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单词 Milton
1, Her book is the definitive works on Milton.
2, De Montfort University has campuses in Milton Keynes and Leicester.
3, Milton let out his breath in a long exhalation.
4, They tried to appraise the poet-ry of John Milton.
5, He reads a passage from Milton.
6, She went upstairs to wake Milton.
7, Milton is placed after Shakespeare.
8, Milton raised the glass to his lips.
9, As a poet he hardly approaches John Milton.
10, Her book is the definitive work on Milton.
11, Milton Street is on the left,[http:///milton.html] immediately after the bank.
12, The head groom is responsible for seeing that Milton and his stablemates have safe journeys.
13, The British new towns, such as Milton Keynes, are looked on as one of the major achievements of post-war planning.
14, Milton regarded her comment as a slur on his country.
15, That bar on Milton Street, which by the way is very nice, is owned by Trevor's brother.
16, Milton Keynes is a new town which was founded in 1967.
17, Full of jealousy, Aleman challenges Milton to a duel.
18, Then Milton died, and Dark was disconsolate.
19, She was married to Milton Hayes, an Oceanic Lines purser, in 1929.
20, Horses like Milton show the sport at it s finest - creating wildly enthusiastic crowds and media attention of the right kind.
21, His shot was blocked by goalkeeper Milton Flores, but the rebound came right to Caio, who poked it in.
22, Ever so gradually Milton had to admit that this whole thing was turning out all right.
23, Milton has already dispelled our traditional view of an awesome, bestial figure, in favour of one who possesses a destroyed beauty.
24, Then it was back to Milton Hall for Stewart and back to the passport office for Tish.
25, That's the state of play in Milton Keynes where Labour lost four seats, and control.
26, The planners say Milton Keynes has brought country living into the town ... Peter says the town has invaded the country.
27, The ringing of the telephone at midnight made Doctor Milton at once become aware that there must be an urgent case coming.
28, He was suspended from duty after alleged irregularities during a fraud and drugs investigation in Milton Keynes five years ago.
29, She told me how much more exciting Willesden was than rural Bedfordshire, despite the once a year trips to Milton Keynes.
30, Read in studio Police hunting the so called Fishermead rapist in Milton Keynes have new leads following a nationwide appeal.
1, Her book is the definitive works on Milton.
2, De Montfort University has campuses in Milton Keynes and Leicester.
31, The design came from the sketchpad of a 12 year old Milton Keynes schoolboy.
32, Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman once lamented that since everyone handles money, there are many know-nothings who think they understand economics.
33, It was Michael who introduced me to his twin brother Milton.
34, And as you might expect, Milton had far fewer herpes outbreaks.
35, The people of the Milton Keynes have welcomed the news.
36, The girl was grabbed from behind and dragged into bushes as she walked through an estate in Milton Keynes, Bucks.
37, The President he himself deposed, Milton Obote, eventually wins power.
38, Hugh was at the Milton sit-in, where the workers won a fight to stop compulsory redundancies but lost the war.
39, She went back to Milton abruptly, instead of moving permanently to New York as she had been planning to do.
40, The fact is no-one knows what's going to happen in the two new Milton Keynes constituencies.
41, Since then Milton Keynes has been called a brilliant success,[] and a place with no heart or soul.
42, Detectives in Milton Keynes have just finished a survey of car crime.
43, Milton would get you theatre tickets, special hotel rates, restaurant reservations and still wonder if you needed anything more.
44, Milton was advised that this' will be a means to make most of the Trades fly against the present sett.
45, Lord Fitzwilliam gave an impromptu ball for her at Milton Park and she danced until dawn.
46, Thirty-year-old Jitendra Jotangia was remanded in custody by Milton Keynes magistrates until later this month.
47, Hannah Davies was found lying beside her push chair with extensive injuries at the playgroup in Milton Keynes in July last year.
48, The teenagers were finally stopped near junction 14 of the M1 near Milton Keynes when a police landrover blocked their way.
49, Read in studio Two twelve year old girls have been sexually assaulted by a masked man in Milton Keynes.
50, The most difficult thing when writing about Milton is to find enough superlatives to describe him.
51, For a horse who has a fairly relaxed outlook on life, Milton has a surprising number of phobias.
52, As Milton Keynes celebrates it's jubilee, the arguments will continue long into the next century.
53, At Bicester it hit a roundabout but kept going with a flat tyre heading for Milton Keynes.
54, Milton Berle was under a sheet on an operating table.
55, To the north-west, there is of course Milton Keynes. Huge tracts of this city of 137,000 are not yet built.
56, They are alleged to have dealt in drugs in the Milton Keynes and Aylesbury areas and were involved in car crime.
57, You can not interfere with a single word in Shakespeare or Milton without changing the meaning.
58, The idea, which smacks of Milton, was potent in the age.
59, The fruit was carnal knowledge, and everybody from Thomas Aquinas to Milton knew it.
60, Milton tells us in Paradise Lost that Satan, even after his fall, still dimly reflects his former glory.
61, A taste for the exotic is catered for by a spectacular range of orchids from a nursery in Milton Keynes.
62, This weekend road safety officers will offer free checks at a car safety centre in Milton Keynes.
63, Here officers are tracking a car they believed was stolen in Milton Keynes.
64, His Milton and Dante fetch pathetically small sums in comparison with the labour and skill they cost.
65, In August 1826 Artis left Milton to go into business on his own again.
66, The victim was confronted by a group of youths and stabbed four times as he walked home at Bletchley in Milton Keynes.
67, This means, in a year, car crime accounts for more than five million pounds in Milton Keynes.
68, The candidates faced hours of written exams, manoeuvres and then a gruelling road test through Milton Keynes.
69, Mainsborne, as the system is called, is being installed for field trials in 1000 houses in London and Milton Keynes.
70, His comments on the great world conflict were studded with quotations from Marlowe and Dryden, Milton and Tennyson.
71, The 22 year old's body was found at the remote Longslade picnic site near Milton Keynes.
72, Like logarithms and Milton it was just another burden to be borne.
73, They thought they would get a warm welcome when they offered the money to the charity-funded hospice in Milton, Cambs.
74, In Milton Keynes and Oxfordshire the jobless rate is three times as high as 1990.
75, And the police warn they will be more raids in Milton Keynes if they hear drug dealing has started up again.
76, Milton ward Tories were so impressed by his la-de-da-accent and gold-plated walking stick that they made him social secretary.
77, He keeps scrapbooks full of them at his home in Bradwell, Milton Keynes.
78, Milton had two or was it three daughters and they wrote down his poems as he dictated.
79, Milton departs from the biblical account which has the people suffer with their rulers.
80, In September he appeared before Milton Keynes magistrates, but they deferred sentence.
81, At school we had to read works by serious writers like Shakespeare and Milton.
82, Several would-be robot makers fell by the wayside, among them Remek of Milton Keynes.
83, Rose Hill, already a familiar sight around Milton Keynes, may soon be recognised worldwide.
84, Eleven came through to the jump off, over a highly technical track that caught out both Milton and Werra.
85, Milton Keynes police have set up an incident room and they're appealing for any witnesses.
86, Sheffield United looked to be heading for their third successive home win when substitute Simon Milton found space on the right.
87, Like Milton, you might not have allowed yourself to think about your favorite talents and aptitudes in a long time.
88, She had severe head injuries and was taken to Milton Keynes hospital but died soon after arrival.
89, The first edition of Paradise Lost was printed in an edition of around 1300 for which Milton received £5.
90, The stadium was built by the old Milton Keynes Development Corporation and has played host to major stars in the past.
91, Milton Berle wore a wig and a dress as he battered a policeman with a purse.
92, She paused now as Milton Berle ran around the operating room in his hospital johnny with the doctors and nurses chasing him.
93, Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest.
94, Milton is placed after Shakespeare among English poets.
95, Milton: "We met in the Catskills.
96, Milton, are you in Rio de Janeiro today?
97, Edward's two brothers are Milton and Michael.
98, Milton Friedman is an economist.
99, John Milton : The worst vice is advice.
100, Shakespeare and Milton have high places among English writers.
100, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
101, Those lines of Milton flashed into my mind.
102, Milton was shown into the office.
103, Shakespeare and Milton, Drake, Raleigh, and all.
104, Milton is a baby in the family.
105, You remember milton weinberg, your old wingman?
106, He recalled that my brother Milton had visited Africa.
107, Milton summarizes the people's case in many such succinct passages.
108, When Comus is first performed, Milton's poetry hasn't yet been printed, but it's almost as if Sabrina seems to have died printless or unpublished so that Milton wouldn't have to.
109, As excited -- as aroused -- as we might find ourselves by this imagining of Milton actually playing Comus, of course his performance in that role can't be asserted in any way definitively.
110, Milton, like so many of his contemporaries, kept a commonplace book and, as you can imagine, he kept it for the most part in Latin.
111, It has a capacity for action, actually a capacity for motion, and, just as books can take on a life of their own in Areopagitica, so all matter for later Milton.
112, Monetarism, led by Milton Friedman , which holds that inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.
113, In 1641, Milton standing on side of the Puritan Revolution, began to participate in religious polemics against the feudal dynasty of the pillars of the state religion.
114, Milton refuses the state of splendid vassalage to a kingly poet likeHomer.
115, He was a premed student, also at Cornell, who incidentally also had a bad cold. I fell in love with Milton the instant I met him.
116, Milton believes in the principle espoused by the famous physicist Murray Gell-Mann: anything that is not forbidden is compulsory.
117, Milton probably around this time, around the time that he was writing and finishing the regicide treatises, began to lose his eyesight.
118, In exchange, the Chinese received an Alaskan musk ox named Milton, which they may or may not have eventually shot.
119, First suggested by Milton Friedman , an economist, in 1955, the principle is compellingly simple.
120, Before the end of century, there was another famous writer, John Milton.
121, Milton wrote his epic in lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter or what we call, and what Milton would have called, blank verse.
122, John Milton , English poet , notably Paradise Lost , was born in London.
123, I think in a lot of ways - and this could probably be said of Spenser as well - Milton is attracted to the excavation project.
124, Milton pushes this image even further into indistinctness with an instance of his famous deployment of the conjunction or.
125, The system of negative income tax was firstly proposed by Milton Friedman of Chicago University, and developed by economists in the west later.
126, After Grub Street , London, former name of Milton Street, where such writers lived.
127, Virgil had written a poem in the Sixth Eclogue that had touched Milton, and it had touched Milton, I think, because it begins with Virgil's own brooding meditation on the course of his poetic career.
128, The only thing that matters is the salvation of the incorporeal, the bodiless soul, but Milton is so unorthodox, or at least heterodox, in his insistence on the importance of the body in this poem.
129, American composer Milton Babbitt's piano work Partitions showed his technical features of serial music composition.
130, We have already encountered on some level the importance of the figure of eating to John Milton. Think of Comus.Sentence dictionary
131, The greatness of Milton's epic was immediately recognized, and the admiring comments of the respected poets John Dryden and Andrew Marvell helped restore Milton to favor.
132, It is hard not to be impressed by an author who alludes to Milton on one page, then turns to the charms of the National Municipal Accounting Manual on another.
133, Milton rather late in his life has become a monist.
134, It's almost as if we can hear Milton say, after he's given his own really quite elaborate display of allegorical poetry, "Thus Spenser relates, erring."
135, Milton wrote his three major poetical works: Paradise Lost , Paradise Regained, and Samson Agonistes.
136, Power is a conceptual category that Milton brooded on and cultivated his entire writing life.
137, We looked at its relation to the new career that John Milton ended up assuming in the late 1630s: this new career as a polemical writer of political prose.
138, It was a fertile time for art (Rembrandt, Vermeer) and literature (Racine, Moliere, Milton, Pascal) and unfortunately, bad philosophy (Hobbes, Locke).
139, Just a generation ago, the mark of acivilised person was an appreciation of Shakespeare, Milton, Goethe, Thucydides, Rembrandt and Beethoven.
140, Now we will never know, and don't let anyone ever suggest to you that you will ever know, what Milton could possibly mean by this deliberately perplexing image of the two-handed engine at the door.
141, Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17 th - century English poet John Milton.
142, He's a better teacher than Scotus or Aquinas, and the text seems almost to suggest that Milton can't do without his own teacher, Edmund Spenser.
143, Lycidas' untimely death seems to enable Milton to master his own fears of untimeliness.
144, Friedman Milton. The Need for Futures Markets in Currencies. Chicago: International Monetary Market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 1971.
145, John Milton: Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate.
146, Milton claims that epic poetry is the highest ambition for a poet and then he goes on to explain how it is that the epic poet should comport himself.
147, John Milton has made a mistake. He's made a literary mistake and, as I think all editors know, Spenser does not.
148, Milton shows us he's fully escaped from the repetitiveness of the "yet once more"-beginning.
149, Milton has to justify or at least understand this seemingly incomprehensible and unjustifiable event. It's this drive to theodicy that accounts for the poem's most painful moments.
150, Milton would insert into the printed text of his poem his own anticipation that his epic would receive the same universal approbation as Homer's and Virgil's.
151, Today my roommate forwarded me a news, Milton Friedman dies.
152, We ask ourselves, "Milton?! Our John Milton frequent a bordello?!"
153, I think it's fair to say that Milton can't really imagine or fully invest himself in the Christian heaven until he can fully corporealize it and imagine it bodily.
154, It's perfectly impossible, I think, to imagine a stronger statement than this of the authority that Milton gives, the intellectual self-possession that he ascribes, to the individual.
155, Individuals of heterodox belief but whose own views may stimulate others to question and think for themselves, all to the good, Milton, John Locke, people like Voltaire argued something like this.
156, Hilda represents what Milton called " a cloistered virtue ".
157, Milton actually wrote that it was the duty, not just the right but the duty, of a nation to rise up and dethrone through execution an unjust, though legitimate, king.
158, We knew this from Milton Friedman's permanent income hypothesis, or even from good old Keynesian multiplier theory.
159, The Milton Friedman Institute was conceived by faculty from the university's economics department, the law school and the graduate school of business.
160, Variety shows offered a mix of entertainment. Americans watched shows hosted by comics like Milton Berle,[ ] Jackie Gleason and Sid Caesar.
161, Anyhow, they wrote to confirm in writing what you discussed the Milton contract.
162, Can you imagine John Milton or William Penn skipping through a revolving door?
163, Not Milton himself would cry up liberty to poor female slaves or plead for the lawfulness or resisting a private tyranny.
164, Milton ultimately is a pious man and wants us to frown on Satan's critique of the Judeo-Christian conception of divinity.
165, On the other hand, as an active participant in the English Revolution, Milton was directly influenced by it. His passion for the Revolution likewise brought about the heroic Satan.
166, Milton Friedman embarrassed some of his sound money followers by advocating indexed contracts.
167, John Milton threw open whole new vistas inexhaustible possibilities that promised to ward off monotony forever.
168, And so, to use the words with which Milton would begin Paradise Lost, " a theodicy is an attempt "to justify the ways of God to men."
169, Milton is alerting us to the significance of the word "first" in the very first line, in this wonderful act of violating the laws of iambic pentameter.
170, "What shall we do?" Milton said again in a toneless voice.
171, If you ever want to take a look at -- and I urge you to -The Variorum Commentary on the Poems of John Milton in the CCL collection, you should peruse it.
172, It's in recognition of what we can think of as this time-honored historical irony that Milton writes such a memorable line, a wonderful line, in his sonnet on the new Presbyterian regime.
173, Scotland is planning to introduce a minimum price per unit for alcohol, but Ms Milton said the move was probably illegal under European trade laws and would be challenged.
174, Milton almost requires a solemn service of music to be played before you enter upon him.
175, Lycidas' death -- remember this is the poem that Milton didn't want to write, he was "forc'd" to write it -Lycidas' death allows the uncouth swain to grow up and to move on.
176, In this final assertion of the body Milton, I think, is able to recover his theodicy, his attempt to justify the ways of God here on earth.
177, Milton had no precedent for this. There's no precedent for this depiction of a god or a holy spirit as a kind of hermaphroditic being.
178, As for Milton 's attitude towards women, some critics hold that he is a typical misogynist while others believe that he has an obvious tendency to feminism.
179, He's absorbed the touching authority of Phoebus Apollo, the god of the sun. Milton -- why is that important?
180, Philip Milton Roth is one of the most important Jewish American novelists since the 1950s.
181, When Milton Friedman reached that conclusion over 40 years ago, he assumed that the velocity of money (the speed at which money changes hands to buy goods and services) would be constant.
182, Milton claims that epic poetry is the highest ambition for a poet and then he goes on to explain how it is that the epic poet should comport himself. I love this.
183, The reason is that her boyfriend, Milton Chiu, is the son of entertainment mogul Chiu Fu - sheng!
184, Here Milton is elaborating on the details of his anticipation of his undying fame. This is a polemical tract about a new way in which the Anglican church government should be organized.
185, Power is a conceptual category that Milton brooded on and cultivated his entire writing life. From a very early age, Milton nursed the image of himself as a powerful poet.
186, Friedman Milton. The Need for Futures MarketsInternational Monetary Market of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, 1971.
187, One of these little details that Milton has lifted rather directly is that of the river Lethe, the river of oblivion that was believed to flow in the underworld.
188, John Milton wrote Paradise Lost. Then his wife died and he wrote Paradise Regained.
189, Now in these two books we've seen Milton dig up and discard just about the entire tradition of epic poetry.
190, There's also a more specific, a more local,[http:///milton.html] reason for which our John Milton was susceptible to this profit-and-loss rhetoric of Calvinist puritan theology.
191, So true poetry for Milton, true prophetic poetry, the kind of song that can actually vie with the most perfect music of the spheres, is only accessible, and presumably only producible, by the virgin.
192, Actually we have Milton's commonplace book, his reading notes, and you can find it all in English translation in volume one of The Complete Prose Works of John Milton.
193, The best-known monetarist, Dr. Milton Friedman, says the Fed should expand the money supply at three to five percent a year, the actual figure being less important than the absence of fluctuations.
194, Thereminiscing author was Milton Friedman , who died on November 16 th, aged 94.
195, This poem, Milton tells us again and again, has been authorized by that same Holy Spirit who had inspired Moses to write the Book of Genesis.
196, Writers such as William Shakespeare, John Milton and Christopher Marlowe almost exclusively used blank verse in their famous works.
197, We have the god of poetry, Phoebus Apollo himself, who makes an appearance, and he chides Milton for being so concerned with earthly fame -- more on that later.
198, Milton Friedman, a monetarist economist, argued that adjustments were easier in a floating-rate system.
199, Newly fitted wardrobes Milton Keynes can be the ideal space saving addition to any room that will provide you with hogan shoes, functionality and practicality.
200, An example of nearly contemporary Roman writing on the subject shows an analysis which Milton Freidman (a famous 20th century monetarist) would have been hard pressed to better.
201, She represents a power that might enable Milton to warble a right or proper song.
202, It's in this period that Milton increasingly begins to adopt, or assume, Saint Peter's confident and denunciatory rhetoric.
203, It's just a fact that Milton is shockingly unembarrassed about making public all of his highest literary ambitions.
204, Milton can no longer be chided or be criticized by Phoebus because he's become Phoebus.
205, Six years later when Milton writes Lycidas,() he's employing the same fiction of unreadiness and filled with all of the same anxiety of under-preparedness.
206, Milton becomes increasingly in this period and this is the period of the English Revolution.
207, But Astell resents, of course, Milton here, and what she resents is the limitation of his subversiveness.
208, Milton was blind. Cervantes had one arm. Christopher Marlowe was stabbed to death in a barroom brawl before he was thirty.
209, There's even the suggestion here that Milton will be pursuing things unattempted yet even in holy scripture.
210, Milton brings to his critique of rhyme that same -- and this is familiar - the same political rhetoric that he had brought to his critique of monarchy in the regicide treatises.




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