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- strewed
- strewing
- strewn
- strewn with
- strewn with something
- strewn with sth
- strews
- strewth
- str h the full length of
- str h the full length of something
- str h the full length of sth
- str h the length of
- str h the length of something
- str h the length of sth
- striated
- striation
- stricken
- stricken
- strict
- stricter
- strictest
- strictly
- Strictly Come Dancing
- strictly-come-dancing
- strictly speaking
- Hospital care
- Running rate
- Interop
- Wouk
- Negative terminal
- Monthlong
- Reentrant
- Prototype model
- Dynamic loading
- Overprinting
- 且莫论身体力行,只听随在聚谈间,曾几个说天下国家身心性命正经道理?终日哓哓剌剌,满口都是闲谈乱谈。吾辈试一猛省,士君子在天地间,可否如此度日?
- 且说“分手”
- 且食蛤蜊是什么意思
- 且食蛤蜊是什么意思
- 且食蛤蜊是什么意思
- 世上一半人在嘲笑另一半人,其实所有人都是傻瓜
- 世上只有个道理是可贪可欲底,初不限于取数之多。何者?所性分定原是无限量底,终身行之不尽,此外都是人欲,最不可萌一毫歆羡心。天之生人各有一定底分涯,圣人制人各有一定底品节,譬之担夫欲肩舆,丐人欲鼎食,徒尔劳心,竟亦何益?嗟夫!篡夺之所由生,而大乱之所由起,皆耻其分内之不足安而惟见分外者之可贪可欲故也。故学者养心先要个知分,知分者心常宁、欲常得。所欲得自足,以安身利用。
- 世上岂无千里马,人中难得九方皋
- 世上所有男人的渴望
- 世上无难事,只怕有心人