
44 Today the art teacher, Charlotte Bond, and several students are working on the mural in the entrance foyer.
45 She picked up the blue suitcase standing by the bedroom door and carried it into the foyer.
46 And part of the £50,000 deal includes advertising household products like the washing powder and Flora margarine in the foyer.
47 Bordered designs were used throughout the remaining passageways with a Chlidema square for the entrance foyer inset in a marble surround.
48 While the meeting in the foyer was going on, the corporation gave a clear indication that it felt under pressure.
49 The penguin - alias - sold door noses in the foyer raising a total of £688.
50 She nodded in what she hoped was an equally casual manner and followed him across the crowded foyer to the social club.
51 The original entrance foyer on the main road behind the square was barred and boarded and papered over with layers of handbills.
52 The clock in the hotel foyer showed the time as nine-fifteen as she pushed through the doors and walked through the patio.
53 Joshua Morris, who had been standing near the door,[] slipped out into the foyer.
54 The illuminated Moorish fountain in the cinema foyer contained goldfish.
55 Swing-doors on either side of the box-office in the small foyer led to an inner foyer, carpeted and dimly lit.
56 When again I passed through the foyer that day, the perambulator was gone, of course.
57 Their pattern was inspired by a fresco of an ibis in the foyer at Shepherd's Hotel.
58 Finally he got up from his desk and walked out into the foyer of the massage parlour.
59 The roof of the foyer consisted of an enormous green glass dome.
60 There was no sign of her in the entrance foyer, nor in the street outside.
61 Descending to the foyer in search of the Lionisers, she saw a sturdy well-dressed girl in black turning away from the reception desk.
62 The foyer was crowded but it was true that there was not a smartly dressed woman in sight.
63 The foyer, too, was empty as she walked across it, nodding to the girl behind the reception desk.
64 He had duly noted the abundant tropical plants in the foyer and the carpeted floor in the office corridor.
65 In the bright lights of the foyer his face was clearly illuminated.
66 A cleaning woman was laboriously washing the marble floor of the foyer.
67 He left the kitchen and picked up the hotel cashbox from his office in the foyer.
68 I carried the telephone into our little foyer and closed the sliding door.
69 Even though it was a summer afternoon, the foyer was drenched in a harsh, white neon light.
70 There is a large foyer with pleasant lounge area and an intimate bar and a restaurant.
71 No doubt he was waiting for her in the foyer, champing at her non-appearance.
72 She envisioned the admiring glances of guests as they noted the sculptural perfection of the two McKintosh chairs poised in the foyer.
73 Stephen and Lily sank into deep leather armchairs in the hotel foyer and Stephen ordered tea, sandwiches and cakes.
74 There is an art gallery in the foyer which hosts regular touring and locally produced exhibitions.
75 Just inside the foyer there was a long narrow mirror with an almost naked woman painted on it.
76 The foyer and staircase are hung with Mondrian-inspired abstract paintings.
77 Unperturbed, she continued surveying the hotel foyer.
78 Let's meet in the foyer of the Bijou Theater.
79 We walked into the foyer.
80 We'll meet in the foyer at 9 p.m.
81 I went and waited in the foyer.
82 A nice tree twinkles its ornaments in the foyer.
83 In Tahiti, the teacher told me, every home has a guitar and ukulele in the foyer, and children learn about music from a very early age by watching and listening to their parents.
84 A half - silvered bulb in a porcelain socket in the foyer.
85 The chandelier - decked foyer of the venue itself was freezing.
86 Full - length court portraits of the king and queen dominated the foyer.
87 I'll meet you at the foyer of the music hall around seven.
88 Burnt - orange paint injects warmth into this country home's foyer and stairwell.
89 Wait until I am back in the foyer before you make the switch, all right ?
90 Smokey-grey painted walls and contrasting crisp white wainscoting and window moulding give modern edge to this traditional foyer space.
91 The Kindergarden and the creche function like apartments and each are accessible from the foyer, strengthening the individuality of the two functions.
92 " Now, then, " he said, leading the way up the foyer into the theatre.
93 A giant photograph of the actor hangs in the foyer of the theatre.
94 Ex-cocaine addict Christoph Daum, who had just come out of surgery, chose the foyer of a Cologne hospital to declare the he couldn't take on the Koln job.
95 In celebration of the company's eighth birthday (and Mr Ma's 43rd), the company's foyer is festooned with pink roses, a heart-shaped poster and an invitation to "share love".
96 How about going to the foyer and have some beer?
97 In the foyer of an anytown hotel, athletes are coming and going clad in Lycra and tracksuits.
98 P 1 ease assemble in the Exhibition Hall foyer to await your guide.




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