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单词 Suggestive
1 Her symptoms are suggestive of a panic disorder.
2 His behaviour was suggestive of a cultured man.
3 His face is suggestive of a thief.
4 The results were highly suggestive of malignancy.
5 He kept giving me suggestive looks.
6 Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin.
7 He gave her a suggestive glance, and she blushed.
8 Some of his lyrics are rather suggestive.
9 His suggestive remarks shocked the young lady.
10 It was a huge sound, suggestive of whales calling each other.
11 The amplified sounds are suggestive of dolphins chatting to each other under the sea.
12 I made a suggestive remark and she poked me in the jaw.
13 However, some suggestive experimental evidence is now available.
14 His songs are full of suggestive lyrics.
15 It looked ironic, satiric, suggestive on her small frame.
16 His white face was spiteful, threatening and suggestive.
17 Isn't this suggestive, perhaps, of sublimated homosexual attraction?
18 Here the seventh-century evidence is actually more suggestive than that for the sixth.
19 The presence of HAPCs was suggestive of normal colonic function.
20 The groups were put in contexts suggestive in one case of euphoria, in the other of anger.
21 Several of the most sexually suggestive scenes have been cut from the film.
22 The sounds were suggestive of whales calling to each other.
23 The natural images in the poem are meant to be suggestive of realities beyond themselves.
24 The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long,[] curving nails suggestive of animal claws.
25 The endoscopic aspect of the gastric lesions was clearly suggestive of malignancy in only half the patients.
26 Victor winked at her, and his smile was so wickedly suggestive that Francesca blushed.
27 The set, therefore, can be manipulated and made deliberately suggestive of the appropriateness of religious labelling.
28 Males also often have body scars and broken tusks, suggestive of combat.
29 This intrusion or invasion into the thick impasto of the declamatory surface is peculiarly poignant and suggestive.
30 Also, listening to people's conversations can be very enlightening and suggestive of ideas.
1 Her symptoms are suggestive of a panic disorder.
2 His behaviour was suggestive of a cultured man.
3 His suggestive remarks shocked the young lady.
31 Deaths and disclosures, universal and particular, denouements both unexpected and inexorable, transvestite melodrama on all levels including the suggestive.
32 A high preponderance of Protestant ascetics might then be suggestive.
33 You also wrongly stated that we use scare tactics such as hostile looks or suggestive comments to keep women away.
34 This project is intended to be suggestive for future work.
35 A suggestive hint comes from Trinidad where small fish called guppies vary in color according to the stretch of water they inhabit.
36 Clumsiness and poor penmanship may be suggestive of both physiological weaknesses and work inhibition.
37 And we all focus our attention on the potential scandal completely ignoring a far more suggestive state of affairs.
38 Like his father there was something daunting, almost terrible about him an austerity suggestive of ferocity.
39 And there is always something of the suggestive, because our minds accept all predictable ties on the same footing.
40 But for most policymakers enough such suggestive studies have been conducted to justify measures to limit population growth.
41 They wore helmets suggestive of the heads of flies, and their black silks were embroidered with arcane silver hieroglyphics.
42 There were many conflicting smells -- musty scents suggestive of faded perfumes, herbal teas, and an aging woman.
43 And in their own dossiers, I found a few suggestive hints to the effect that Rains and Kruger were hardly spotless.
44 Tucked away in small crevices can be found other, more suggestive and recognisable human remains.
45 While highly suggestive, such studies have not always met the test of scientific proof.
46 Some athletes use hypnotic and suggestive techniques as an adjunct to visualization and mental practice.
47 The film "Tom Jones' is famous for its sexually suggestive eating scene.
48 In addition(), two others without a histologically proven diagnosis had a pattern suggestive of a myopathic process.
49 Kilts are suggestive things for such scriptwriters to introduce at such a point.
50 So delicate and suggestive was the touch that her skin tingled.
51 Several important features of the medical history that are suggestive of malnutrition are outlined on p. 190.
52 The proposals were relatively brief and only suggestive of how future work might proceed.
53 When she worked in the pub, men used to make suggestive remarks to her all the time.
54 Sometimes the hallucinations associated with small seizures in the temporal lobe have characteristics suggestive of schizophrenic thought[], especially paranoia.
55 The diagnosis can be made clinically by careful abdominal examination after a suggestive history has been obtained.
56 They were gaudy and sexually suggestive and each tailored to the individual characteristics of the woman to be wed.
57 It seems to me a good term, generous and open and suggestive of a willingness to cross established borders.
58 Suicide Although suicide is not, in itself, a psychiatric illness it may be taken as suggestive of impaired mental health.
59 They then began to take measurements to see if any heat was being generated, suggestive of fusion occurring.
60 There is no conclusive evidence on this point, but scattered returns are suggestive.
61 The distinction between the arbitrary and the suggestive is ultimately groundless.
62 The treatment given here is suggestive rather than thorough.
63 Suggestive or characteristic of a man; mannish .
64 These headaches were most suggestive of raised blood pressure.
65 Using up - selling and suggestive selling techniques.
66 music that is suggestive of warm summer days.
67 This busy, distracting, suggestive scene was shut out.
68 Let's expect his bizarrerie and yet suggestive speech.
69 The speech is very suggestive.
70 The suggestive notation has been chosen purposely.
71 The chapter is insightful and suggestive of new perspectives.
72 A protective cover similar to or suggestive of a quilt.
73 There are a number of other observations that are suggestive of the need for a cosmological constant.
74 This statement is made despite suggestive and much earlier observations.
75 Conclusion: The appearance of the multiple small ring, twist and target enhancement in the basal ganglion are highly suggestive of toxoplasma encephalitis.
76 The syntax here for lambda expressions, as well as the improvements to the Collections APIs, are provisional and are only meant to be suggestive of what code we might be able to write with Java SE 8.
77 The Finnish team has even released a video showing a young female office worker sucking an ice lolly in a highly suggestive manner.
78 Conclusions - Hemodynamic and chronotropic responses to exercise are heritable and demonstrate suggestive linkage to select loci.
79 "I have not sent him any suggestive messages, " Ms. Cordova said.
80 CORRELATION is not causation, but it can often be suggestive.
81 When encountered in the jaws, the lesions exhibit clinical and radiographic features suggestive of several odontogenic and non-odontogenic neoplasms .
82 Slang One that is suggestive of a genetic mutant, as in bizarre appearance, inaptitude, or genesis in an unhealthy environment.
83 The two red grapes received as 24-hour cold soak on the skins to give the wine its suggestive pinkness and luscious body.
84 Whatever the explanation , the dural tail sign remains a helpful sign at least suggestive of meningioma.
84 try its best to collect and make good sentences.
85 The precise yet endlessly suggestive works that result from his unrivalled draughtsmanship are just as compelling as his paintings.
86 The works are suggestive of political and ideological incoherency but offer a conceptual openness depending on space, chance, and the viewers' physical and mental participations.
87 Chapter 1, " Democracy and City Life in America. " is suggestive.
88 Sexualizing clothing reveals or emphasizes a sexualized body part, has characteristics associated with sexiness, and/or carries sexually suggestive writing.
89 Its pictographic and ideogram characteristic enriches Chinese characters with cultural connotations. They show the Chinese traditional cultural consciousness with suggestive reduction.
90 The archaeologists found no pottery, ornaments or paved surfaces which might be suggestive of formal graves or burial rituals.
91 Figure 5: Sagittal T1W image of the cervicodorsal spine shows multiple hyperintense foci in the subarachnoid space suggestive of fat deposition from dermoid rupture (arrows).
92 I have long investigated a single shape and have discovered that it can be suggestive of a bird, a fish or an organic form.
93 High spiking fever with chills is suggestive of a complicating pylephlebitis.
94 Even Lola Montez came to Melbourne in 1855 to dance her suggestive "Spider Dance".
95 A departure from these is suggestive of an active process.
96 These can refer to suggestive of the study of vegetable and anaesthesia.
97 Abdominal pain is suggestive of pelvic inflammatory disease and suprapubic pain is suggestive of cystitis.
98 The influence of different leading questions on suggestibility is different. The suggestive leading questions hav...
99 Any of several other plants, especially those with fruits suggestive of the apple, such as the crab apple or custard apple.
100 Renal glomeruli had hyaline changes suggestive of an immunologic process.
101 Most patients suffer from fatigue and malaise. Haematological count anomalies and atypical cells are suggestive of leukaemia and indicate a bone marrow examination.
102 Conclusion When CT plain scan images are carefully analysed, the diagnosis or suggestive diagnosis of superacute cerebral infarction may be worked out in more than half cases.
103 He gained renown for his charmingly suggestive mythological scenes, ultimately inspired by Peter Paul Rubens and Jean-Antoine Watteau .
104 Discomfort in the medial or lateral tibiofemoral compartments is suggestive of more diffuse pathology.
105 An expression that shows sullenness or which is suggestive of any other breed is entirely foreign.
106 They have taken all we have, " replied the People - "excepting, " they added, noting the suggestive visitant - "excepting our hope in heaven.
107 This statement is made despite suggestive and much earller observations.
108 Almost all amino acids that make up biological proteins, for instance, are left-handed, so a self-replicating biological molecule of right-handed chirality could be suggestive of an alien organism.
109 Uses suggestive selling techniques to sell rooms to promote other services of the hotel.
110 Waiter will use suggestive selling techniques recommending and using his menu knowledge.
111 By physical observation , flashover in building fires is a suggestive of a catastrophe process.
112 Serum ceruloplasmin and urine copper levels were normal in the case patient: liver biopsy did not reveal copper accumulation, and there were no other findings suggestive of Wilson's disease.
113 Yeats has achieved suggestive patterns of meaning by a careful counterpointing of contrasting ideas or images.
114 Methods Among the psychotherapies for acute lumbago and dorsalgia, the methods of relaxed and hypnotic suggestive therapies were searched.
115 Wilson talks about what happened in 1999 with a quiet deliberateness suggestive of a painful topic.
116 The presence of immotile sperm or sperm shaking in place and not demonstrating forward motion is suggestive of immunologically related infertility.
117 Evidence suggestive of an association between clinical coronary disease and CO exposure includes the following.
118 The suggestive therapy of the phrenopathic department is the best example of Psychological Pharmacodynamics.
119 You all hear what happens around you in a suggestive manner. We played an excellent match on Sunday. It's up to us to reconquer the environment.
120 To eliminate the negative effects, some suggestive measures are finally put forward.
121 That's the sort of painting I like: simple, suggestive and unpretentious.
122 Conclusion The constellation of clinical findings of portal hypertension, cutaneous spider nevi and clubbing finger is strongly suggestive of HPS.
123 In one patient with additional telencephalic lesions, the right side of the pons was hyperintense on long TR/TE images that did not cross the midline, suggestive of an arterial lesion (Fig 3).
124 Each motion or meter minute it may befrom conventions and suggestive of some stereotypical message.
125 Conclusion:The special bone changes in phenylketonuria were important X-ray signs suggestive of phenylketonuria.
126 After dinner, woman cooed some suggestive little sighs and slipped invitingly into bed.
127 We live in a highly sexualized world, where skimpily clad bodies and suggestive postures are used to sell everything from cars to computers.
128 The use of vulgar, obscene, lewd, or suggestive language is prohibited.
129 Many of the phenomena of Winter are suggestive of an inexpressible tenderness and fragile delicacy.
130 It might be suggestive of overall construction integrity, but how do you know what evil might lie under that handle or at the joint you really can't see?
131 A clinical diagnosis highly suggestive of germ cell tumor was made.
132 A very high excess of oxygen, methane, and nitrous oxides would certainly be suggestive of life.




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