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单词 overpower
释义 Word family  noun power superpower powerlessness empowerment adjective powerful ≠ powerless overpowering power powered verb power empower overpower adverb powerfully ≠ powerlessly overpoweringly  o·ver·pow·er /ˌəʊvəˈpaʊə $ ˌoʊvərˈpaʊr/ verb [transitive]  1  BEAT/DEFEATto take control of someone physically because you are stronger 〔以更强的力量〕打败,制服〔某人〕 The security guards soon overpowered the man. 保安迅速制服了那名男子。2  STRONG FEELING OR BELIEFSTRONG TASTE OR SMELLif a smell, taste, or emotion overpowers you, it affects you very strongly 〔气味、味道或情感〕强烈地影响 Her scent overpowered his senses. 她身上的香味强烈地刺激着他的感官。 She was overpowered by grief. 她痛不欲生。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusoverpower• The streets are clean, there's no smog to dull the sunshine, and the skyscrapers don't overpower.• Then the artillery, such as was saved, came thundering along, smashing and overpowering everything.• Three inmates overpowered guards at the county jail in Madison.• Dara seized a kitchen knife and tried to defend himself, but the thugs overpowered him.• He could see that her body was naked beneath the midnight blue silk of her robe and her scent overpowered his senses.• Rather than fill me with ecstasy or gladness, this breakthrough overpowered me with dread.• Viduka benefited from an overpowering sense of Olympic pride and spirit.• The wine is bland enough not to overpower the fish.• They overpowered the Jets at the line of scrimmage, ushering Aska toward 136 rushing yards.o·ver·pow·er verbChineseSyllable  take of Corpus because to control someone physically




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