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单词 Crouched
1. They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.
2. He crouched in the shadows near the doorway.
3. The cat crouched in the grass, poised to jump.
4. The cat crouched, ready to leap.
5. She crouched over the injured man, checking his wounds.
6. The man was crouched behind the Mercedes.
7. The lion crouched ready to strike.
8. I crouched behind the sofa.
9. She saw him coming and crouched behind a bush.
10. He crouched down and reached under the mattress.
11. The animal crouched down, getting ready for the kill.
12. The lion crouched, ready to spring.
13. The lioness crouched ready to strike.
14. Doyle crouched behind a hedge.
15. She crouched by the fire to get warm.
16. He crouched down to stroke the dog.
17. She sat crouched in a corner.
18. The lion crouched ready to pounce.
19. He crouched down so he couldn't be seen.
20. He crouched over the papers on his desk.
21. We crouched down to avoid being seen.
22. The cat crouched ready to spring.
23. He crouched down beside her.
24. They crouched over the dead animal.
25. He crouched down beside him.
26. I crouched by him and grasped his hand(), mutely offering what comfort I could.
27. He crouched as near to the door as he could.
28. Laura crouched by the fire, feeding it with dry sticks.
29. Paula crouched down and held her hands out to the fire.
30. She crouched at the water's edge to wash her hands.
1. They crouched together on a shadowy hillside.
2. He crouched in the shadows near the doorway.
3. The cat crouched in the grass, poised to jump.
31. The cat crouched down, ready to spring on the mouse.
32. She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself.
33. Billy crouched in front of the fire to warm his hands.
34. A cluster of vultures crouched on the carcass of a dead buffalo.
35. She was crouched with her head forward and her shoulders bent.
36. He was crouched on the floor, gagging.
37. The plumber crouched down and looked under the sink.
38. Tony Angotti crouched so quickly his knees popped.
39. A black cat crouched in the corner.
40. Vron crouched over a flat mirror.
41. I crouched down to check with my penlight.
42. Some crouched in ravines, others behind rocks or trees.
43. The hill where the hare crouched with clenched teeth.
44. Geoffrey crouched at his knee like a faithful dog.
45. Then he crouched against the ice, and stayed there.
46. Eight or ten others were crouched behind the rocks.
47. Others crouched over rock pool, teasing out sea anemones.
48. The old gravel mine crouched against the sky.
49. Yanto crouched down and peered under the wagon.
50. The two beggars were crouched in the courtyard.
51. As he screamed, the fleshless man climbed on to his chest and crouched there, the wizened head darting to his throat.
52. Here we crouched, ankle-deep in the wavelets, to wash ourselves or to go to the lavatory.
53. I crouched beside him and looked into his wild eyes.
54. Lucy came - Jay's fingertips blazoned with the feel of her warm flesh - and crouched to see.
55. I can see wildflowers crouched among the blown grass blades.
56. I fell asleep, crouched beside the door,(http:///crouched.html) still wearing my clothes.
57. At first we could see nothing so crouched on our haunches, edging forward like crabs, feeling the soft woollen carpet.
58. He hid behind corners and crouched at the bottom of the kitchen steps at twilight.
59. Clouds of smoke billowed out so the teams crouched down to avoid inhaling the poisonous fumes.
60. She crouched over the bag, untied the knotted corners and peered in.
61. The animal crouched ready for an attack and then dashed across its cage floor towards the spot where Leyhausen was standing.
62. Instead, she crouched over the radio, listening, like all the others, as the news bulletin began.
63. A small boy was crouched in fear behind a tree.
64. She crouched back into the shadows and saw Geoffrey run headlong down the stairs.
65. The branch shattered in half, and the gulls crouched to leap, only to be sucked under the bow waves.
66. Small boys used them as goal-posts, while a trail of adults crouched behind them among baked piles of excrement.
67. She clambered over the side of the last truck and crouched down out of sight.
68. I crouched behind a bush as the soldiers marched by.
69. He crouched beside me, with a great gash across his cheek.
70. Two figures were crouched at the base of a tree in front of Jehana's mare.
71. She gave me a piece of bread and a toasting fork and we both crouched over the fire to make toast.
72. Pushing the hair from her eyes, she sat up, staring at the man crouched down beside the fire.
73. Putting an arm round her shoulder, he crouched down and used a stick to draw the meadow in the dirt.
74. At last there was the hut, crouched near its grove of hives.
75. Magee could make out two figures crouched on the steps near the top, quite close to the door of the church.
76. Whenever I look out of the window, they are crouched innocently in seemingly random positions.
77. She crouched down, holding her breath, and peered in the direction of the sound.
78. Hairy and naked, Sam had crouched on the bed feeling exposed and helpless.
79. The figure was always just ahead of him, crouched low but quick and stealthy.
80. Corrigan slid across the seat and crouched at the door.
81. She crouched over the stuff like a child and drew it into her nostril.
82. Once in the flat, she crouched by the window, staring unseeingly out, her chin resting on clasped hands.
83. He crouched on the ground(), like an animal ready to pounce.
84. There, some twenty paces away across the moonlit clearing, was a crouched figure pointing a shotgun straight at them.
85. Cracked willow pattern contains the lobster, scraping its claws like some one crouched to keep wicket at Lord's.
86. I crouched down to hide behind a pillar, and watched.
87. Aunt Margaret crouched at the table foot, one eye on the kettle to see when it boiled.
88. Immediately contrite, Mike crouched by Adam and lifted his head: it lolled sideways.
89. Prunella crouched on elbows and knees, offering herself to him again.
90. An army of beggars and lepers had turned out, each crouched behind a cloth heaped with rice grains and coins.
91. For a long time Midnight crouched in the dark thicket, swimming between consciousness and fantasy.
92. Of medium height and build, he crouched behind the car, perched elbows on the roof, focused the binoculars.
93. Squat thrusts Start from a crouched position with your hands touching the floor at either side of your feet.
94. Ellwood crouched down in front of her, putting their faces close together.
95. I crouched by one of the wheels as we looked at a stone in front of the yard.
96. Therefore a crouched position should be taken up which keeps the centre of gravity lower.
97. Graham noticed the fear on the girl's face as she crouched against the wall, her eyes flickering nervously around her.
98. I climbed it in the dark, found Janir and crouched on the mat beside him.
99. Loretta crouched on the grass, looking at her friend in surprise.
100. He took a final step and crouched down only inches from touching her.
101. Barnabas dashed down the stairs and crouched by the mail slot, growling.
102. She put her fists into her lap and crouched in her chair, the way people die in sparsely furnished rooms.
103. A larger block, perhaps an altar or sarcophagus, crouched in the centre with a strangely organic air of menace.
104. I went into the bathroom, crouched over the toilet and threw up.
105. Last month, as Perveen crouched outside the Gujar Khan courtroom, an elderly woman watched her silently and began to weep.
106. They passed close to her, where she crouched still in the bushes.
107. Pausing outside his living room door, he switched on the hall light and crouched down on his knees.
108. Culley had climbed a small bluff and crouched down on his heels to clear the skyline.
109. Not crouched down into the starting blocks with her fingertips pressed so lightly on to the oven red brick track.
110. He grabbed the wicker handle, then jumped back from the dark wet growl of Klubocks' dog crouched in the bushes.
111. Others crouched on their haunches and kicked out their back legs behind them, like men carrying out a complex fitness programme.
112. I crouched, holding my bruised temple and cursing the arrow of pain which coursed through my face.
113. In the surrounding debris of apartment blocks more militia would be crouched,(http:///crouched.html) forming the outer defence ring of the beleaguered stronghold.
114. The puissant alien walked crouched over in a permanent posture of attack so that the horns along its spine projected highest.
115. Clarisa was there, crouched on the concrete, focused and still.
116. It's a small settlement, crouched before a fringing ring of cloud covered mountains.
117. The cat crouched uneasily in her arms, then uttered a curious low cry and struggled free.
118. Loi and Trondur spent wet hour after wet hour crouched on their knees, trying to refasten the bamboos.
119. The streak of sky, suffused with moisture and cold, crouched over the rooftops.
120. For a moment she crouched above me, then lifted herself off and stretched out beside me on the bed.
121. The other sniper was crouched behind a rusted workbench close to the main doorway.
122. I hold my hands over the cooker like I was a boy scout crouched over a camp-fire.
123. Mortimer crouched at the corner of the short tunnel through which Benny had entered the previous day.
124. It crouched there, as snug as a contented cat, catching the sunshine full on its face.
125. Warriors crouched by the water, some drinking, some just staring.
126. Trondur took up his throwing position, crouched in the stern.
127. Occasionally too she would simply sit crouched on the sofa and weep silently, her hands pressed to her cheeks.
128. Philip waited, crouched on the wet leaves listening, staring into the trees, looking for movement, shadowy figures.
129. The porter crouched beside him, too drunk to offer any succour.
130. I keep crouched and make my way through the low bushes, heading diagonally through the wood towards the estate.
131. He was confronted by the 70-year-old owner who found him as he crouched on the stairs.
132. Left alone, Breeze crouched over the dying embers and tried to realize that this was Christmas Eve.
133. She crouched on the lino, her face flushed from the fire, fingering that string of Christmas cracker beads.
134. George stopped and Libby crouched beside him, waiting until her eyes saw the figure by the tree.
135. Donna crouched where she was, the Beretta held close to her, the stink of cordite strong in her nostrils.
136. The figure was hooded, the head crouched low over its knees.
137. Look at the bend in his left knee: it is an indication of how crouched and low you should be.
138. It was a bad moment as she crouched there, looking at him.
139. We lurched toward the boxwood hedge and crouched behind it.
140. Two elderly men were crouched over a naked girl who was strapped face down to some form of wooden rack.
141. And then Murtach was crouched there naked in the night, watching him.
142. Some of the trainees, including Jones, found the female private crouched on the floor, shaking.
143. Rory worked out she was looking at the door he was crouched behind.
144. Kenny was in the distance, crouched, absorbed in something on the ground.
145. A man, his face washed in an eerie red glow, was crouched over a fruit-machine.
146. Try that - hands wide apart and crouched a bit like a gorilla, pulling hard with the arms on the boom.
147. They crawled in, Creed crouched over her, Prunella taking most of his weight.
148. Crouched down beside it, Delaney took another searching glance behind him, at the lifeless, cluttered room.
149. He crouched in a cold sweat as the black Lab scratched at the door; growling.
150. And Nina, crouched in a chair, weak and pale as though any movement might shatter her thinly held composure.
151. The floor was hard and cold and her knees throbbed with pain, but still she crouched there.
152. Leif, the beggar, was crouched in the inglenook, stuffing his mouth full of richly sauced venison.
153. Crouched on the floor Leonore searched desperately for Lais's pulse, tears streaming down her face, blinding her.
154. They crouched there, clutching the hatchway.
155. The Mole came and crouched beside him.
156. He crouched behind a lightning charred tree and waited.
157. The jungle crouched humped in silence.
158. When my beggarly heart sits crouched.
159. He crouched behind a low hedgerow.
160. The entrance curves around an oval-shaped transportation center, which designers say evokes suggestions of a dragon crouched over a pearl, a traditional motif for China's ancient royal families.
161. In the other scale was the feather of Maat, goddess of balance and rightness; the terrifying Devourer crouched nearby, waiting to eat the hearts of sinners.
162. She made straight for the fire and crouched over It'shivering.
163. The entrance curves around an oval-shaped transportation , which designers say evokes suggestions of a dragon crouched over a pearl, a traditional motif for Chinas ancient royal families.
164. Atop Athena's helmet, between winged griffins, crouched an inscrutable sphinx.
165. As I crouched there in the 7)toyon bushes, trying not to fall over the cliff, trying to keep myself hidden and yet to see and hear what went on below me, a boat left the ship.
166. The head of my bed was near the door, and I thought at first the goblin-laugher stood at my bedside – or rather, crouched by my pillow.
167. Behind a huge desk crouched a grey-haired old man. With a flash he thought of Professor Liu and his own mother.
168. Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched.
169. Mark a master chief petty officer and the ranking noncommissioned officer on the operation crouched on one knee beside the open door of the lead helicopter.
170. Reaching Snape, she crouched down, pulled out her wand, and whispered a few, well-chosen words. Bright blue flames shot from her wand onto the hem of Snape's robes.
171. It is only three feet deep and the adults, crouched protectively over their children, can barely get their heads below the level of the ground.
172. They eat crouched in corners or on the street as cars whiz by.
173. the terrifying Devourer crouched nearby, waiting to eat the hearts of sinners.
173. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
174. In the evenings after work, Mike King can often be found crouched down on all fours in the living room playing bucking bronco with his kids.
175. Both men crouched down, facing each other, Nino plucking the mandolin for a few harsh chords.
176. On one occasion, Ron spontaneously shot a stupefy behind him, narrowly missing Luna as she crouched to avoid the streak of red.
177. Alice crouched down among the trees as well as she could, for her neck kept getting entangled among the branches, and every now and then she had to stop and untwist it.
178. He was crouched in a wheelchair, a shriveled, whitened remnant of the father I had known.
179. It'stood crouched, with tail between its legs, like a miserable and woe - begone dog.
180. Ah Duo crouched beside a small fire he had built in the shed.
181. Our fur - clad descendents will be crouched over fires.
182. One photo showed a young boy crouched on a beach beside piles of the leafy glop as a dump truck carried off a large load of it.




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