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单词 banshee
释义  Related topics: Occultban·shee /ˈbænʃiː/ noun [countable]  ROa female spirit whose loud cry is believed to be heard when someone is going to die 〔传说会大声号哭以预报凶讯的〕报丧女妖 She was screaming like a banshee. 她像鬼一样地尖叫。Examples from the Corpusbanshee• He turned back just in time to see something large and black roaring at him like a banshee.• One little girl dropped her ice-cream in the excitement of it all and began to howl like a banshee.• You were drunk and howling it out like a banshee.• When she makes love she screams like a banshee, and things are inclined to get knocked over.• Screeching like a banshee, she was.• The train was still inside the tunnel, the wind howling like a mad banshee through the open windows.• With their banshee wails, squalling guitars and naked aggression, they are baring their souls and they are angry.• Onstage, we rock out like wild banshees from hell.Origin banshee (1600-1700) Scottish Gaelic bean-sith, probably from Old Irish ben side “woman of fairyland”ban·shee nounChineseSyllable   Corpus is cry be to female loud believed a spirit whose




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