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单词 omission
释义  o·mis·sion /əʊˈmɪʃən, ə- $ oʊ-, ə-/ ●○○ noun  1  [uncountable]NOT DO something when you do not include or do not do something 省略;删节;遗漏omission of The omission of her name was not a deliberate act. 她的名字不是故意遗漏的。omission from his omission from the team 他未进入队里2  [countable]INCLUDE something that has been omitted 省略的东西;遗漏的东西 Copies of the lists were posted so that omissions could be corrected. 多份名单被张贴出来,以便更正遗漏之处。serious/notable/major omission Your failing to note her mistakes is a serious omission. 你没有发现她的错误,这是个严重的疏漏。a glaring omission (=one that is very bad and easily noticed) 明显的疏漏Examples from the Corpusomission• In spite of variations, distortions, and omissions, humans are good at retrieving the correct pattern.• Brazenly, Rumsfeld ignored the question, but it was an eloquent omission.• In fact, his list of credits is so extensive, it is understandable that an employer might overlook one glaring omission.• Its only major omission was a failure to spot the Starship virus.• There are two types of crime which will not suffice as the unlawful act: crimes of negligence and crimes of omission.• Copies of the census lists were posted so omissions could be pointed out.• There is however, one strange omission.• But the omission was, none the less, a serious one.• The omission of a warning on the product's label was the result of a printing error.a glaring omission• It's not a glaring omission, but an odd one, you have to admit.o·mis·sion nounChineseSyllable   or Corpus do when include not you




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