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单词 orthodox
释义  Related topics: Religionor·tho·dox /ˈɔːθədɒks $ ˈɔːrθədɑːks/ ●○○ adjective  1  CONVENTIONALorthodox ideas, methods, or behaviour are accepted by most people to be correct and right 〔观念、方法或行为〕传统的,正统的 SYN conventional orthodox medical treatments 传统疗法 He challenged the orthodox views on education. 他对传统的教育观念提出了质疑。2  CONVENTIONALsomeone who is orthodox has the opinions and beliefs that are generally accepted as being right, and does not have new or different ideas 〔人〕正统的,传统的 Orthodox economists believe that a recession is now inevitable. 正统的经济学家认为经济衰退现在是无法避免了。 an orthodox Marxist 正统的马克思主义者3  RRbelieving in all the traditional beliefs, laws, and practices of a religion 正统信仰的,正宗教义的 an orthodox Jew 正统的犹太教徒► see thesaurus at religiousExamples from the Corpusorthodox• Articles were written which could be construed as orthodox, but still interpreted by sympathisers in their intended subversive sense.• Orthodox Christianity teaches that Jesus was raised to life three days after he was crucified.• Harassment of religion will only tarnish the orthodox church's reputation, while steeling the resistance of persecuted faiths.• The monks of Valaam could be regarded as the future of the orthodox church.• orthodox communism• Women from orthodox families told me that they were not allowed to wear them.• An orthodox Hindu must not touch an untouchable or anything an untouchable touches.• This interpretation of Karma is rejected by orthodox Hindus.• orthodox historical research• The Almoravids attempted to bring Africa back to orthodox Islamic practice.• orthodox methods of treating disease• The first, and most orthodox, of these was the 11-18 comprehensive school.• Lacan soon found himself in conflict with more orthodox psychologists.• This difference in approach constitutes the fundamental difference between the homoeopathic and orthodox systems of drug use.• He challenges the orthodox view that elderly people turn to formal agencies for help only when informal support is absent or inadequate.Origin orthodox (1500-1600) French orthodoxe, from Late Latin, from Late Greek orthodoxos, from Greek ortho- (from orthos “straight, correct”) + doxa “opinion”or·tho·dox adjectiveChineseSyllable  behaviour or accepted methods, Corpus orthodox are ideas,




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