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单词 muse
释义  muse1 /mjuːz/ verb  1  [transitive]SAY to say something in a way that shows you are thinking about it carefully 沉思着说 ‘Somewhere, ’ he mused, ‘I’ve heard your name before.’ “我以前在哪里,”他沉思着说,“听说过你的名字。”2  [intransitive]THINK ABOUT to think about something for a long time 沉思,冥想,默想 SYN pondermuse on/over/about/upon He mused on how different his life would have been, had he not met Louisa. 他默默地想,如果没有遇到路易莎,他的人生会有多么不同。 —musing noun [countable, uncountable] her gloomy musings 她忧郁的沉思 —musingly adverb→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmuse• How different things seem with a little light on the subject, I mused.• What a doleful and mocking funeral, Ishmael muses.• A number of key executives mused aloud on the prospect of early retirement.• Three cheers for Nantucket, he muses, and the Devil do what he will with me.• Otherwise, Shamlou mused, he resembled a photographic negative.• Repeating the title, we muse over what the book will probably be about.• "I wonder why she was killed, " mused Poirot.• Perhaps, mused the pundits, he is needed now - at the very top.muse on/over/about/upon• It ends with her musing about buying a pink scarf because her granddaughter likes pink.• I start musing on how it is we do find ourselves on the same side.• Louis and I would go out for walks and muse about Ibsen.• He mused over it, thinking about Blackbeard's sweat and his icy rage.• Keeler has been musing on the nature of weediness and the likelihood of it evolving among engineered crops.• In its aftermath, he muses on the sort of films he should be making.• Maybe a goodbye photo, I mused on the way over.• Newland Archer, as he mused on these things, had once more turned his eyes toward the Mingott box.Related topics: Artsmuse2 noun [countable]  1  AIDEAsomeone’s muse is the force or person that makes them want to write, paint, or make music, and helps them to have good ideas 灵感,创作冲动的源泉 SYN inspiration Rossetti’s wife and creative muse 罗塞蒂的妻子,他的创作灵感源泉2  (also Muse) one of the nine ancient Greek goddesses who each represented a particular art or science 缪斯〔古希腊神话中掌管艺术或科学的九位女神之一〕 the Muse of History 掌管历史的缪斯女神Examples from the Corpusmuse• She still puts in occasional appearances, Graves concluded in all sincerity, as a muse to poets like himself!• It is profitable, but it leaves the comic muse high and dry.• Soon she is up in the studio mixing his paints and dreaming of becoming her master's muse.• At times like that do you despair, turn to drink to try and coax back the muse?• Maud Gonne was the muse of W.B. Yeats, the Irish poet.Origin muse1 (1300-1400) Old French muser, from muse “mouth of an animal”; → MUZZLE1 muse2 (1300-1400) French Latin Musa, from Greek Mousamuse1 verbmuse2 nounChinese  shows say Corpus in you a are to something that way




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