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单词 handbag
释义  Related topics: Clothes & fashionhand·bag /ˈhændbæɡ/ ●●○ S3 noun [countable]  1. DCa small bag in which a woman carries money and personal things 〔女用〕手提包;手袋 SYN American English purse →4  See picture of 见图 BAG →5 see picture at 见图 bag, purse2  handbags informal used humorously to describe a situation in which two people are fighting, but in a way that is so weak or lacking in force that the fight is funny to watch 〔软弱无力的〕打闹〔幽默用法〕 Dennis looked like he threw a punch, but it was just handbags. 丹尼斯看似挥了一拳,其实只是装样子。Examples from the Corpushandbag• So Auntie, her umbrella in one hand and her handbag in the other, set out.• She reached down for her handbag on the floor.• She took the two gifts from her handbag and set them on the table.• Grabbed her handbag back, gave me the gargoyle stare, went inside.• The diary she dropped back into her handbag.• She drove three kicks into his shins and smashed her handbag into the side of his head.• They took her handbag and she was very shaken.• The handbag was red and gold, with a dainty gold-link chain.hand·bag nounChineseSyllable   Corpus and a a woman in small money carries which bag




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