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单词 mugger
释义  mug·ger /ˈmʌɡə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  STEALsomeone who attacks people in a public place and robs them 〔在公共场所的〕行凶抢劫者► see thesaurus at thiefExamples from the Corpusmugger• Heaven forbid a mugger interfere with your exercise program.• And what, I suggested, if a mugger made off with the can?• Hooded waves sprang out at her like muggers from underwater alleyways.• Harry suffered serious head injuries when he was attacked by a gang of muggers.• The same number of muggers would leap out of the dark if everyone conformed overnight to every prescriptive rule ever written.• The second mugger was black, taller than his accomplice and stocky wearing a bracelet on his wrist.• The police praised Mr Cox, but said, in general, people shouldn't tackle muggers.mug·ger nounChineseSyllable  people public Corpus a someone who attacks in




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