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单词 nature
释义 Word family  noun nature naturalist naturalism naturalization naturalness the supernatural natural naturist naturism adjective natural ≠ unnatural supernatural naturalistic verb naturalize adverb naturally ≠ unnaturally naturalistically supernaturally  Related topics: Biology, Naturena·ture /ˈneɪtʃə $ -tʃər/ ●●● S1 W1 noun  1  plants/animals etc 植物/动物等 [uncountable] (also Nature)HBHE everything in the physical world that is not controlled by humans, such as wild plants and animals, earth and rocks, and the weather 大自然,自然界 We grew up in the countryside, surrounded by the beauties of nature. 我们在乡村长大,周围是美丽的大自然。 nature conservation 自然保护the laws/forces of nature The inhabitants of the island fight a constant battle against the forces of nature. 那座岛上的居民经常和大自然的力量抗争。in nature All these materials are found in nature. 所有这些材料都能在自然界中找到。 Disease is nature’s way of keeping the population down. 疾病是大自然控制人口的方法。n GrammarDon’t say ‘the nature’ in this meaning. You say: the power of nature ✗Don’t say: the power of the nature 2  SB’s character 某人的性格 [countable, uncountable]CHARACTER/PERSONALITY someone’s character 本性,天性 a child with a happy, easy-going nature 个性开朗、容易相处的孩子somebody’s nature It’s just not in Jane’s nature to lie. 简天生不会撒谎。by nature She was by nature a very affectionate person. 她生性就是个非常亲切的人。 I tried appealing to his better nature (=his feelings of kindness) but he wouldn’t agree to help us. 我想唤起他的善良本性,但他就是不同意帮助我们。 Of course she’s jealous – it’s only human nature (=the feelings and ways of behaving that all people have). 她当然嫉妒——这是人的天性。3  qualities of STH 某物的特征 [singular, uncountable]CHARACTER OF something the qualities or features that something has 特点,性质nature of They asked a lot of questions about the nature of our democracy. 他们询问了很多关于我们民主制度本质的问题。 He examined the nature of the relationship between the two communities. 他调查了那两个社区之间关系的特点。exact/precise/true nature The exact nature of the problem is not well understood. 大家还未弄清楚该问题的确切本质。different/political/temporary etc in nature Any government funding would be temporary in nature. 任何政府资助终究都是暂时性的。 Capitalist society is by its very nature unstable. 从本质而言,资本主义社会是不稳定的。4  type 类型 [singular]TYPE a particular kind of thing 类别,种类of a personal/political/difficult etc nature The support being given is of a practical nature. 提供的支援是实用性的。of this/that nature I never trouble myself with questions of that nature. 我从不自寻烦恼考虑那类问题。5  in the nature of things NORMALaccording to the natural way things happen 按照事物的规律 In the nature of things, there is bound to be the occasional accident. 按照事物的规律,偶尔发生事故是必然的。6  be in the nature of something formal to be similar to a type of thing 类似某事物 The enquiry will be more in the nature of a public meeting than a formal hearing. 调查将更像是一次公众会议而不是正式的听证会。7  against nature not natural, and morally wrong 违背天性;不道德 They believe that suicide is against nature. 他们认为自杀违背天性。8  let nature take its course NOT DO somethingto allow events to happen without doing anything to change the results 顺其自然,任其自然发展 The best cure for a cold is to let nature take its course. 治感冒最好的办法就是顺其自然。9  back to nature NATURALa style of living in which people try to live simply and not use modern machines 〔生活方式的〕返璞归真,回归自然 city workers who want to get back to nature in their holidays 休假时想回归自然的城市上班族 → be/become second nature (to somebody) at second1(11), → the call of nature at call2(12)Examples from the Corpusnature• I've always been a nature lover.• Out of acorns, nature makes a machine that provides a luxurious home for people, animals, and plants.• She's generous by nature.• I am not by nature a violent man, but these insults were more than I could bear.• On the plains the farmers have to deal with frequent floods, but up in the hills their problems are of a different nature.• books of an erotic nature• Being distrustful had become a part of her nature.• It was not in his nature to take risks.• Kindness and sympathy were in his nature.• She was surprised to learn he had a romantic side to his nature.• Though this is impossible to us as humans, nature does it all the time.• the laws of nature• The arrival of man-made instruments represented the supplanting and indeed deliberate transcending of nature by human values.• The support being given is primarily of a practical nature.• He has a serious nature and his powers of concentration are a boon when it comes to his gruelling training schedule.• Children at this age commonly refer to being eaten up by tigers and lions and things of that nature.• Monnens spends his days explaining the nature of Internet advertising to clients.• The cruise was to be in the nature of a "rest cure".• It's in the nature of elections that campaigning sometimes gets quite tough.• But one can not be specific about the number of questions without knowing the nature of the project topic.• The choice of methods for a particular study will depend on the nature of the task and the resources available.• The doctor admitted that he didn't yet understand the nature of Julie's illness.• Computers, by their nature, tend to change the way offices are organized.• Thus it is very important to read the instructions carefully when using programmes of this nature.• My girlfriend has a rather unforgiving nature so I don't think that I'll tell her.the laws/forces of nature• Some people say that grips should be individual but I believe that it is impossible to change the laws of nature.• It was one of man's more successful attempts at curbing the forces of nature.• In a way, all of us dislike the laws of nature.• It is the laws of nature, not the local manifestations of them, that are universal.• After looking at me carefully, they decided that I was a creature outside the laws of nature.• Everything has been turned into pleasure, euphoria, the ecstasy of seeing the laws of nature crumble before your eyes.• But they were not willing to see one acre of irrigated land succumb to the forces of nature, regardless of cost.It’s ... in ... nature• It's in my nature to work very hard.• But they always do ripen; it's in their nature.nature of• Information technology has changed the nature of work.of a personal/political/difficult etc nature• She didn't think anything of a personal nature had entered the conversation.• Mahmoud had been unable to uncover anything of a personal nature which might have prompted the attack.• There are, however, several decrees of a political nature worthy of consideration, not previously discussed.• No donations of a political nature were made.• If Richard was not at home with words, still less was he at home with questions of a personal nature.nNature  na British weekly journal (=serious magazine) which deals with all areas of science. It is a very respected journal, and many important new discoveries are first reported in articles in Nature.Origin nature (1200-1300) French Latin natura, from natus; → NATIONna·ture noun →n GRAMMAR1NatureLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  the is Corpus everything world that physical not in controlled




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