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单词 lover
释义 Word family  noun love lover loveliness. lovey adjective lovable ≠ unlovable loveless lovely loving unloved verb love adverb lovingly  lov·er /ˈlʌvə $ -ər/ ●●○ W3 noun [countable]  1  GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIENDsomeone’s lover is the person they are having a sexual relationship with but who they are not married to 情人 → mistress He killed his wife’s lover. 他杀了妻子的情人。 Nicola and I were lovers. 我和尼古拉以前是情人。 a pair of young lovers 一对年轻的情侣2  LIKE somebody OR somethingsomeone who likes something very much 爱好者 music lovers 音乐爱好者 animal lovers 动物爱好者lover of lovers of the outdoors 户外运动爱好者Examples from the Corpuslover• Lovers of night life won't be able to resist the many nightclubs in the area.• We are a nation of animal lovers.• A few nights later, they became lovers.• That night she received a call from her lover.• Probably racing on to meet her lover, he thought.• Mariana herself could also be seen as asleep because she refuses to wake up to the probability that her lover will not return.• Every jazz lover dreams of visiting New Orleans.• Over her lifetime, Catherine had many lovers.• Arabella has had many lovers.• Created so by Ted Mosse, lover of uniforms, not too honest, deceased.• Kilpatrick claims that she and the congressman were once lovers.• an opera lover• One lucky racing lover will own a horse for the jumps or the flat season.• The lover of one of his former students died last week.• In the same way it can reassure a timid lover, or comfort a woman weak from childbirth.young lovers• The thought came back of the two as young lovers.• Three pairs of young lovers walked by, hand in hand, whispering dreams of emigration.• It was a very sad play, because the young lovers die at the end.• It's not the young lovers I marvel at, but the older ones, such as one couple I see regularly.• The death of two young lovers was the cause.• According to legend they were young lovers whom the druids forbade to lovers• A must for all Guinness and music lovers.• The report urges consumers to start demanding value for money, but music lovers are sceptical about what they can achieve.• At least music lovers have made it known they're no longer willing to part with money for nothing.• Most music lovers assume the convention was widely established at least by the early days of this century.• Now music lovers have come to the choirs rescue.• A nation of music lovers mourns ... Despite his lack of musical ability, Gedge became interested in writing songs.• At last, a clear picture of music lovers and lovers.• For the music lovers, the serious devotees, Arsena's music would dominate the entire production.lov·er nounChineseSyllable  lover the having someone’s person Corpus is they a sexual are




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