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单词 naturally
释义 Word family  noun nature naturalist naturalism naturalization naturalness the supernatural natural naturist naturism adjective natural ≠ unnatural supernatural naturalistic verb naturalize adverb naturally ≠ unnaturally naturalistically supernaturally  nat·u·ral·ly /ˈnætʃərəli $ -tʃərəli, -tʃərli/ ●●○ S3 W3 adverb  1  [sentence adverb]EXPECT use this to say that something is normal and not surprising 当然;自然 Naturally, you’ll want to discuss this with your wife. 当然,你一定想和你妻子商量一下这件事。 Naturally enough, she wanted her child to grow up fit and strong. 很自然,她希望自己的孩子健康茁壮地成长。2  YES spoken use this to say ‘yes’ when you agree with someone or when you think the person who asked the question should know that your reply will be ‘yes’ 当然了,那还用说 ‘Am I allowed in?’ ‘Naturally.’ “我可以进来吗?”“当然。3  CHARACTER/PERSONALITYNATURALin a way that is the result of nature, not of someone’s actions 天生地 My hair is naturally curly. 我的头发生来就是鬈的。come naturally (to somebody) (=be easy for you to do because you have a natural ability) (某人)天生就会 Speaking in public seems to come quite naturally to her. 当众演讲似乎是她与生俱来的能力。4  RELAXEDin a relaxed manner without trying to look or sound different from usual 表现自然地,不做作地 Just speak naturally and pretend the microphone isn’t there. 自然地说就行,就当麦克风不存在。Examples from the Corpusnaturally• She embraced Kenny and me as naturally as if we were family.• Although over the moon with it generally, I am disappointed with the lack of power in the naturally aspirated diesel engine.• Dot had short, naturally blond hair.• My thoughts naturally centered on the difficult task at hand.• Vowels move towards a neutral form when used in naturally flowing sentences.• The small nucleus of ex-service officers naturally guarded their job closely.• Naturally, Mike claims his barbecue is the best in the world.• Although we restrict the name mineral to inorganic substances, there are many naturally occurring organic components of rocks.• The lid is naturally oily and doesn't need extra lubrication.• I find it surprising that Professor Rudi Nussbaum fails to mention that the Earth is naturally radioactive.• This naturally takes a toll on intellectual honesty.• You can do it so naturally they don't even realise it.• Are you guys naturally weird, or do you have to work at it?come naturally (to somebody)• For many of us, communicating openly and sympathetically does not come naturally.• Whether you are graced appears to be at least partly a matter of temperament, Fowers notes: It comes naturally.• Swimming comes naturally to a fish.• The role doesn't come naturally to either Bush or Gore.• She could put it on, like a posh accent, but it didn't come naturally to her.• In business, such ingredients come naturally to women.• With practice this form of breathing will come naturally to you.• He looks too much to make a big pass rather than do what comes naturally, which is score.nat·u·ral·ly adverbChineseSyllable  that something use is normal this say and Corpus to




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