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单词 Up there
1) You really screwed up there!
2) The boat is pulling away,back up there!
3) The Ritz was outlined against the lights up there.
4) The people up there speak a Tibetan dialect .
5) There she is on the left up there.
6) When I woke up there was a hulking figure staring down at me.
7) He's definitely right up there with all the world-class footballers.
8) We need a curtain up there to close out the light.
9) Every year,(http:///up there.html) we faithfully make a trip up there to see him.
10) I can't just get up there and make a speech cold!
11) As a composer, he was up there with the best.
12) If necessary, the airship can stay up there for days to keep out of danger.
13) There have been demands for services from tenants up there.
14) Up there, amid mountain fastnesses, its waters are sweet.
15) Northampton are right up there in second place.
16) It's total pandemonium up there.
17) It must be too dangerous up there now.
18) Sounded like a goddamn whorehouse up there.
19) I hope we stay up there.
20) Billy Hutson is up there among the mourners, somewhere.
21) He was right up there on Herron Avenue.
22) I don't know what it was doing up there.
23) The Ulsters have copped it up there.
24) I went running up there with my brothers.
25) How did you get up there on the roof?
26) Nobody was paying any attention to me up there.
27) A copper chased him up there.
28) Course when I was up there, everything was mum.
29) About eighty miles up there and back?
30) Please wait at the school gate. John will pick you up there.
31) He's up there right now.
32) Something up there on the bandstand.
33) He stayed up there for the longest time.
34) Somebody up there had employed a bazooka.
35) A lot of the time up there, I was starved for a decent meal.
36) So I strode up there to have this man-to-man chat with Nick.
37) Of course, I am delighted to be in,() and have great fun up there....
38) Or bypass him and go directly to each home site and sign up there.
39) Nothing came of the meeting and when it broke up there was much animosity between its organiser and the non-attenders.
40) Now I know what they were doing up there in their garret.
41) The more times you go up there, the greater the risk.
42) I'd like you to put up there for a few days, and try to scrape acquaintance with her.
43) When I watched the gymnastics team get the gold medal, I imagined myself up there.
44) One can forget about the problems of urban decay even yet up there.
45) Up there to starboard, the Bering Sea whipped by arctic gales into choppy swells.
46) She was still up there; she had not completed her course.
47) The variety of ages up there - old, middling and my generation.
48) Then again you may be taken from the detention centre to Pentonville Prison and locked up there if you complain.
49) Number of sunny days is right up there for me, too.
50) When we picked them up there was so many, it was just unbelievable.
51) Wycliffe looked up at the first tier of planks; the shot must have been fired from up there.
52) I was up there getting the wood when Ted turned up.
53) But mostly she just sits up there like a spider, sticking her head out of the window to insult the passers-by.
54) Got up there and got tied up with one of them Mississippi gals and one year led to two led to five.
55) The sun would climb around all day up there and go down tonight on the other side, spectacular in both directions.
56) By the way, if you're ever up there, Diane, they have the most excellent cherry pie.
57) My soul is from elsewhere, I'm sure of that, and I intend to end up there. Rumi 
58) You go up there with the wrong attitude and come out with worse luck than you had before.
59) Her cheeks flushed now at the thought of doing the upstairs, even though Grondine said he never went up there anymore.
60) He'd go up there too and if he died of exposure, too bad.
61) Bill Shankly will be laughing somewhere up there as well.
62) I had pitied her up there alone, never going out in the evenings, without friends.
63) I've been trying to communicate with - with whatever it is that's up there.
64) I got enough sense to sit up there and tell right from wrong.
65) Climb to the summit of even an inaccessible peak and you will find a jolly picnic party already up there before you.
66) But the day when he gets up there to 30, it all changes, it really does.
67) Perhaps she had acknowledged his wartime exploits, up there in his Spitfire inflicting those severe losses she had read about.
68) For gamers, there's little doubt that upgrading the video card ranks right up there in the best upgrades for performance.
69) David kept saying she should simply not have gone up there ... but how could she not have gone, being Harriet?
70) What that say up there? Meat loaf with greens and mash potatoes.
71) Are you able to see up there or do you need a flashlight?
72) Never my best feature, my face is still swollen, up there on the left-hand side.
73) He knew very well he wasn't up there to be presented with a prize.
74) Get up there and visit all the realtors who have offices in those towns.
75) Once he went up there and ran around making a nuisance.
76) Ride to Langholm in Eskdale this first night, then lie up there over the morrow.
77) I told you you were nuts to live up there.
78) But if I was in better shape, I'd be sitting up there.
79) The shit that could be on his mind drifts upward and stays up there until he finally stands still.
80) The engines were just up there and their noise prevented us from thinking about how miserable it all might be.
81) Our major initiatives were still ahead of us, up there in our future, our soon-to-be past.
82) A play runs for two weeks, but books stay up there on the shelf.
83) I heard they was dishing out council mortgages left right and centre up there.
84) Energy in one form or another has been invested in it to get it up there.
85) Not a place to be superstitious, when you are alone at night up there with a casket!
86) B: Yes I can hear you. What's the weather like up there?
87) The lighting and the whole feel of the funhouse up there was pretty cool.
88) They were up there sitting on carnations, waving to the crowd.
89) You have to really work and claw your way up there.
90) If we stay put they can stay up there and fry the valley bottom, and us with it.
91) There's a trail up there that follows the length of the crest.
92) He would not raise his eyes to the sky, though he knew there was a flying saucer from Tralfamadore up there.
93) He went to Tallahassee to help with voter registration, and there were a few bad riots up there that year.
94) There's no point in asking to go up there in order to waltz around a bit.
95) Are you fancying that there are all sorts of wonders up there, cities of the gods full of beautiful things?
96) You know how it is up there on the throne of clouds occupied by the very high and mighty of communications.
97) Sometimes I could escape up there to take a rest.
98) I believed I had been locked up all my life,(http:///up there.html) up there on that hill farm in North Chittendon.
99) From up there, the grazing Holsteins are only black and white specks which seem incapable of movement.
100) If the contravener paid up there would be no liability on the persons knowingly concerned.
101) And while they were up there in the wide, blue yonder, they jabbered non-stop to each other over the radio.
102) It is quite wild around they had a moose that came out one summer up there.
103) Up there, it was like trying to defend cholera to a bunch of doctors.
104) Marian insisted on climbing the tree herself and was up there some time.
105) Janet started a mailing and telephone campaign urging members of our chapter who could to get themselves up there for the vote.
106) The team needed it and I felt real good up there(), real confident.
107) I made it up there and scrabbled through into the bathroom.
108) Perhaps he tried to forget that the sanctuaries existed up there in the jungle, and put them out of his mind.
109) I found buffalo jumps up there, too-places where they used to chase buffalo off cliffs to kill them.
110) It was high - heaven only knew how he had got up there!
111) Perhaps not up there with Wilburforce but a damn sight more daring than anything Diana ever did!
112) When I got out of prison again I went to a hostel in Manchester and he was coming up there all the time.
113) It was real windy up there and if you missed your footing you didn't get a second chance.
114) Now I could almost resent the rank and file, up there hogging every scene.
115) On the trauma scale, this was right up there with an automobile wreck.
116) We can not live without it up there, and we can not live with it down here.
117) Are you sure he's safe on that ladder? It looks very precarious up there.
118) A few places were kind of hilly, and some very high triple canopy forests and rubber plantations were up there.
119) Auckland Park, he said, was now known as Sandshoe Alley because everyone up there was on his uppers.
120) There was a tiny forest up there, its greenery cascading over the lip.
121) I ... I ... Look at that seagull up there.
122) At Eagle Butte I stopped and got a clamp, got the pipe back up there some way.
123) The rusted framework and a wing section entice us to scramble up there.
124) I hope they don't ask me to come and do a benefit concert up there.
125) So they're up there in the cashiers' office trying to figure out where all the money's coming from.
126) Some one up there must have wagered a few bob on them for another Grand Slam.
127) She bent over the body, and when she straightened up there were tears in her eyes.
127) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
128) The family could hear her swift heavy steps, up there, and did not let their eyes meet.
129) I phoned the police and they arrested him, then they took me up there.
130) I put Mozart down from the pedestal and put Larry Flynt up there.
131) Maybe I ought to fly my helicopter up there and find out.
132) Then, suddenly, the folks up there in Maine started voting for some Democrats-too many from my viewpoint.
133) It sounds like your man Dario was up there too, cool-wise, I mean.
134) Mommy, something white up there.
135) There is a board up there. You can check.
136) We've got a wind anemometer up there.
137) We've got a anemometer up there.
138) Me too. Hey! Isn't that a Citibank up there?
139) Those five judges up there are not going to sustain any such poppycock idea as this.
140) 'He remains up there in his iron cage some days.
141) A black bear cub peers from a Cottonwood tree after being scared up there by a visitor to the Whitewater Canyon nature preserve near Palm Springs, California.
142) A pure white pheasant grows up there in the mountains.
143) Icarus, this is Moon Base Aluce. You okay up there?
144) Right up there is our line for the Pole Star and the jolly dollars.
145) But in the meantime -- just look at them, mister, hanging up there.
146) Miranda: Look! Not downbound at the ground , Edith . Way up there in the sky.
147) My mate Cally is up there with the best wingers I've ever seen.
148) With a sudden movement of his body, Xiao jumped to the shortie 's side, placing his hand under the stocky man's armpit, and said, "Let's go up there."
149) While the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the world are in sub-Saharan Africa, rates in some South Asian countries are up there, too.
150) Up there, we were awed by the sight of endless expanses of gold-colored fields reaching to the horizon.
151) I want him on an lV by the time I get up there.
152) The first part of the way up there all along 5th ring road, the Citroen C5 was more then enjoyable to drive.
153) Her soul was already up there, and its elysian paths knew the lightness of her feet.
154) He had then not the least intimation of my intention to set up there or anywhere.
155) Return it to the auntie up there ahead of us! ".
156) Muffle up there, and give me a chance to say something.
157) And so it would be sort of approximately up there , coming out of the animal kingdom.
158) Some one called:'slow up there, now, " and then the door opened.
159) There is a notice board up there. You can check.
160) The life starts to engrave ebullition ground to jump up there.
161) He was going to pen up there for the weekend.
162) When he hauled it up there was a great carp at the end.
163) You know,(http:///up there.html) you don't see a lot of guys who are slow up there.
164) You could lie up there, watching the flakes swirl past.




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