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单词 Prestige
1 The company has gained international prestige.
2 Winning the prize carries immense prestige.
3 The king wanted to enhance his prestige through war.
4 As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability.
5 There is a lot of prestige attached to owning a car like this.
6 Doctors have suffered a loss of prestige following a spate of scandals.
7 The royal couple's prestige was damaged by the allegations.
8 The post carried great prestige within the police force.
9 Different jobs are accorded different levels of prestige.
10 The job endows its holder with great prestige.
11 There's a certain prestige about going to a private school.
12 Many people are attracted by the prestige of working for a top company.
13 The contract will affect our national prestige in the world.
14 His prestige has been raised greatly since he was promoted to the president of the university.
15 He suffered a loss of prestige when the scandal was publicized.
16 Their products enjoy ever higher prestige in the world market.
17 The high prestige of the premier is radicated in the hearts of the people.
18 This little-known British firm has now gained considerable prestige .
19 Wearing designer clothes is a matter of personal prestige for many teenagers.
20 It has great prestige,[] both nationally and internationally.
21 Massalia's prestige among the Celts was high.
22 The prestige they reaped from a visit was incalculable.
23 Authority and prestige are not equally distributed.
24 Pride, even personal prestige, were also at stake.
25 The issues boil down to money and prestige.
26 Their prestige went sky high.
27 Fame turns all the lights on and while it gives power and prestige, it takes the you out of you; you must be what the public thinks you are.not what you really are or could be. 
28 China's pottery is beautifully finished and has enjoyed a high prestige in the world.
29 The old universities of Oxford and Cambridge still have a lot of prestige.
30 It was his responsibility for foreign affairs that gained him international prestige.
1 The company has gained international prestige.
2 Winning the prize carries immense prestige.
3 The king wanted to enhance his prestige through war.
4 As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability.
5 There is a lot of prestige attached to owning a car like this.
6 Doctors have suffered a loss of prestige following a spate of scandals.
7 The contract will affect our national prestige in the world.
8 Their products enjoy ever higher prestige in the world market.
31 The prestige number-plate on my Fiasco says OAP 5.
32 Khotan itself, despite its prestige, was surprisingly small.
33 But Philip, his prestige at stake in this first open challenge to the Angevin position, could not afford to retreat.
34 Its prestige also had a basis, as a political doctrine, in the liberal idea of self-determination.
35 Make a brioche in this Silicone non-stick Master Baker from Prestige, price £4.69.
36 The objects of competition varied: the traditional ones were territory, wealth, prestige and the power which these gave.
37 Burnley have beaten Britain's biggest clubs to arrange a prestige home friendly with Ajax on Tuesday.
38 Prestige was allotted according to the principles of the ritual cycle.
39 So, although a rich source of status and prestige, athletics could not compare with professional sport in terms of material gain.
40 Estate agents' advertisements habitually claim that country houses are suitable for every use from country clubs to prestige headquarters.
41 The Clintons got what they wanted more than anything else: the White House with its power and prestige.
42 The rising prestige of Ivan's royal office went to the head of that gifted but vicious and unbalanced character.
43 For most estimators, advancement takes the form of higher pay and prestige.
44 The position of leader-manager in the kibbutz carries authority, and commands high prestige.
45 Such organizations provide opportunities to work with well-known attorneys on major cases for major clients and carry great prestige.
46 IRs hears about a lot of young acts from prestige Talent.
47 The teaching profession has lost the prestige it had in former times.
48 Any hopes, however, that Eisenhower would use his great prestige to restrain McCarthy were soon dashed.
49 Revenue can then be switched to other items, such as military hardware, or so-called prestige projects.
50 In each case the basis for allocating prestige among the community was very public.
51 They will also switch spending from their day-to-day Budgets to rail, road, communications and other prestige projects.
52 But the court has lost some of its prestige, Broussard said.
53 Gold and silver have attracted particular attention because they were used to make prestige items such as jewellery and regalia.
54 Their power, prestige, privilege and status essentially camouflaged the subjects' compliance to hierarchical authority.
55 To present his policy to the outside world and defuse opposition to it, he made brilliant use of his personal prestige.
56 The Researchers' Co-Operative was just off Leicester Square, reached through an alley alongside one of the big prestige cinemas.
57 Most of the good performers in the international search companies enjoy the prestige of being part of a large firm.
58 Eliot, who lent the circle considerable prestige, found himself in congenial assorted, and in some cases strange, company.
59 In the second place, hypercorrection often involves imitating what is thought to be prestige language.
60 How had the new city fathers acquired the wealth and prestige to embark on these schemes?
61 Prestige, if nothing else, demanded that it be entered into with due pomp and circumstance.
62 Other forms of information are required for the purposes of international prestige.
63 Over a million square feet of prestige industrial and commercial premises under construction or being planned.
64 My present job has a certain amount of prestige attached to it.
65 Yes, those ladies had given a useful fillip to his prestige.
66 But the greater the prestige and reputation of an institution, the more it will recruit from the upper echelons of society.
67 Prestige and power have seeped out of professions as women joined them.
68 University-trained lawyers dominated the civil service but only the highest posts gave social prestige.
69 This should not be taken as an affront to Philip's power and prestige.
70 He may be given a seat on the tribal council, a position of power and prestige.
71 It was an act that demonstrated how awesome are the power and prestige of the presidency.
72 The city government has decided to clear the streets of the unsightly pedicab in the interests of humanity and prestige.
73 Authority can be mistaken and it can cover up ignorance with prestige and prevent people from thinking for themselves.
74 The most fruitful procedure might well be to seek lines of explanation other than those associated with the notion of prestige.
75 And London developed reputation and prestige to keep firms there.
76 One after the other the towers of prestige and glamour were falling to him.
77 Birth rates soared and career women sank in prestige to the level of drop-outs in the great breeding stakes.
78 Beauregard,[/prestige.html] inciting his troops and fighting for his fading prestige of invincibility.
79 Clearly Oswiu experienced a tremendous increase in personal power and prestige following his victory at the Winwaed.
80 Because of this, a household obliged to sponsor many feasts gains no prestige, but becomes rather an object of pity.
81 There are always prestige neighbourhoods where only the wealthy or successful can afford to live.
82 So, more marginally, has the competitive prestige that goes with expanding national product.
83 In the last three decades there has been considerable success for auctioneering,() both in terms of money and also in prestige.
84 What these men gained in return was the prestige and professional recognition that came from practising at one of the teaching hospitals.
85 The wealthy Detroit property developer of shopping malls enjoyed the social prestige of owning the world's largest auction house.
86 Traditionally the landowner need not cultivate the land intensively to provide sufficient to maintain prestige and a very good life-style.
87 Rentokil Tropical Plants add prestige and enhance the work environment.
88 Power and prestige differentials are essential for the coordination and integration of a specialized division of labour.
89 Are these professors really more substantially more knowledgeable, there, is there substantially more prestige attached to this?
90 The standard has prestige simply because its speakers have political, social and economic power.
91 By virtue of his unique personal prestige, he himself was relatively insulated from the pressure of public opinion.
92 The triumph of the Ulster Workers' Council left it with huge prestige during the remainder of the summer.
93 With its prestige threatened, Yale strives to re-gentrify the center city.
94 As noted, his prestige had steadily risen since his accession to office.
95 In many similar households, sons of some social prestige and standing were at least nominally subject to their fathers' authority.
96 Hosting the Olympic Games would add to our country's international prestige.
97 Becoming a film star confers status, power, prestige and wealth.
98 But secondly, it is once more a means by which prestige and honour can be maintained.
99 Prestige passed increasingly to the financial agencies, which grew in size and importance, overshadowing the judiciary.
100 The persistent association of Kohlberg's professional prestige with Gilligan's work is an interesting current example.
101 Prestige A further perceived interest relates to the esteem in which a country is held.
102 Roosevelt failed to put his personal prestige behind it and discrimination continued, especially in the South.
103 Economic reward, political power and social prestige all flow from the structure of classes.
104 Simon was an ambitious man[sentence dictionary], eager for power and prestige.
105 Instead the newcomers tend to evaluate the farm worker and the other villagers on the basis of urban criteria for allocating prestige.
106 Voluntary work tends to carry higher prestige than paid work.
107 The feuding between ministers during the revivals had robbed them of some prestige and had confused people who were looking for stability.
108 To the decaying line of older castles and fortified manor houses he added one new prestige building, Camber Castle.
109 As such she holds tremendous power and prestige in Ulthuan.
110 Their non-media businesses included startling acquisitions such as the prestige Chateau Latour vineyard and the Royal Doulton china business.
111 Since women in general have less social prestige than men, this in itself tends to reinforce negative attitudes to the elderly.
112 Prestige saucepans and bakeware offer the perfect combination - excellent performance and quality.
113 Law professor Derek Bell has even argued that black intellectuals disavow militants in order to enhance their prestige with whites.
114 Despite their prestige, they seem to have less to offer the private client than licensed dealers.
115 But, according to Williams, this argument gives utilitarian methods greater prestige and a greater role in decision-making than they actually deserve.
116 Traditionally, public university degrees have carried far greater social prestige.
117 Children are forced into the rat race for higher salary and prestige.
118 The sums that will pass through them ought surely to enhance their prestige, and at a symbolic time.
119 However, many occupations which afford little prestige or economic reward can be seen as vital to society.
120 This chapter is concerned with the study of the unequal distribution of power, prestige and wealth in society.
121 Qaddafi escaped, although his daughter was killed and his prestige was badly hurt.
122 Many are worried the current scandal could damage the mayor's prestige.
123 Nor did divisions and bickering between Protestants lend prestige to their faith.
124 And Mr Wallis believes the town should be thinking in terms of an attraction of equal size and prestige as the Beamish Museum.
125 To class housework as manual work is thus to put it higher up the scale of job prestige.
126 Leopoldo Castedo writes: The prestige of the armed archangel was and is still very great.
127 They had a major impact on the community, and attracted authority, wealth and prestige.
128 The avenues to prestige and financial security are multiplex and, to a large extent, unrestricted.
129 Consumer goods are a symbol of prestige in an affluent society.
130 It can be an attempt to gain wealth, power, prestige or praise.
131 The latter were continuing to draw prestige as well as profit from their ill-gotten gains.
132 The economists had considerable prestige inside the government, based on their success in wartime planning, particularly the counter-inflation policy.
133 Thus differences in pay and prestige between occupational groups may be due to differences in their power rather than their functional importance.
134 The world came close to total destruction over a matter of prestige.
134 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
135 Some firms may have grown in an unplanned, unforeseen manner, others may have expanded in order to acquire greater prestige and so on.
136 For those who got such jobs colonial patronage brought considerable advantages in terms of income and prestige.
137 Whether you want to bake or boil, steam or fry, Prestige has a quality product that you can rely on.
138 The victory at Sluys enhanced Edward's military prestige, but he was unable to follow it up.
139 His name is known around the world-its prestige would be great propaganda against our enemies.
140 In general, the hierarchy of prestige based on notions of ritual purity was mirrored by the hierarchy of power.
141 The Olympic prestige attached to his sport made it impossible for him to walk away.
142 He is a scientist of high prestige.
143 They seek job security, personal prestige and power.
144 He has high prestige among the masses.
145 He used to angle for prestige.
146 Does she have enough prestige to win the nomination?
147 First, the sound power and prestige.
148 Nasser's prestige, by contrast, soared within the developing world.
149 His prestige , high before , went higher still.
150 This retiring attitude enchanced his prestige.
151 There was a brilliant flick that came out a few years back called The Prestige. Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale played rival magicians trying to one-up the other's theatrics in 19th century England.
152 Because of the particularity of its nature, the workers whose jobs interment enjoy low prestige.
153 The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprise is strengthen.
154 Inheriting Sino-foreign replacer essence, pure handmade, with a long history, exquisite luxuriant, keep disliked the prestige first, the quality is supreme builds us good reputation.
155 Countries with burgeoning government debts say they are worried about a loss of autonomy and prestige if a continent-wide plan emerges.
156 We inquired that company confirmed they have the competitive power, and the prestige is good.
157 It was prestige and glamour for even the average working person.
158 As a "queen" of Canadian literature, Margaret Atwood also enjoys high international prestige for her remarkable contribution to English literature in novels, poetry, short stories and literary review.
159 You have prestige, and so are in a position to arbitrate.
160 Do you know what the prestige of a samurai is?
161 All of the following are class features of the initiate of the draconic mysteries prestige class.
162 The Cullinan at West Kowloon waterfront with world - class design and prestige.
163 Certainly the glory prestige family's blood relationship with thoroughly has also not gotten rid of sufficiently, for example with the heteromorphous head lamp headlamp which 750 inherit.
164 Then,[] have a responsible Party cadre who enjoys prestige make a summing-up speech that is both analytical and convincing to effect a complete change in the atmosphere.
165 The Cullinan rising at West Kowloon waterfront with world - class design and prestige.
166 Mr. Reagan campaigned in 1980 as a hard-liner , promising to restore U. S. prestige and to stand up to the Russians and other adversaries in every corner of the world.
167 High quality product and service, the highly-praised traditions and the prestige, the customer favour and support, is the resource of fast growth of Shenzhen Asura trade limited company.
168 This combination is the "Haozu community, " then be summed up as "prestige home rule" (p. 266).
169 On November 13, 2002, the Prestige oil tanker was carrying 77, 000 tons of heavy fuel oil when one of its twelve tanks burst during a storm off Galicia , Spain .
170 The high quality project will not only latent value to investor and society but also bring good prestige to the building enterprise, so the completive power of enterprises is strengthen.
171 That may explain why the jingoistic volume is now being cranked up, to show that Mr Kim has army support for his plans. In turn(), senior commanders will be enjoying nuclear prestige.
172 Montrachet, in only Grand Cru status, is absolutely the best region in Bourgogne. Only less than 20 winery has the prestige of owning a share of this tiny vineyard, and Louis Jadot is one of them.
173 But after competing starts, Everton to pinch prestige of the main floor combat to take the lead to start to fiercely attack, spends Laney 's to have the threat in forbidden area left leg strafe.
174 They occasionally returned for the traditional balls, but the men who awaited them had lost their prestige and become unmarriageable.
175 That would not change the host government's policies, but it might damage its self-esteem and prestige.
176 Face - honour and prestige - is a visceral issue in China.
177 Is, as Mr. Nixon said, our prestige at an all time high?
178 The consummation post - sale service system is company prestige manifesting.
179 Be Based in China, serving the world as a whole with efficiency and high prestige.
180 King of Prussia (1740-1786). Successful in the War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748) and the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), he brought Prussia great military prestige in Europe.
181 Dr. Boris Sidis was a Russian-born psychiatrist who enjoyed considerable prestige; some placed him on a par with Pierre Janet and Morton Prince.
182 Maybe because men enjoy so much power and prestige in society, there is a tendency to see boys as shoo-ins for success, " says child psychologist Michael Thompson."
183 The pivot rupture has also seriously harmed the social prestige of this tipper production factory.
184 They are found stable in quality, reasonable in price, high in prestige and reliable to customers.
185 But at least in the prestige and morality and justice, fell leeward.
186 People were asking : would the marriage diminish the prestige of the British throne?
187 Will it undermine our Party's prestige if we criticize our own subjectivism, bureaucracy and sectarianism?
188 History has shown that if a country's national prestige skyrockets, it can free itself from a conflict with an existing hegemonic power.
189 Spiritedness is that quality of soul that is most closely associated with the desires for honors, fame and prestige.
190 But, according to Mr Gaddis, his prestige had peaked by 1948. After that, Kennan became increasingly sidelined for opposing what he judged to be excessive militarisation of his containment strategy.
191 The "dragonhead" sticks were used by older ministers whose prestige and power were second only to the emperor's.
192 In contrast to deterrent threats, Compellent actions more directly engage the prestige and the passions of the put-upon state.
193 To win customers'100 % trust with our 100 % prestige.
194 Genuine prestige does not call for extravagancy; it is about a tasteful experience that only products and services of the utmost quality can offer.
195 In addition, players will use moated forts to garrison vast armies or seize control of key strategic points and explore new technology trees, governed by religion and prestige.
196 In the international transport sector enjoyed higher prestige . U.
197 But Cadillac, with just 1.2 percent of the market through October, is still struggling to match the competition in terms of sales and prestige.
198 In the information age, international journalism figures more and more valuably in the process of building a nations status and prestige, which has been realized by scholars concerned.
199 Perhaps not, but it will certainly give us prestige in this industrial zone.
200 Mannerist style Italian Gardens were the grand and heroic, showy landscapes that were created as statements of power and prestige.
201 The Arbitration Commission of CCPIT enjoys a high prestige among friendly companies.
202 As legal professionals, Judges' professional prestige bases on their special authority on law and their moral quality of public service.
203 We have given up that slowness for the prestige of acceleration.
204 Create a WWE Championship title and raise its prestige to the highest possible value.
205 The conflict between id and super-ego has risen above the sea surface, with super-ego wielding the weapon of knowledge in challenge of the prestige id used to shade in darkness.
206 Out of this contest they were gaining prestige and cash.
207 As in the decoration, the company achieved a high status and prestige.
208 He tried to make use of his prestige to impede the investigation.
209 Through the credit transmission and the good prestige of social network which established on the basis of credit, may realize the request of enterprise knowledge resources complementation well.
210 Mr. Guo Musun is Chinese of Science academician, internationally enjoys the very high prestige chemical expert.
211 The United States had wasted too much of its prestige over such doctrinal disputes.
212 The power and prestige of neo-liberal theory no longer exist, the "Washington Consensus" has lost its reputation, the American laissez-faire capitalism was forced into self-reflection.
213 Napoleon had great prestige in the army, and his men idolized him.
214 A vintage, non vintage, Rose, Prestige Cuvee and a Sommelier's choice.
215 Nowadays, the typical college professor is a part-timer, moonlighting for extra cash or prestige, or "freeway flying"—cobbling together a teaching career with several classes at different colleges.
216 Women had little direct access to money, prestige and power.
217 I will always endeavor to uphold the prestige, honor, and esprit de corps of the Rangers.
218 The Americans want to be au courant , to know what fiction has critical prestige in Europe.
219 There are prestige actors who win tons of awards and then there are blockbuster actors who guarantee boffo box office around the world.
220 Besides, a helicopter parking apron, which is the best emblematic of power and prestige, is set to satisfy your special need.
221 Our company from established the until now backlog the foreign trade experience of plentifulness, also obtained the good prestige, regard world as to trade the object primarily.
222 Seeks help CONVERSE the Kuang prestige canvas shoe I to buy the big code?
223 Meanwhile the Brackish-water Aquaculture Centre aims to play its part in a process to revive Aceh as one of Southeast Asia's prestige breeding grounds for top-quality fish and shellfish.
224 Vega-Sicilia has managed it, not as a winery that produces wines, but as a synonym for prestige (mystery,[http://] inaccessibility or it could be called a legend).
225 Among the Southern American outstanding writers, Eudora Welty ( 1909 - ) is celebrated as one of everlasting prestige.
226 In addition to the prestige of winning the award, the makers of the Canadian dark comedy picked up a NT$600,000 prize.
227 The tanker Erika sank in 1999, coating French beaches, and the Prestige split up at sea in 2002, spreading heavy fuel oil onto Spanish coasts.
228 The Nolan who revelled in stunning imagery was becoming a magical manipulator—something that he celebrated in "The Prestige" (2006), which turned prestidigitation into an end in itself.
229 The life is a several years, rich and honored prestige versus smirch however dream world, matron during a lifetime the most major is still a man of that is sincerely.
230 Disregard this "pro" if: you are skilled at self-directed study and have built up such a record of achievement that an MBA wouldn't confer any additional prestige.
231 The proliferation of media choices , especially the Internet, threaten to cannibalize both readership and prestige.
232 US President Woodrow Wilson, early in the 20th Century, lent his prestige by marking okeh on documents he approved.
233 All of the following are class features of the slayer prestige class.
234 Prudence cannot be at the expense of prestige when it comes to the Trident nuclear deterrent.
235 Guangdong's Yue Cuisine enjoys great prestige all over the country. Hakka walled-house is considered the typical architecture in the southern migrant culture of the Han ethnic group in China.




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