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单词 outfox
释义  out·fox /aʊtˈfɒks $ -ˈfɑːks/ verb [transitive]  BEAT/DEFEATto gain an advantage over someone by using your intelligence 智胜,〔在计谋上〕比…棋高一着 SYN outsmart→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoutfox• Urquhart is a manipulative murderer who could outfox Machiavelli, while Richardson seems utterly guileless.• So far Hutchinson has managed to outfox police.• Electrical engineers get paid well to outfox the lateral causality inherent in all circuits.• They emerged north of the Absaroke Mountains, having brilliantly outfoxed their pursuers once more.• It is about trying to outfox your opponent.out·fox verbChineseSyllable   Corpus to advantage over by an gain someone




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