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单词 muffler
释义  Related topics: Clothes, Motor vehiclesmuf·fler /ˈmʌflə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. DCCa long piece of thick cloth that you wear to keep your neck warm 厚围巾 SYN scarf2. American EnglishTTC a piece of equipment on a vehicle that makes the noise from the engine quieter 〔汽车引擎的〕消音器,灭声器 SYN British English silencerExamples from the Corpusmuffler• Then they would sell them to posses from a garage on Bruckner Boulevard that doubled as a muffler repair shop.• He opened it, and a figure whose face was obscured by a muffler pushed past him and ran into the quad.• Wear a muffler in the cold night air.• He put it on, together with his hat and wrapped a muffler close about his neck.• This range also includes women's outfits, mittens, socks and muffler.• They drove old cars with bad mufflers.• He replaced the battered muffler and gave his Baby a new transmission.• He could still hear the door slamming too, and there, that clatter, that was the muffler pipe.muf·fler nounChineseSyllable  cloth piece a of long thick that Corpus




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