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单词 Martian
1. The Martian atmosphere contains only tiny amounts of water.
2. But my mind was stuck on this Martian theory.
3. Every Martian knew that no Martian had a husband.
4. When you first enter the game a Martian guides you through the menu.
5. The same materials, thrown into the Martian atmosphere by strong winds, give the Martian sky a pinkish color.
6. The failure of the Martian greenhouse effect is obviously not due to any shortage of carbon dioxide!
7. The risky technique involves vehicles dipping into the Martian atmosphere to slow down, rather than firing braking rockets.
8. It is therefore important to find a Martian water source that requires the least mass of equipment and the minimum power consumption.
9. Water fails to enter the Martian atmosphere because the surface temperature is very low.
10. The Martian would be confused at this point and who can blame him.
11. Certain Martian surface features have been interpreted as evidence of ancient ocean beds and widespread glaciation.
12. And, oh yes, a full-scale Martian invasion has been added to the sacred text.
13. Thrilled, Barlow scanned computer data on 42, 283 Martian craters photographed by the Viking Orbiter since the mid-1970s.
14. Charles has actually planned a route across the Martian south pole using photographs taken by the Viking and Mariner probes.
14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
15. It is like playing chess with a Martian: eerie and weird and very interesting.
16. The Martian is much niore interested in the typical wheat plant.
17. Manned visits to the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos often figure as parts of manned missions to the surface of Mars.
18. You can similarly obtain a Martian or Jovian perspective if you wish.
19. As I embarked on this project, then, I was not some Martian suddenly confronted with television.
20. They were designed principally to search for direct and indirect evidence of life on the Martian surface.
21. The problem lies in the virtual absence of water in the Martian atmosphere.
22. But he and some other scientists speculate that microbes may once have dwelled in Martian bodies of water.
23. Over geological time it is likely that impacts have reduced the mass of the Martian atmosphere by a factor of one hundred.
24. In effect, the debris is captured and contained locally by the Martian gravity field.
25. An ingenious path to early integration of hydrogen into Martian propellant manufacture has been suggested by Bob Zubrin of Lockheed-Martin.
26. The most obvious source, and one that is ubiquitous on the Martian surface, is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
27. On the one hand, some Mars probes have transmitted pictures of what appear to be dried Martian rivers and flood plains.
28. Imagine his impeccable Vegas coolness melted into a smoking pool of protein by a Martian death ray!
29. Indeed, three separate classes of meteorites are known that contain Martian atmospheric gases.
30. Ember, thumping down from the sunflower against the bitter chocolate of the Martian sky.
31. First of all the radar signal was received and retransmitted by the Viking Lander sitting on the Martian surface.
32. This was the earthman compared to the Martian happier.
33. It'shows detalls of the Martian nest outside Los AngeIes.
34. Those who rejected the Martian story from internal evidence.
35. The Martian landscape is extremely varied.
36. The rovers are now preparing to weather another martian winter.
37. Although the Martian atmosphere is very rare, a parachute is an important decelerator in the entry, descent and landing system for Mars exploration mission.
38. Any free radicals in Martian soil could be taken as presumptive evidence of life there.
39. Scientists must now debate just where Martian water could come from.
40. It is possible a geologic process produced the Martian methane, either now or eons ago.
41. That trapped bits of the Martian atmosphere within them, as a telltale of their origin.
42. The similarities between Mars and Earth were enough to keep alive hopes of some form of Martian life.
43. It will release the British lander Beagle - 2 to collect and analyse Martian soil.
44. An intriguing detail near the footpad at about the 2 o'clock position, is a metal spring partially buried in martian soil[ ], a piece of the arm's now opened biobarrier.
45. Planetary geologists formerly believed that any impact ejecta with speeds exceeding the Martian escape velocity would almost certainly be vaporized or at least completely melted.
46. They still haven't found any Martian microbes, or telltale signs of alien biospheres orbiting distant stars.
47. You can get all the Martian bIood you want after the pIane drops the bomb.
48. Measuring martian methane "is really at the ragged edge of things, " he says, but "I think the detection is pretty solid.
49. Cathy's experience of abandonment is hard for a Martian to understand.
50. In sum, the Martian regolith generally consists of impact ejecta and debris from mudflows or floods, interstratified with windblown dust.
51. The largest volcano found so far is Olympus Mons, a Martian peak that rises 27km high – three times taller than Everest.
52. And he says the nation should consider restart a stop - over base on the Martian moon Phobos.
53. And he says the nation should consider a stop - over base on the Martian moon Phobos.
54. The images show what appears to be brackish water seeping from beneath the Martian surface.
55. Spectroscopic evidence for hydrous iron sulfate in the Martian soil.
56. Dead martian zombies yelling thru a garden hose. Mangler, plus extreme formant shifting to reveal as many discrepancies as possible.
57. The movie is about between the Martian and earthman's matter.
58. The Earthling and the Martian agree that she holds a single object in her hand, but they disagree over what its sort is.
59. The expected gathering of Martian dust on the solar panels has reduced Spirit's available power to around 400 watt-hours.
60. The first detection of lightning in a Martian dust storma new detector on a radio telescope.
61. The debate over the likelihood of liquid Martian water flows on.
62. Naturally, the Martian solar year is going to need some extra months to even out that 687 sol year and a county courthouse full of juries is still out on that one.
63. B: this Martian shows us at least the origin of the species.
64. Over 20 years later, the United States launched Pathfinder to explore the Martian environment.
65. Arriving in 2014, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN) will see if the solar wind and radiation are behind the loss of the Martian atmosphere.
66. They plan to trundle across the Martian surface searching for signs of water and life.
67. And he says the nation should consider a stop over stop - over base the Martian moon Phobos.
68. Meanwhile, the team also ran climate models using martian temperature data.
69. And he says the nation should consider were stop over a the Martian moon Phobos.
70. The existence of two Martian moons was predicted around 1610 by Johannes Kepler, the astronomer who derived the laws of planetary motion.
71. Not only are Martian volcanoes huge, they are surprisingly complex.
72. The Martian kidnaps television station Reporter Ta Li and her pet dog on the airship.
73. Martian meteor and a micro-organism from Australia join forces to prove whether life could have started in outer space.
74. Remember,[http:///martian.html] he's a Martian and doesn't keep score the way you do.
75. The antifreeze idea comes from an analysis of martian rocks and mineral deposits.
76. The discovery is based on a detailed study of the dried-up river deltas and thousands of river valleys that scatter the Martian surface.
77. Contact was lost with MPL as it turned on its final approach to enter the Martian atmosphere.
78. I would expect most people would actually be happier with a Martian photoperiod.
79. Despite being separated by thousands of kilometers, Martian soils from Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum have proved broadly similar in parts—rich in chlorine and sulfur.
80. So the martian prime meridian, the equivalent of the Greenwich, UK, prime meridian on Earth, has been set to run through this region.
81. These facts mean that the Martian day and night have about the same lengths as ours.
82. The Martian Chronicles. Ray Bradbury. A collection of short stories focusing on humanity's encounters with the Red Planet and its eerie inhabitants.
83. War of the Worlds. H. G. Wells. The classic alien invasion tale oftechnologically advanced Martian conquerors with an enormousAchilles' Heel.
84. If the Martian DNA sequences did not follow the same genetic code used by living cells on Earth to make proteins, researchers would conclude that Mars-Earth panspermia is doubtful.
85. New findings suggest that martian water contained so much salt that It'served as antifreeze.
86. To warm the planet and get water flowing again, they suggest flooding the Martian atmosphere with chlorofluorocarbon gases that would begin a greenhouse effect.
87. The apparent refutation of the biological hypothesis for the ALH 84001 meteorite leaves the question of Martian life unresolved.
88. In the fourth chapter, from the equivalent currents point of view, we establish the model of the Martian crustal magnetic field on aurora zone, and gain the topology of crustal magnetic anomalies.
89. Martian Body Count" opened this week! It's the prequel to "Doctor Decimator Atomizes Mars.
90. We've rigged the epidiascope to refIect whatever the Martian Iens picks up.




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