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单词 Quantum mechanics
1) Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
2) Quantum mechanics is the study of the way atoms behave.
3) Here, quantum mechanics provides us with a remarkable economy.
4) The new theory of quantum mechanics resolved this difficulty.
5) To understand quantum mechanics, we must come to terms with complex-number weightings.
6) In general, quantum mechanics does not predict a single definite result for an observation.
7) John Pople has set new standards for quantum mechanics, theoretical chemists, and for the general chemistry community.
8) Quantum mechanics depicts space as a seething foam of uncertainty, with unimaginably short-lived elementary particles appearing and disappear ing.
9) This feature of quantum mechanics proved very distasteful to some of the very men who had helped to create the subject.
10) The whole point of quantum mechanics is that it has a different view of reality.
11) Quantum mechanics, although now eighty years old,(http:///quantum mechanics.html) has shown no signs of transforming the school science curriculum.
12) The formalism of quantum mechanics makes no distinction, in this respect, between single particles and complicated systems of many particles.
13) Early quantum mechanics required that interactions between sub-nuclear particles and atoms occur in spaces which are free of energy and mass.
14) It is a striking feature of quantum mechanics, however, that for identical particles the rules are different.
15) They are still worrying about the foundations of quantum mechanics that were laid down sixty-five years ago.
16) Quantum cryptography exploits a key principle of quantum mechanics, according to which certain aspects of any subatomic process are inherently unknowable.
17) We are now able to understand why our information about the states of motion is so restricted in quantum mechanics.
18) But we know it can not be quite right because it doesn't incorporate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
19) It is time to take a second tea-break in our training as apprentice quantum mechanics.
20) This was the way in which uncertainty asserted itself in Heisenberg's original formulation of quantum mechanics.
21) We don't yet have a complete and consistent theory that combines quantum mechanics and gravity.
22) Richard Feynman, said to be the greatest theoretical physicist of modern times, stated that no-one understands quantum mechanics.
23) In telling you how it works we will have told you about the basic peculiarities of all quantum mechanics.
24) We no more understand how biology emerges from physics than we understand how classical measuring apparatus emerges from quantum mechanics.
25) Einstein, therefore, set to work to try to demolish the accepted version of quantum mechanics.
26) It doesn't really matter if you don't understand relativity and quantum mechanics, or even if these theories are incorrect.
27) Tunnelling played an important part in the early history of quantum mechanics.
28) This kind of superposition of states is a general-and important-feature of quantum mechanics, referred to as quantum linear superposition.
29) On the other hand, the other partial theories depend on quantum mechanics in an essential way.
30) One might expect the fluctuations that are implied by quantum mechanics to give a cosmological constant that is very large.
1) Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.
31) This paucity of information arises from the role that uncertainty has in quantum mechanics.
32) This was the first indication that quantum mechanics might remove the singularities that were predicted by general relativity.
33) The growing interest in and use of abinitio quantum mechanics requires the manipulation of masses of numerical data.
34) Quantum mechanics therefore introduces an unavoidable element of unpredictability or randomness into science.
35) It seems that the weight of the evidence is in favour of quantum mechanics and against local reality.
36) We have learnt that, according to quantum mechanics, even a single particle must behave like a wave all by itself.
37) Yet Einstein never accepted quantum mechanics because of its element of chance and uncertainty.
38) In fact, according to the rules of quantum mechanics, what is happening is even more mysterious than that!
39) In such strong fields the effects of quantum mechanics should be important.
40) Dirac's theory was the first of its kind that was consistent with both quantum mechanics and the special theory of relativity.
41) For this sort of reason rejuvenated hidden variable theories have not found much acceptance among professional quantum mechanics.
41) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
42) A recent beautiful experiment by Aspect and his collaborators adds convincing confirmation of quantum mechanics rather than local reality.
43) Newtonian mechanics was eventually replaced by the theory of relativity and by quantum mechanics between 1905 and 1930.
44) The early universe could not have been completely homogeneous and uniform because that would violate the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics.
45) The experiment also illustrates how thoroughgoing one has to be in applying quantum mechanics.
46) Physicists like the mathematical beauty of string theory because it banishes the absurdities that pop up when quantum mechanics and gravity combine.
47) I believe that they provide one pointer, indicating a certain essential role for quantum mechanics in the understanding of mental phenomena.
48) This hope was shattered by the discovery of atomic structure and quantum mechanics.
49) The two theories are the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
50) For the moment just note that electron spin provides a second example of a two-dimensional state vector space in quantum mechanics.
51) I learnt my quantum mechanics, so to speak, straight from the horse's mouth.
52) Louis de Broglie also tried from time to time throughout his later life to find ways of reconciling quantum mechanics with a more deterministic picture.
53) Quantum mechanics is an unambiguous and quantitative theory.
54) Superfluidity flows from the counterintuitive rules of quantum mechanics.
55) After making statistical average over the initial phases, the average and quantum fluctuation of every quantity reduce to that derived by the standard quantum mechanics.
56) Even if quantum mechanics was wrong and somehow, you know, at the macro level all the indeterminism boils out-- whatever-- and at the macro level we are deterministic systems, so what?
57) Relativity and quantum mechanics have radically altered our picture of nature.
58) We find some similarities of motion equations of five elements and Schrodinger equations in quantum mechanics.
59) This paper proves from the tangle of theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, that there does exist thermal radiation and nonthermal radiation in the black hole.
60) Quantum mechanics showed classical mechanics to be incorrect for describing the internal motions within atoms.
61) This information age, of course, came about because of semiconductors and solid-state physics, which were enabled by quantum mechanics.
62) Color and luminescence of biology is explained of standpoint of Quantum Mechanics.
63) By using the tunnel effect principle of quantum mechanics, the mechanism of electrospark machining is studied, and a new explanation of the essence of electrospark machining is given.
64) The deterministic, Newtonian view of a clockwork Universe was replaced by the much more dynamic, uncertain and entangled world of Quantum Mechanics.
65) Also according to the characteristics of classical mechanics into mechanics, relativity and quantum mechanics mechanics.
66) Atomic spectrum data are important parameters to research atomic structure, hydrogen and hydrogen-like ions are idea system to study atomic physics and quantum mechanics.
67) Most of the calculations performed in computational chemistry rely on quantum mechanics.
68) D'Espagnat's writings on quantum mechanics lay out with great clarity the genuine puzzles that quantum mechanics presents, says Jeffrey Bub of the University of Maryland, College Park.
69) And indeed, ever since the birth of quantum mechanics, some physicists have offered alternate interpretations of its equations that aim to get rid of this indeterminism.
70) A formula for athermal effect of bio-microwave is derived in terms of quantum mechanics.
71) In order to break this deadlock, Karen Barad has proposed agential realism,() based on Bohrs philosophy of quantum mechanics.
72) Only in Cartesian coorsinates a lot of theorems and rules in quantum mechanics are correct.
73) Because of the confused role time plays in quantum mechanics, the references and meanings of energy—time uncertainty relation are different in different explanatory contexts.
74) The attempt is made to stress the relativistic property ef de Broglie wave in quantum mechanics.
75) In the limit of large quantum numbers quantum mechanics goes over into classical mechanics.
76) In quantum mechanics, spin is an intrinsic property of all elementary particles related to angular momentum.
77) The fact not only embodies the supporting to the completion of quantum mechanics but also reflects the deepgoing meaning of science.
78) Rather than explaining away the wave-particle duality in favor of one or the other extreme, Bohr incorporated it into the very interpretation of quantum mechanics.
79) By Newton's first law, Artest hit Kobe's elbow with his neck, I'm just happy that Refs remember Quantum Mechanics.
80) An explanation for the " uncertainty principle " for Quantum Mechanics.
81) In quantum mechanics all particles, not only photons, exhibit wavelike properties.
82) These identities play an active role in the applications of quantum mechanics, digital approximation ect.
83) Quantum mechanics scored first in providing an explanation of atomic structure.
84) Tunneling magnetometer is a kind of MEMS magnetometer based on tunnel effect in quantum mechanics.
85) Taking scalar wave equation and tunnel effect for example, the similarity of fiber optics to quantum mechanics was shown.
86) Newton mechanics is no more than an approximate version of quantum mechanics.
87) According to linear superposition principle of quantum mechanics, it is constructed respectively two new type of multi-mode superposition state light field.
88) New forms of relativistic quantum mechanics are presented on the basis of amended de Broglie relation.
89) String theory, which unites gravity with quantum mechanics, offered the hope of explaining the attenuated cosmological constant.
90) Pauli deduced the principle from spectroscopic data prior to the advent of quantum mechanics.
91) This understanding is a necessary prerequisite for additional study of Electromagnetism, Quantum Mechanics and Statistical Mechanics.
92) Application of quantum mechanics to atomic structure, molecular bonding, and spectroscopy gives us quantum chemistry.
93) Quantum cryptography and computer cryptography are two branches of cryptography at the same age. Quantum cryptography based on the quantum mechanics can achieve unconditionally secure communications.
94) I also followed a course in quantum mechanics and performed my first computations with Roald Hoffmann.
95) In reverse, to explain two-slit experiments, quantum mechanics spurns addition theorem of probabilities so that it meets with various difficults about explanation.
96) In this example we exploited the quantum mechanics principle of superposition.
97) Solitons and solitary waves in inhomogeneous media are of interest in relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum electronics, e. g. in research on infrared soliton lasers.
98) The main novelty in "The Grand Design" is the authors' application of a way of interpreting quantum mechanics, derived from the ideas of the late Richard Feynman, to the universe as a whole.
99) Quantum mechanics is a fundamental branch of theoretical physics that replaces Newtonian mechanics and classical electromagnetism at the atomic and subatomic levels.
100) From Bell's work it emerged that Bohr was wrong that nothing was wrong with his understanding of quantum mechanics and that Einstein was wrong about what was wrong with Bohr's understanding.
101) According to quantum mechanics(Sentence dictionary), empty space is anything but empty.
102) The relationship between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics is discussed. Macro transition condition of quantum mechanics is derived by uncertainty princip1e.
103) Smolin and Gilles Brassard cast caution aside and undertook a groundbreaking experiment that would demonstrate a new cryptography based on the principles of quantum mechanics.
104) The concepts of velocity operator and Zitterbewegung in some foreign textbooks in quantum mechanics are criticized and the origin thereof is analyzed.
105) In quantum mechanics the particle need not have a definite energy.
106) This class will study some of the changing ideas within modern physics, ranging from relativity theory and quantum mechanics to solid-state physics, nuclear and elementary particles, and cosmology.
107) In quantum mechanics an auxiliary integral is often introduced to prove uncertainty principle.
108) He made fundamental contributions to quantum mechanics, functional analysis, and mathematical logic.
109) The development of microspherical cavity theory is introduced, and the microspherical cavity is analyzed with light quantum mechanics.
110) Quantum mechanics and relativity have revealed the boundaries of validity of classical mechanics.
111) In some cases, both general relativity and quantum mechanics converge.
112) A detailed study by means of quantum mechanics CNDO/S on the UV spectrum of olefin hydrocarbon homologous compound has been made.
113) A quantum computer could perform certain computations much more efficient than its classical counterpart by exploiting the superposition principle and the interferences of quantum mechanics.
114) The superposition principle of states in quantum mechanics formulated by Blokhintsev, Dirac and Landau are introduced and reviewed.
115) A formula athermal effect of bio - microwave is derived in terms of quantum mechanics.
116) The second part emphasizes the application of group method to physics. The selected applications are from the areas of quantum mechanics, solid state physics, and molecular spectra.
117) These results are derivable from the theory of quantum mechanics.
118) This PaPer Presents the quantum mechanics Solution to the alkali metal atoms in the Slowly varying magnetic field.
119) One kind of inverse eigenvalue problems, whose solutions are required to be normal or diagonalizable matrices, is investigated in quaternionic quantum mechanics.
120) In a conventional computer, a bit can represent either 1 or 0 at any time. Thanks to the quirks of quantum mechanics, the equivalent in a quantum computer, a qubit, can represent both values at once.
121) The course introduces applied quantum physics and emphasizes an experimental basis for quantum mechanics.
122) This essay, Starting from the Calculation of the atomic magnetic moment, approaches the quantum theory of Paramagaetism and diamagnetism by applying quantum mechanics perturbation theory.
123) Thanks to this novel material from a pencil, relativistic quantum mechanics is no longer confined to cosmology or high-energy physics; it has now entered the laboratory.
124) Yeah , well, it's just some quantum mechanics with a little string theory around the edges.




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