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单词 Interpreted
1 He interpreted the silence as contempt.
2 He interpreted a difficult passage in a book.
3 The whole speech might well be interpreted as a coded message to the Americans.
4 This might be interpreted as a de facto recognition of the republic's independence.
5 He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.
6 I interpreted his silence as a refusal.
7 Your silence will be interpreted as approval.
8 He interpreted the role of Professor Higgins wonderfully.
9 He has interpreted my statement by contraries.
10 The way they interpreted their past was highly subjective.
11 The law is being interpreted too narrowly.
12 These figures cannot be easily interpreted.
13 The reforms have been interpreted as window dressing.
14 Silence is often interpreted as an admission of guilt.
15 The word 'original' is liberally interpreted in copyright law.
16 The guide interpreted the woman's remarks for us.
17 He interpreted the role with a lot of humour.
18 These results must be interpreted cautiously.
19 The data can be interpreted in many different ways.
20 The term 'business' is here interpreted broadly to include all types of organization in the public and private sectors.
21 His action was interpreted as constituting a threat to the community.
22 Her resignation has been widely interpreted as an admission of her guilt.
23 Her message was interpreted as a warning to the general.
24 He quickly interpreted to us what the Russian was saying.
25 His refusal to work late was interpreted as a lack of commitment to the company.
26 Any change of policy will be interpreted as a sign of weakness.
27 He interpreted the vote as support for the constitution and that is the spin his supporters are putting on the results today.
28 For me the different religions are beautiful flowers from the same garden, or they are branches of the same majestic tree. Therefore they are equally true, though being received and interpreted through human instruments equally imperfect. 
29 If Shakespeare's plays are to reach a large audience they need to be interpreted in a modern style.
30 The figure of the Ancient Mariner has been variously interpreted.
1 He interpreted the silence as contempt.
2 He interpreted a difficult passage in a book.
3 The whole speech might well be interpreted as a coded message to the Americans.
4 This might be interpreted as a de facto recognition of the republic's independence.
5 He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.
6 I interpreted his silence as a refusal.
7 The figure of the Ancient Mariner has been variously interpreted.
8 It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically.
31 Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective.
32 Both approaches agree on what is depicted in the poem, but not on how it should be interpreted.
33 It is context and convention that determine whether a term will be interpreted literally or metaphorically.
34 The strictness of the rules, even when liberally interpreted, has the effect of restricting innovation.
35 The whole play can be interpreted as a lament for lost youth.
36 Recent happenings on the money markets can be interpreted in various ways.
37 He quickly interpreted to his boss what the American was saying.
38 The shift away from isolation has been variously interpreted.
39 Carolyn Felix assayed and interpreted p53 status.
40 Fairy tales can be interpreted in several different ways.
41 The data has not yet been interpreted.
42 I interpreted her silence as anger.
43 The unity of place is always liberally interpreted.
44 The results, however(), should be interpreted with caution.
45 Figures also need to be interpreted.
46 However, this conclusion must be interpreted with caution.
47 This was interpreted as evidence of discomfort and distress.
48 I interpreted his secrecy as emotional avarice.
49 The caves could be interpreted as places of worship.
50 This can be interpreted in two ways.
51 Section 6 has been interpreted in the following ways.
52 This dream can be interpreted in several different ways.
53 This has been interpreted as increasing arousal to levels incompatible with that task.
54 Qualitatively new patterns of responses are interpreted by Piaget to reflect newly constructed or reconstructed intellectual structures.
55 The words people use are too often interpreted literally to signify little more than their immediate and most rational translation.
56 He silently helps her gather currants, having interpreted her blush on seeing him as the beginning of affection.
57 The problem was that giving a woman his pulpit might be interpreted as taunting the archdiocese.
58 Let us see how physical determinism is to be interpreted in terms of phase space.
59 It tends to be interpreted as ascribing consciousness to any organism that has irritability.
60 It was a fragile relationship, interpreted in contrary ways by different constables.
61 The goal of this project is to develop a detailed account of how anaphors are interpreted.
62 They alleged that scientists, supposedly objective, interpreted DNA test results in the most incriminating way possible.
63 A very major concern for the 1990s is the economics of research libraries, narrowly interpreted.
64 Dialect, accent, lexical choice and grammatical structures are all interpreted by speakers and addressees as signifying status.
65 The resultant observation is asymmetric, but can be interpreted by association as symmetry in perspective.
66 And her diary reveals claims that her request for a purely platonic friendship had been loosely interpreted by Gerald.
67 This is interpreted as being indicative of the different functions which are served by comprehension and production with increasing age.
68 Our recipe book is the Book of Fate, to be interpreted wisely and with some imagination.
69 This is because they generate excessive amounts of data and information that must be interpreted by specialists.
70 Their outputs are interpreted as a 6-bit signed binary number(Sentencedict), which is to be the setting of the steering wheel.
71 And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.
72 Those who advocated reform argued consistently that it ought not to be interpreted as a permissive move for two reasons.
73 The court said the government interpreted the federal law so loosely that it usurped Congress' authority.
74 We suggest ten golden rules for exam revision, but like all rules, they need to be interpreted flexibly.
75 Indeed, a request for more precision would likely be interpreted as a sign of immaturity or inexperience.
76 Age of the person being examined also plays a role in the way the signs present themselves and are interpreted.
77 The first was on the unemployed themselves, how they interpreted and reacted to their experience, their political beliefs and behaviour.
78 He places particular stress upon contextual details which can be interpreted as the Reeve's appropriation of the role of priest.
79 Differences in the way people are treated can be interpreted as evidence of discrimination.
80 This could be interpreted as weak and lacking authority; it could equally be interpreted as polite and considerate.
81 Racism is interpreted as a form of displacement and objectification deriving from unhealthy neuroses and personality traits.
82 Indeed, in many cases it appears that the ellipsis is interpreted with reference to a content-based representation.
83 They are published in authoritative, written form and, as acts of Parliament, are interpreted by the courts.
84 Taxation Tin the circular flow has been interpreted as income taxation and is the difference between gross and disposable income.
85 The relative proportions of the different diagnoses reached must, however, be interpreted with caution.
86 The disposition is interpreted as a trust of which the legatee is trustee.
87 The refusal to accept a marriage proposal was often interpreted as a statement of superiority.
88 Theatrical characters are designed to be interpreted, but only in the brief flashes of performance.
89 The vast majority of the populace accepted its fate as willed by the gods and interpreted by the priestly hierarchy.
90 Beneath the present stone building were found traces of three earlier structures, all of timber, and all interpreted as churches.
91 All tests on products for overseas markets need to be interpreted with caution.
92 Even the rather unwieldy theological statement quoted by Ayer could be interpreted in this way.
93 Because of the underlying sense of grievance numerous situations could have been interpreted as yet further evidence of white imperialism.
94 An agreed time for finishing each session can be an advantage, although this too must be flexibly interpreted.
95 His genuine desire to make up may be interpreted as an attempt to embarrass or be-little.
96 For the school's deaf students, she interpreted the entire play in American Sign Language.
97 For these reasons studies detailing the effects of diabetic control on platelet function must be interpreted with caution.
98 A fourth structure, with a poorly defined plan, was interpreted as for the preparation of frit.
99 Ching-Hon Pui was a principal investigator of the leukaemia treatment protocols and interpreted the data.
100 They have interpreted new and complex legislation to help families claim additional benefits.
101 Whatever the relationship between state and society, policies may be interpreted as responses to perceived social needs.
102 It is likely that the move will also be interpreted as an attempt by the nuclear industry to renew its fading influence.
103 And in general, student opinion needs to be interpreted with caution.
104 Drug levels must be interpreted with an understanding of drug interactions and modifications of drug metabolism caused by disease states.
105 Because of the doubtful reanalysis of the data Maran and colleagues' findings should be interpreted with caution.
106 As interpreted by Marshall, Fleiss' crimes should have carried between 78 and 97 months.
107 I we pointed out that deictic elements of the utterances can only be interpreted with respect to the context in which they are uttered.
108 With a delay that was hardly noticeable, the suit interpreted her movement and sent instructions to the orientation jets.
109 For the benefit of the deaf members present the Dean's and all subsequent speeches were interpreted into sign language.
110 That view may be interpreted as a piece of self-delusion, or as a clear vision.
111 If it disappears when an intervening variable is controlled, the mechanism linking the two variables has been interpreted.
112 Zarathustra interpreted the struggle between good and evil forces in ethical terms, and he believed that it pervaded the whole universe.
113 This was widely interpreted by opposition parties as indicating a switch to economic conservatism.
114 Omar Hassan Ahmad al-Bashir, was interpreted as an effort to strengthen the executive and to broaden the government's representation.
115 It is a nonspecific test and must be interpreted in the context of the total clinical presentation. 4.
116 Would the disposition be interpreted as a legacy or as a trust?
117 Few children interpreted the question as a physicist might, involving the way light is scattered from objects into our eyes.
118 This was rightly interpreted as meaning the abandonment of invasion plans - at least for that year.
119 The statement was interpreted as a threat against the United States.
120 But Clinton refused to leave his home state of Arkansas and this was interpreted as a snub to Major.
121 The real numbers which result from making measurements are interpreted as the eigenvalues of the corresponding observable.
122 The compromise that would reopen the government was widely interpreted in the press as Republicans caving in.
123 Properly interpreted and monitored, the quarter mill map can prevent anything from a stray into controlled airspace to a fatal accident.
124 Cyclic fluctuations in vole populations have been variously interpreted as the result of intrinsic or extrinsic factors by different workers.
125 In future, companies will be expected to meet the deadlines as interpreted by Dodds v Walker.
126 Certain Martian surface features have been interpreted as evidence of ancient ocean beds and widespread glaciation.
127 Must have a good understanding of the ethnography of speaking in the bilingual context, particularly that of interpreted interviews.
128 The move was interpreted by some as a concession to Lloyd's brokers who supply the market with its business.
129 Naturally these rules were and still are interpreted for the economic convenience of society.
130 This could be interpreted as meaning that the Act applies to the activity duty.
131 But they say they never expected to have their words interpreted as recommending alcohol as some kind of health elixir.
132 Every minor ailment is interpreted as the start of another tumour.
133 This semantic shift should not necessarily be interpreted as indicating a decline in nationalism or racism.
134 Certainly no other nineteenth-century artist was so widely studied and so differently interpreted by the painters of the succeeding age.
135 The safety rule, strictly interpreted(/interpreted.html), would have required a landing in Florida or California on Friday.
136 By this means events are conceptualized and interpreted, and judgments are made in the interest of better anticipating the future.
137 If the spot yield is the average return, then the forward rate can be interpreted as the marginal return.
138 Clearly, in Satnam and kindred cases, the purely objective stance which Caldwell has been interpreted to represent has been rejected.
139 He tried to slow her down with gestures which she interpreted as signs of denial, and so she poured it on.
140 In the next section we will examine union policies on this issue and the ways they have been interpreted in signed agreements.
141 Several opposition parties interpreted Mr Gonzalez's attitude as defiance of public opinion.
142 During lunch, Ben interpreted for Sasha, who didn't speak a word of English.
143 Lewis has interpreted these as classical temples, but not enough has survived to prove this suggestion.
144 Williams took fourth place, which he interpreted as a guaranteed spot in the 4x100 relay final.
145 Is it then the case that no group of these fundamental quantitative propositions of science can be interpreted as stating causal connections?
146 It may be interpreted as a spiritual discipline necessary to preserve our humanity and to promote the service of others.
147 But nobody has interpreted their attitude as an encouragement to lynch women.
148 Some inherent problems remain in a concept premised on the desirability of normality, in whatever sense it is interpreted.
149 It must be concluded that the above solution can not be interpreted in terms of an interaction between plane gravitational waves.
150 The point about folklore is that it has to be interpreted.
151 It has been interpreted and adapted in widely different ways, relating to varied environments and concepts held by chief executives themselves.
152 And no one is allowed to wear anything that might be interpreted as a religious or political symbol.
153 Some critics have interpreted this as evidence that he finds the human body disgusting, but the opposite is true.
154 It could not properly be interpreted as leaving a gap where that unusual situation arose.
155 But it failed to discuss how consent should be interpreted where children, young persons and the mentally backward are concerned.
156 The two clubs interpreted the rules differently and the title was eventually decided by a tribunal.
157 People interpreted it as lack of support; in addition, he talked down to people in a parental sort of way.
158 The requirements of a ballot before strike action have been variously interpreted by the courts.
159 Sometimes even negative change is interpreted as merely the last gasp of the resistant old order.
159 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
160 However, in practice this exception has been interpreted as applying to similar contracts issued by other entities.
161 His decision to send her away from her home and brother into an alien world was interpreted as rejection.
162 Some have interpreted it as an attempt to win Hispanic votes at the expense of military readiness.
163 His unexpected presence may be interpreted, rightly or wrongly, as a deed deliberately intended to express his courage or defiance.
164 The experiences were interpreted quite differently, even though they produced remarkable resemblances in character.
165 The other likely source for the differences in ratings is that subjects interpreted the normality task differently in the two situations.
166 When they study other topics, their sexuality tends to be interpreted as an idiosyncrasy which does not affect their work.
167 The educational problems we began with can be interpreted in a more realistic and systematic way.
168 By comparison, functionalism has often been interpreted as a form of ruling class ideology.
169 Practice is interpreted as repetition, and feedback consists mainly of approving reactions from the teacher.
170 Bush's choice of Cheney was therefore widely interpreted as a safety-first move.
171 Cultural acts and rituals could be interpreted as texts which reveal the sense of a society's ordering and structuring of experience.
172 Articles were written which could be construed as orthodox, but still interpreted by sympathisers in their intended subversive sense.
173 For some schools the central guidelines will be interpreted through a carefully structured timetable.
174 Recall that the summation convention requires the right-hand side of this equation to be interpreted as.
175 If interpreted within an uncensored, pluralist cultural climate, the Socialist Realist method still embodies fine, humanist ideals.
176 Pope interpreted this movement to mean that the enemy were in full retreat.
177 He interpreted Henry's wishes to the craftsmen and saw that tight deadlines were met.
178 These peaks, together with a crystallographic twofold axis, were interpreted as possibly resulting from 52 point-group symmetry.
179 It was the manner in which such a sacred subject was interpreted which was unacceptable.
180 The question arose after Donoghue v. Stevenson as to how broadly the ratio decidendi could be interpreted.
181 However, the results generated in the output file will logically be interpreted with the same results.
182 This could be interpreted in different ways, as later patriots were to find to their cost.
183 The First Sonata is no less well prepared and sympathetically interpreted.
184 The Constitution, and the courts that have interpreted it, posit rights to liberty, privacy and equal protection.
185 BIn an earlier era, such a message would have been interpreted as having religious meaning.
186 But if kind is interpreted more narrowly, then it will have the effect of limiting the defendant's liability.
187 At least, that was how the scientists interpreted their experimental results.
188 However, this intermediate form could be interpreted directly by a computer with a stack or last-in-first-out store.
189 They were interpreted as an attempt to create a wider market in cultivated land.
190 While we showed several variations, our work was interpreted to mean that instant bonding was universal.
191 Quite apart from the dubious legitimacy of generalising from one such fragment, it is uncertain how the data itself should be interpreted.
192 I hope that they will not be interpreted as questioning the adequacy of existing services.
193 One is that latent inhibition should not be interpreted as being the result of a loss of stimulus associability.
194 His views must be interpreted within the tradition within which he worked.
195 But it can be interpreted as stating that on average there is more variety in the trading equilibrium than in autarky.
196 The P/E ratio may be interpreted as the price investors are willing to pay for a unit of earnings.
197 We are presenting a view only that educational effects can not be interpreted without a full understanding of sign language.
198 Franco interpreted this move, not as a gesture of diplomatic expediency, but as a demonstration of western approval.
199 Calls for a more equitable distribution are interpreted as opposition and silenced with the gun.
200 These practices are highly significant for attempts to assess the way in which trusts were interpreted.
201 He glanced across the table, saw me smiling, interpreted my thought and gave me a slow ironic blink.
202 This aid was interpreted as a product of the treaty of alliance concluded between the two sovereigns in 1303.
203 However, all these tests have potential limitations and results must be interpreted with caution.
204 These opening remarks might be interpreted as a criticism of partnership activities.
205 Generally, such phenomena are interpreted in terms of the interaction between steady winds from young stars with material in the surrounding cloud.
206 Now we are overtaken by guilt, and the pain of fear and helplessness is interpreted as punishment for nameless sins.
207 How we explained they interpreted and explained unemployment, and how it related to their other political beliefs and behaviour.
208 This creates a signal in the auditory nerves which are interpreted by our brain as the pleasing notes of an orchestra.
209 With what Mattie interpreted to be a cynical smile, the woman repeated in a most deliberately explicit manner her question.
210 We have stressed the regularity that is observed in free-running experiments and interpreted it as evidence for the body clock.
211 Any perceived deviation may be interpreted as a threat to the whole.
212 The more literally this is interpreted the more it seems to lead into mechanistic, one-way formulations such as behaviourism.
213 Peter asked me to identify the specific things each person did that I interpreted as bad.
214 In a company this is interpreted as the absence of a clear separation between strategy and implementation.
215 Initially, we had interpreted the rule as requiring production of the Report itself.
216 The economic crisis was interpreted in diametrically opposing ways.
217 System timing shutdown is also interpreted in the article.
218 We interpreted his silence as a refusal.
219 The psychiatrist interpreted John's ghastly dream.
220 The difference of static contact angles measured by the dynamic measurement technique from static measurement technique was interpreted by this model and the previous hysteresis tension model.
221 Optional flags which describe how the format string is to be interpreted.
222 He correctly interpreted this radiation as resulting from neutral particles.
223 He interpreted for us the paschal mystery as a mystery of divine mercy.
224 As the objective action of this crime expressed by the other deeds of seriously disturbing the market order, it should be strictly interpreted,(Sentence dictionary) so as to overcome the defects of its broad definition.
225 Its structures of software and hardware were analyzed, and its frame type for knowledge presentation of the fault tree and single fault source diagnostic reasoning were interpreted.
226 The formation of the hollow spherical structure was interpreted in terms of the core-shell mechanism.
227 Results: All parameters and their standard error were estimated, so every factor could be intuitionistic interpreted.
228 The hour signal lamp is lit by the time pulse which is interpreted from the electronic timer fixed on the distributor.
229 But it has been interpreted to mean that they must abide by every footling wildlife regulation on Earth.
230 XML is a strict language, so any problems with formatting within the XML message causes the parsing of the entire message to fail (even if the problems can be easily interpreted or overlooked).
231 It was found that voiding symptoms in women could be correctly interpreted with I-PSS and UFR. With normal UFR and an I-PSS of less than 7, no further investigation was needed.
232 Or, more often, it will be interpreted as a second, independent click.
233 Interpreted from the object-Guoguan ceremony, applying the symbolical theory of ceremony, the symbolic meaning of Tujia Nuo ceremony was explained in this paper.
234 These ideas have been interpreted by some as indicative of liberal opposition to absolutism.
235 Vertical alignment of QDsin multilayers is interpreted with lateral tensile strain at the growth front, when the thickness of the spacer layer is below a critical value.
236 In his novels, Shen Congwen interpreted and analyzed the self-degrading, self-complacent and self-dependent forms of life.
237 Because your COBOL programs can run as separate threads within a process, a language element can be interpreted in two different scopes: run-unit scope or program invocation instance scope.
238 Moreover, programmers working in an interpreted language can work faster, because the compilation and link steps are unnecessary.
239 It was picked up by TV cameras and later interpreted by an ITV News lip-reader as "I love the uniform.It's so, so sexy".
240 The mechanism of the difference in the interreaction of HCPCF and HSPCF and the corresponding complexes has been interpreted by analysing phenomena concerning electrophoresis and phase separation.
241 SARS coronavirus and oxygen transfer model within alveolus tissues at the end of bronchia was established. Pathological cause of SARS was then interpreted from the engineering point of view.
242 The plan9 image is an ISO format file that can be interpreted using the ISO 9660 format (as an emulation of a CD-ROM drive, which you'll see shortly).
243 And it's primarily-- I shouldn't say primarily, it is an interpreted language. OK?
244 He interpreted the relationship between nature and human by applying a theory of "heterodoxy of natural Disasters".
245 When we hear something and try to comprehend it, the stimulus from the auditory cortex is transmitted to Wernick's area, where it is then interpreted.
246 Negative values in the array are interpreted as their absolute value.
247 It was widely interpreted as a trial balloon aimed at reversing the administration's policy.
248 Proximity seeking is commonly interpreted as an index of infant - to - parent attachment.
249 The NIS News Bulletin interpreted the results of the study as: "Attempts to get more women working full-time are doomed to failure because nobody has a desire for this.
249 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
250 Back when the Java platform first came into use, a millisecond was still a fairly short time interval (especially for an interpreted language).
251 Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud.
252 Graphical domain - specific modeling language is interpreted from the meta - model.
253 Chaos can be interpreted as uniformization of track point set.
254 an interpreted language is often easier to debug, because you can still see your raw code there, but it's not always as fast.
255 JavaScript is an interpreted language ( means that scripts execute without preliminary compilation ).
256 Without otherwise specified, the working expenses accomplished by the contractor under the Contract shall be interpreted to have been included in the price of Article 6.
257 Thus, whenever the shift character is encountered, the next character (or group of characters) identifies a new character set(), and subsequent codes are interpreted as belonging to that set.
258 Scriptability—The format includes tags that provide sequences of byte codes to be interpreted by a stack machine.
259 Interpreted correctly, these two words form an expression meaning that Moses was enlightened, that "the skin of his face shone" (as with a gloriole ), as the KJV has it.
260 Neurophysiologic studies were interpreted based on age - adjusted normative data from our laboratory.
261 Estimations of the isosteric enthalpy of adsorption, free energy, and entropy of adsorption are reported and, the adsorption behaviors are reasonably interpreted.
262 Mode, is generally interpreted as the standard form the things.
263 This kinds of connotation may be interpreted by the cultural connection.
264 CTQ usually must be interpreted from a qualitative customer statement to an actionable, quantitative business specification.
265 For our purposes, due process of law is what the Constitution, as interpreted by the courts and supplemented by legislation, has created to protect the integrity of the criminal justice system.
266 Guido van Rossum is the author of Python, an interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language.




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