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单词 Revived
1. The flowers soon revived in water.
2. He revived after a rest and some food.
3. The icy coldness of the water revived her.
4. She ended up doing commercials, which ironically revived her acting career.
5. My plants revived as soon as I gave them some water.
6. The miserable scene was revived in my mind.
7. The doctors revived her with injections of glucose.
8. Shakespeare's comedies have recently been revived on the stages.
9. The debate simply revived old hatreds.
10. The old popular songs have revived.
11. I revived a scene in my mind.
12. He revived the senseless child.
13. The roses revived after the rain.
14. The crops revived after the rain.
15. A glass of wine revived the tired traveller.
16. The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.
17. This quaint custom should be revived.
18. Traditional skills are being revived by local craftsmen.
19. They revived him with cold water.
20. The fresh air soon revived him.
21. She fainted but the brandy soon revived her.
22. Classical music has revived recently.
23. Some old Beijing operas revived on the stages.
24. With a glazed stare she revived for one last instant.
25. This 1930s musical is being revived at the National Theatre.
26. Our failing hopes/spirits revived.
27. There is no doubt that grades have improved and interest in education has revived.
28. New love is brightest,[Sentencedict] and long love is greatest; but revived love is the tenderest thing known upon earth.
29. Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived.
30. The air was fresh and for a moment she felt revived.
1. The flowers soon revived in water.
2. He revived after a rest and some food.
3. The icy coldness of the water revived her.
4. She ended up doing commercials, which ironically revived her acting career.
5. There is no doubt that grades have improved and interest in education has revived.
6. My plants revived as soon as I gave them some water.
7. Julia was given the kiss of life but she could not be revived.
31. Superstitions have recently been revived in some parts of the country.
32. The peace plan put forward last August has been revived for the latest round of negotiations.
33. How can the Trade Department be revived from its present moribund state?
34. The poor trade figures have revived fears of higher interest rates.
35. The sheer beauty of the handsome yard revived her.
36. His temporarily revived spirits darkened again with the days.
37. My overwhelming impression now is one of revived optimism.
38. The railway revived the flagging fortunes of Brighton.
39. That morning he'd revived an old custom.
40. Seeing Dan revived all my old feelings of inadequacy.
41. The whole issue was then revived by a consultation paper published by the government in February 1985 which led to further legislation.
42. Miss Green revived interest in 1924 and the branch was re-constituted but foundered again in 1927.
43. The following year, however[sentence dictionary], it was revived with the aim of extending it to other neighbourhoods of the city.
44. During the six minutes before medics arrived, co-workers revived his heart rhythm with the help of the defibrillator, Wiley said.
45. It has been revived in our time in a most remarkable, almost miraculous way.
46. And since the custom was revived four years ago the cider crop has never been better.
47. Would a renewed Labour Party imply a revived trade union movement?
48. But ribbons are not only ideal for wrapping presents - household furnishings can be instantly revived with rich braids.
49. This is one of the oldest criticisms made by creationists, and recently it has been revived.
50. Perhaps the room revived a taxing memory of what had happened.
51. This custom lapsed when the Bargate became unsafe, but was revived after its restoration.
52. Pandolfi has called for a supplement of 136 million ecu to enable a number of projects to be revived.
53. Revived by the proximity of his goal, Charles hurried painfully onwards along the road to the familiar white gates.
54. Together they revived their party piece from the Sixties, Open Country, which like everything they played, was superb.
55. The other bidders submitted fine proposals that could be revived if the Allied deal fell apart, Horn said.
56. Read in studio One of the oldest parts of Robert Maxwell's collapsed empire has been revived by a management buyout.
57. By this time Melissa's temper had calmed and her curiosity revived.
58. Consequently composers have revived ancient liturgical-musical forms such as responsorial music, acclamations, litanies and processional songs.
59. After decades of neglecting the task, the State Department has revived efforts to lobby its cause with the public.
60. If not revived shortly thereafter by a gradual warming of the water, most of the fishes will die.
61. But the country's National Assembly, which was dissolved in September, shows no signs of being revived.
62. Revived in syndication, the show went on to become an international hit.
63. The Pilling Circular Tour of pre-war years has recently been revived using vintage trams and buses. 3.
64. They were probably introduced as a spin-off from the revived interest in heraldry in the early eighteenth century.
65. The ship's doctor tried to give them the kiss of life but they could not be revived.
66. After being revived, however, he discovers he does remember skills as a merchant / trader[http://], pilot and combat fighter.
67. After a long time, her fighting spirit gradually revived and she began to think constructively.
68. He had not designed a poster since 1949 but in 1954 his interest in this art form revived.
69. I revived as I felt myself go hurtling through the air and crashed down on to the wooden planks of the scaffold.
70. After half a dozen glasses of whisky he collapsed and could not be revived.
71. Its return on capital has more than doubled since 1980, and investment in capital equipment in this country has revived somewhat.
72. The original sovereign continued to be struck until 1603, when James I ascended the throne, but was revived in 1817.
73. Our stragglers, their courage revived by sight of the gunboats, came up the hill, seeking their regiments.
74. Support for pensions revived after the war but met invincible Treasury and Cabinet opposition on grounds of cost.
75. Some critics of the revived interest in Prussia have similar feelings.
76. They were allowed to lapse in the late nineteenth century and were not revived until after the last war.
77. They haven't revived the economy, and many are so blatantly political that some prefectures have started to refuse them.
78. It is a dull plod, although interest is momentarily revived by a recognition of Harryhorse Stone nearby.
79. But Shaw had not been well and Charlotte felt he urgently needed to be revived with country air.
80. Nor has it dealt with the question of a new citizenship law, though the Solingen atrocity has revived debate about this.
81. That requires the Bill to be revived tonight so that it can continue its progress.
82. In the past two years, tourism, the country's single biggest earner, has revived.
83. As a label, Gramola is still revived from time to time for releases that are primarily designed for the local market.
84. It revived concern over the harsh army round-ups in captured towns and villages.
85. In order to make use of the wood, the trust has revived some of the old woodland skills in an innovative way.
86. Although a pet suffering from heat stroke may be successfully revived, the best treatment is prevention.
87. Apollo had revived the fainting Hector and breathed into him surpassing power.
88. He had carteblanche as long as he revived our fortunes - luckily he knew I was the station's biggest asset.
89. Neither the new regional conferences nor the revived Labour League of Youth were allowed to debate national policy.
90. The coracle dates back more than two thousand years - now it's being revived by a Gloucestershire boat-builder.
91. Some of that climber's grey matter has been revived and placed into a robot-climbing machine.
92. He liked the fact that he had fought back from the break-up with Yamaguchi, revived a career in shambles.
93. Fraser and I both studied classical music and revived it playing traditional stuff.
94. Souvenir hunters revived the centuries-old tradition after a huge tanker washed up on the rocks below East Prawle, Devon.
95. Today's visitors come simply to relax and to be revived by the pleasures of sun and sea.
96. I had been revived by my contact with Tom Watt,[] although a shade concerned about his anxieties.
97. It was highly acclaimed, revived in 1990, and again this year.
98. In the early days of the Bonn Republic members of the higher courts freely invoked a revived Natural Law.
99. Now the concept is being revived with the City Technology Colleges of the 1980s and 1990s.
100. This old fish-drying plant has been revived to manufacture the drug, which is sent south for use in the trial.
101. It took a long time, in some cases, for them to be revived in our time and for our benefit.
102. With Bley conducting and Paul Haines, the original librettist, as narrator, the opera was revived to ecstatic reviews.
103. Reg tore this apart and produced wonderful cool refreshing water which revived us all.
104. During Ellis's tenure at Kurunagala cattle stealing went into a sharp decline, but as soon as he left the district it revived.
105. The renewed interest in alternative fuels and feedstocks has revived coal gasification and the old technology is rapidly being brought up to date.
106. Mother and daughter wailed, obviously revived by the melon they had devoured.
107. Swaledale is a traditional cheese of the same era as Wensleydale, which has been revived and is now selling well.
108. As Garcia was being moved on to a gurney at the hospital, he stopped breathing but was revived.
109. Trading on the name and our undying devotion, Carlton have revived Crossroads.
110. In fact, some accounts of the times attribute about 80 percent of the revived interest in neural networks directly to Hopfield.
111. As development proceeds, egocentrism slowly wanes and is revived in a different form when new cognitive structures are attained.
112. The repertory company revived plays from 30 years ago.
113. It revived their hope of winning the pennant.
114. The lifeguard revived the man by artificial respiration.
115. How I writhed, and yawned, and nodded, and revived!
116. MostRevived: Most times revived a teammate.
117. The doctors revived the comatose man.
118. The exaction was revived by Richard I.
119. The youth movement was revived.
120. The timely rain revived the droughtstricken crops.
121. His encouraging words revived my drooping spirits.
122. John Barton had revived to fitful intelligence.
123. I was debarrassed of interruption; my half - effaced thought instantly revived.
124. The air that came fragrantly to his brow revived his languid senses.
125. The Expressionist movement revived a new and emancipated human nature, and its literary subjectivity echoes the human nature and love advocated by the Storm and Stress movement.
126. The Monte Carlo name was revived in 1995 for a 12-year run as a two-door version of the front-wheel-drive,[] Lumina but it was only a pale imitation.
127. His conversation with Benjy, which followed , revived the irritation Nim frequently felt about his in-laws.
128. An unexpected bonus had revived the spirits of Keycase Milne.
129. He told me the story of how Cano revived the yeast, how it resembled brewer's yeast.
130. His successor, Anwar Sadat, freed political prisoners, revived the economy and won a peace agreement with Israel that got back what Nasser had lost.
131. S. universities extracted a gene from a preserved specimen of a thylacine and revived it in a mouse embryo.
132. The name was revived by Napoleon for the provinces of Illyria (809-85) and retained for the kingdom of Illyria, a division of Austria from 8' to 849.
133. But fantasy is soon revived by Yang Fudong's room filled with rough, behind-the-scenes footage from his typically stylish, multiscreen new film Fifth Night.
134. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's new campaign against teenage binge drinking in Australia revived questions last week about his own drunken escapade in a New York strip club.
135. Universities extracted a gene from a preserved specimen of a thylacine and revived it in a mouse embryo .
136. Party members KO'd in battle while on a quest are now automatically revived after the battle is won.
137. But first of all, the topic did come up that Kid Icarus would be revived, and that Kid Icarus would be well-matched with a game idea that was particular to my style.
138. So his killers shot him in the back with a revolver. Rasputin fell but later revived.
139. My arid heart revived; my affliction is lightened; my strait and struggle are gone.
140. Forexample, Neo-Confucianism was a revived version of old Confucianprinciples that appeared around the Song Dynasty, with Buddhist, Taoist, and Legalist features in the religion.
141. His play " The Circle " had been brilliantly revived in England by Evelyn Laye and Frank Lawton.
142. The Papal State, extinct since 1870, was revived as the State of Vatican City, as a result of the Lateran Treaty.
143. Revived, he crawled on, found water two days later, and eventually staggered into a camp at the nearest waterhole.
144. The Qin's extremism was also its undoing and it was soon replaced by the more enduring Han dynasty, which sought compromise with aristocratic elites and legitimation through a revived Confucianism.
145. (At the climax it gets revived with jumper cables.) In Hollywood movies such behavior is unacceptable; it's children who get to abuse adults by sassing and sabotaging them.
146. Firefighters in Florida revived several dogs by performing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation after they were rescued from a house fire.
147. The company revived the finances of the Oxford Union with a generous £1m endowment.
148. Those hands embody the scientific naturalism that began among the Lombard Herbalists of the late 14th century and would be revived, a century after Leonardo, in Caravaggio and his followers.
149. The plan amid a welter of criticism but has now been revived in a different guise.
150. Each nook and each object revived a memory, and simultaneously modified it.
151. Modern Greek Olympic gatherings had been held in Athens since 1859, but the efforts of Frenchman Pierre Fr?dy, Baron de Coubertin, and others revived the games as an international event.
152. From modern times on, old Druidism revived under the promoting of some factors. And now it owns definite publicity and influence in Western Europe and North America.
153. Theravada Buddhism, suppressed by Khmer Rouge but now revived, is the main religion, but Christianity is spreading in the country.
154. Even the mares, Kara and Shiva, revived when they approached Warsaw.
155. Kwan won the competition with a revived "Rachmaninoff" short program and a new " Scheherazade " program for her free skate securing a place on the 2002 Olympic team.
156. Stanley Hauerwas is one of the most noted ethicists who has revived Christian virtue ethics and was dubbed as America's best theologist in Time.
157. A third way in which seemingly moribund technologies can be revived is through an external shock.
158. After the fall of Leon Trotsky, the old anti Semitism was revived as a government policy.
159. In the early 20th century it was revived by Diego Rivera and others, often as a medium for political art.
160. If the expatriate leaves China prior to reaching the retirement age, his or her personal insurance account will be reserved and can be revived when he or she returns to China to recommence employment.
161. The legislation has now been revived after ten years in the deep freeze.
162. The project of a joint Swedish-Tatar invasion of Russia was revived during the Livonian War, which Sweden joined in 1560.
163. By the early 19 th century fantasies of an Amur breadbasket had revived.
164. In recent years, Crispin has revived, among other brands, Burger King, while coming up with admired campaigns for the Mini and Volkswagen.
165. But the recession that began in 2008 has revived fears of steel surpluses, particularly with the growth of state-supported steelworks in Brazil, India, and China.
166. GF left KO'd too long perish and cannot be revived.
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167. His interest in the kindred field of speleology was promptly revived.
168. While trading operations have revived earnings, the brokerage business remains under siege.
169. Carrie revived a little under the drummer's electrical , nervous condition.




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