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单词 onto
释义  on·to, on to /ˈɒntə; before vowels ˈɒntʊ; strong ˈɒntuː $ ˈɑːn-, ˈɒːn-/ ●●● S1 W2 preposition  1  ON/ON TOP OFused to say that someone or something moves to a position on a surface, area, or object 到…上,向…上,朝…上 She watched him walk onto the platform. 她看着他走上站台。 Don’t jump onto (=into) the bus while it’s moving. 别在公共汽车开动时跳上车。 Pour the syrup on to the egg mixture. 把糖浆倒进鸡蛋混合料中。 The car rolled over onto its side. 这辆汽车侧翻过来了。down/out/up etc onto something Let’s get back onto the highway. 我们开回到公路上去吧。2  used to say that a room, door, or window faces towards something or allows movement into another place 〔房间、门或窗〕朝,向;通往 The dining room looks out onto a pretty garden. 从饭厅望出去能看到一个漂亮的花园。 a gate leading on to a broad track 通往宽阔道路的大门3  be onto somebody informal a) (also get onto somebody especially British English) to speak to someone in order to tell them or ask them something 告诉某人;向某人询问 A number of people have been onto me complaining about the noise. 一些人不断地向我抱怨噪声的事。 Get onto the Press Office and find out what’s happening. 去新闻办公室问问发生了什么事。 b) to know that a particular person did something wrong or committed a crime 发现某人做了错事,发现某人犯了罪 The police are onto him. 警察盯上他了。4  be onto something informal a) to have discovered or produced something new and interesting 发现新事物;制作出有趣的事物 With the new show, we were onto something big. 随着这出新剧的上演,我们将大有作为。be onto a good thing/a winner I think she’s onto a real winner with this song. 我认为这首歌会使她大获成功。 b) (also get onto something) to be dealing with something or start dealing with something 处理某事,开始处理某事 I’ll get onto it right away. 我马上着手处理这件事。Examples from the Corpusonto• I don't like it when the cat jumps onto my lap.• Sara stepped carefully onto the ice.• Nancy walked onto the stage and took the microphone in her hand.• Spoon the mixture onto the top of the cake and spread it evenly.on·to prepositionChineseSyllable  to a something used Corpus someone moves to say that or position




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