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单词 multitude
释义  mul·ti·tude /ˈmʌltɪtjuːd $ -tuːd/ ●○○ noun  1  a multitude of somebody/something formal or literaryLOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT a very large number of people or things 众多[大量]的人/事物 I had never seen such a multitude of stars before. 我以前从未见过这么多的星星。 a multitude of possible interpretations 种种可能的解释2  the multitude(s) ORDINARYordinary people, especially when they are thought of as not being very well educated 〔尤指被认为未受过良好教育的〕大众,民众,群众 Political power has been placed in the hands of the multitude. 政治权力已交到民众手中。3  [countable] literary or biblicalALGROUP OF PEOPLE a large crowd of people 众人 Clamoring multitudes demanded a view of the pope. 众人叫嚷着要求面见教皇。4  cover/hide a multitude of sins CRITICIZEto make faults or problems seem less clear or noticeable – used humorously 掩盖真相,掩藏缺陷[问题]〔幽默用法〕 Patterned carpet can hide a multitude of sins (=the carpet is dirty, but the pattern hides it). 有图案的地毯不显脏。Examples from the Corpusmultitude• There has suddenly appeared a multitude of banners and pamphlets from these printing presses of the trees.• It can cover a multitude of incompatibilities.• This country faces a multitude of unsettling problems.• Rainforests are the source of a multitude of raw materials with immense potential value to medical science.• The development of strength can prevent a multitude of problems occurring throughout our lives.• For several weeks after that, my head filled with a multitude of wild theories and speculations.• The best value of all, however, comes via the multitude of entrepreneurs offering deeply discounted hotel rates and rentals.• How could he feed and house this multitude?Origin multitude (1300-1400) French Latin multitudo, from multus; → MULTI-mul·ti·tude nounChineseSyllable   Corpus people or large number things a of very




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