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单词 mutant
释义  Related topics: Biology, Microbes, genetics, biochemmu·tant /ˈmjuːtənt/ noun [countable]  1. HBan animal or plant that is different in some way from others of the same kind, because of a change in its genetic structure 〔动物或植物的〕突变型,突变体2. something that is very different from others of the same type, in a way that is strange or bad – often used humorously 变异的东西;怪胎〔常为幽默用法〕 —mutant adjective [only before noun]Examples from the Corpusmutant• It's supposed to be a papier-maché ant, but it looks more like a mutant.• Though in that crowd of humans, mutants and exters there was no way of telling who was watching who.• The demands of the sport are creating a new breed of mutant.• Having crossbred his own seed for 35 years, he wondered if he had accidentally created some kind of mutant.• What is the chance that this particular mutant will be the ancestor of all the genes in the later population?• Although E. coli has enzymes which detect and repair such faults, a minority escape repair and produce true mutants.Origin mutant (1900-2000) Latin present participle of mutare; → MUTATEmu·tant nounChineseSyllable  animal that is plant an or Corpus different




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