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单词 muckraking
释义  Related topics: Newspapers, printing, publishingmuck·rak·ing /ˈmʌk-reɪkɪŋ/ noun [uncountable]  TCNAMTthe practice of telling or writing unpleasant and perhaps untrue stories about people’s private lives, especially famous people 收集和披露〔尤指名人的〕隐私[丑闻] Two of the candidates complained of unfair muckraking during the election campaign. 候选人中有两位抱怨此次选举活动中有揭人隐私的不公平做法。 —muckraking adjective —muckraker noun [countable]Examples from the Corpusmuckraking• a muckraking, gossipy magazine• A war of words continued for months, the defeated candidates complaining of unfair muckraking.muck·rak·ing nounChineseSyllable  of the practice Corpus perhaps unpleasant or writing telling and




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