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单词 palette
释义  Related topics: Painting and drawing, Computerspal·ette /ˈpælət/ noun [countable]  1. AVPa thin curved board that an artist uses to mix paints, holding it by putting his or her thumb through a hole at the edge 调色板2. [usually singular]AVP the colours that a particular artist uses or the colours in a particular painting 〔画家或一幅画所用的〕一组颜色3. the choice of colours or shapes that are available in a computer program 〔计算机程序中的〕调色板Examples from the Corpuspalette• Object properties can include font, style type, fill or colour palette.• Finally, he decided to rest the notebook on his left hip, much as an artist holds his palette.• A very bright, transparent cool green, viridian has a place on many palettes.• Even Calvin Klein adds color, albeit pale, to his usually neutral palette.• The range of the artist's palette widened to include cobalt blue, ultramarine, chrome yellow and viridian green.• The surfaces are fresco-like, the pigment dry and chalky, and the palette severely restricted.• The paint on the palette was still moist because he had kept it under water in a pan in the kitchen.Origin palette (1700-1800) French Old French pale “spade”pal·ette nounChineseSyllable  artist that a thin board an Corpus curved




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