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单词 outer space
释义  Related topics: Space, Astronomyˌouter ˈspace noun [uncountable]  TTSHAthe space outside the Earth’s air, where the planets and stars are 外太空 creatures from outer space (=from another planet) 来自外太空的生物Examples from the Corpusouter space• But his aspirations go beyond the global: he envisions outer space as his next frontier.• In 1938, people were only too ready to believe in the evil creatures from outer space.• One idea that has been suggested is that the precursors of life - complex organic molecules - arrived here from outer space.• The popular perception of the remoteness and unimportance of asteroids was shattered by a visitor from outer space.• Then, with an astounding concentration of power, he smashes the ball into outer space.• Although invisible to present probes, such preternaturally potent super-snakes are conceivably copulating throughout the icy blackness of outer space.• I have this theory it's frozen mist all the way to outer space.• Along with Leary, they went to outer space, but what different outer spaces they each represent.ˌouter ˈspace nounChineseSyllable  space Earth’s where Corpus the the the outside air,




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